Why men should not: causes, possible problems, treatment methods and medical advice

A full and stable erection from time immemorial was considered an indicator of male health. However, there are a number of factors that can affect erectile dysfunction. If the representative of the stronger sex does not pay attention to this issue on time, this can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, if you rack your brains over why a man does not stand during intimacy, it is best to consult a specialist right away.

What are the problems with potency characterized by?

"Why does a man have a bad time?" - A similar question can often be heard in the office of the urologist, but most patients prefer to cope with an intimate problem on their own, without resorting to outside help. There are quite objective justifications for this approach, however, we still do not recommend self-medication, since the lack of an erection in some cases is only a symptom of a more serious disease.

Also, many people mistakenly believe that problems with potency lie solely in the fact that the genital organ refuses to be aroused at the right time. However, this problem is very often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, which sometimes appear before or after the appearance of problems with an erection:

  • premature ejaculation;
  • shortness of breath during sex;
  • lack of orgasm;
  • decreased libido;
  • flaccid erection.

All of these points indicate a problem that requires immediate attention. Although in some cases there is no reason for concern. It is worthwhile to understand that small malfunctions in the work of the penis can be caused by overwork of the body or various stressful situations. In these cases, it will be enough to rest properly, after which the male forces will again return to the owner.

Psychological reasons

Why did a man abruptly stop standing his genitals? Some problems with an erection arise against the background of mental or emotional overwork, especially when it comes to men whose age exceeds 35 years. Although in some cases similar problems can be observed in young men, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The most common psychological factors leading to erectile dysfunction include:

Stress due to work
  • failure at the first sexual experience - self-doubt;
  • tense family situation - constant quarrels, lack of money;
  • dissatisfaction with the sexual partner - the beauty "not in taste" of the man;
  • depression or dissociative personality disorder (bifurcation);
  • overexcitation - most often the syndrome is characteristic of adolescents.

And these are just the main factors that lead to psychological impotence. A certain emotional block is formed in the mind of a man, which stops the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the genital organ. Because of this, the penis is not filled with enough blood. You can eliminate such blocks on your own or with the help of a specialist (psychologist, sex therapist). If such problems are ignored, the situation may worsen significantly.

Health Concerns

"Why does a man have a bad worth? What to do to regain an erection?" - ask yourself such questions? Then you should know that in some cases, problems with potency can be caused by various diseases inside the body. Here are just a few diagnoses that can lead to a drop in libido and erectile dysfunction:

A man holds on to a heart.
  • coronary artery disease;
  • heart attack;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • thrombosis.

As a rule, similar problems are typical for men whose age exceeds 40 years. It is during this period of life that most representatives of the stronger sex have a hormonal imbalance, which can lead to the development of various diseases. However, if you ask yourself a question about why you should not have a young man, then you should also pay attention to the following diseases:

  • injuries to the back and spinal cord;
  • various genital infections;
  • BPH;
  • diabetes;
  • prostatitis;
  • obesity.

Also, do not forget that the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes can lead to a partial or complete disappearance of an erection. In this case, giving up alcohol or tobacco may not be enough, since harmful substances could already do their job. Treatment for male diseases should be of high quality and balanced.


"Why doesn't a man have a long time?" - Answering this question, the representative of the stronger sex in most cases will go to the pharmacy and purchase one of the advertised drugs that helps fight erectile dysfunction. Of course, such drugs are dispensed without a prescription, however, a representative of the stronger sex must understand that before taking this or that drug, you must not only familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications, but also consult a specialist. Here is just a small list of tools that will help in restoring an erection:

Tablets "Viagra".
  • Laveron.
  • Cialis
  • "Viagra".
  • Impaza.

These drugs have different costs, but their effect is almost identical. The active substance of the drug stimulates the flow of blood into the pelvic organs, due to which the man feels a prolonged erection and an increase in sexual libido. Also, some of the listed drugs have additional components that have a complex effect on the whole body. Although it is impossible not to note the fact that most of the composition has a chemical origin, therefore, the list of contraindications and side effects in such tablets is quite extensive.

Biologically active additives

Wondering why a man is sometimes not worth it? A similar situation is not a reason to start taking various pills that can adversely affect the functioning of some body systems. Sometimes it will be enough to drink a month or two special biological additives that are based on natural ingredients:

Dietary supplement Malemax.
  • "The secret of the emperor."
  • "Burning Mucuna."
  • "Gift of the Himalayas."
  • "Wooka Wook.
  • "Lovelace".

However, not all men are positive about biologically active additives, assuring that their action is based solely on the strength of the patientโ€™s self-hypnosis. Perhaps this is indeed so, since reviews of such drugs on the Internet are rather mixed. However, one cannot fail to note the fact that even some doctors often recommend using some kind of dietary supplement as an additional drug or prophylactic. At least supplements do not harm the body.

Folk remedies

And why do men stop standing right during intimacy? Most likely, the body of the representative of the stronger sex simply experiences severe fatigue, as evidenced by a weak erection. Various folk remedies can help to correct the situation, which are often recommended by experienced specialists as additional treatment options in conjunction with the drug. In addition, various infusions and decoctions have preventive actions to prevent the development of erectile dysfunction. Here is just a small list of components that are most often included in herbal collection:

Means of traditional medicine.
  • centaury;
  • hawthorn;
  • lemongrass;
  • nettle;
  • thyme;
  • ginger.

These herbs can also often be found in biologically active additives, so there is no doubt in the effectiveness of traditional medicine. Although they cannot lead to the rapid appearance of the desired effect, the complex intake of infusions and decoctions will significantly improve male sexual function by stimulating blood circulation in the pelvic organs. In addition, medicinal herbs have a complex effect on the body, as evidenced by the reviews of doctors and patients on the Internet. Therefore, if you are wondering: "Why does a man have a bad standing" or "What to do in the absence of an erection?" - Be sure to try this or that folk remedy.

Preventative measures

In order to prevent the development of the disease, the symptom of which is erectile dysfunction, you should definitely visit the clinic for a comprehensive examination. In addition, if the patient is wondering why men should not, then a number of preventive procedures should be followed to prevent the development of such an unpleasant symptom:

Men play basketball.
  • elimination of stress - try to avoid situations that can lead to poor mood and achieve overall relaxation of the body;
  • proper rest - you must sleep at least eight hours a day, otherwise the body will not be able to restore the strength of all systems before the next day;
  • proper diet - the quality of nutrition has a huge impact on men's health;
  • refusal of bad habits - the use of alcohol and tobacco can lead not only to erectile dysfunction, but also to other diseases;
  • playing sports - physical activity allows you to start the circulatory system, especially when it comes to exercises in the morning;
  • regularity of sexual life - the main prevention of impotence is high-quality and regular sex with a loved one.

If the patient does not neglect these rules of prevention, then he will never have serious erectile dysfunction. However, it should be understood that such measures can only prevent the risk of impotence. If some of its signs have already begun to appear - it is worth starting an immediate course of treatment.

Impotence Diet

Everyone should eat right, especially when it comes to a man who is experiencing serious problems with an erection. In order to prevent and combat impotence, doctors recommend adhering to the following diet:

Refusal of junk food.
  • take more foods that are rich in calcium - cheeses, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, beets;
  • eat more magnesium-rich foods - bran, seaweed, parsley, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, brewer's yeast;
  • limit the consumption of confectionery and fast food - sweet and fatty foods contribute to clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol;
  • take more natural aphrodisiacs - this includes cinnamon, ginger root, various seafood;
  • with zinc deficiency, the deficiency of this element should be compensated for - include grape juice and pumpkin seeds in the diet;
  • eat more fresh herbs and citrus fruits, rich in vitamins - oranges, pomegranates, bananas, apples, cherries, apricots and so on;
  • do not abuse coffee and carbonated drinks containing caffeine - these products adversely affect the functioning of the heart;
  • completely abandon the use of an alcoholic drink - even a glass of beer can lead to disruption of the circulatory system;
  • eat more foods designed to maintain male power - asparagus, lean meat (beef or venison) and so on.

If the patient adheres to a proper diet, then sooner or later he will be able to get rid of toxins and toxins that are in the body, as well as restore the balance of vitamins and minerals. Over time, such actions will lead to the restoration of the blood supply system in the pelvis and the erection will be long.

Misfire or impotence?

In search of an answer to the question of why a drunk man is not worth it, many people begin to think that they have serious problems with an erection, although in reality this is not so. Alcohol can significantly reduce blood circulation inside the body, including the pelvic organs. That is why, if you ask yourself the question why a drunk man does not even have to beauties, one should not forget that alcohol has an extremely negative effect on the body. Although a young guy like this condition does not always affect an erection.

Also, do not forget that none of the men are safe from "misfires", which in most cases are associated with banal overwork at work or improper sleep patterns. Usually a few days of complete relaxation helps restore an erection in this case. If the representative of the stronger sex did not get up due to too frequent sex (which is also not uncommon), then you should give your body a few days of abstinence.


We hope you now understand why a man is not worth it? The causes of erectile dysfunction can be very different, so do not neglect consultation with a specialist. However, one also does not need to panic if a โ€œmisfireโ€ occurred at a young age. The reason for this may be physical or emotional overwork caused by problems in the family or at work. Therefore, try to avoid situations leading to anxiety and stress, and also do not forget about the preventive measures described in our article. In this case, you do not have to think about why men are not worth it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9897/

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