Chemotherapy: cost, types, duration, features

One of the main problems of modern medicine is that the mortality of mankind from cancer continues to grow every year. At the moment, one of the main ways to treat cancer is chemotherapy. This will be discussed below.

Concept of method

Chemotherapy is a method of treating any disease (infectious, oncological) with the help of such drugs that have a detrimental effect on the cause of the disease and somewhat detrimental on healthy cells of the body. That is, the whole organism suffers from the treatment.


Types of Chemotherapy

In oncology, there are several classifications of this treatment method.

The first of them - by time.

  1. Adjuvant maintenance therapy. The main goal is to prevent relapse after the main tumor has already been destroyed. Preparations of this category destroy even single tumor cells that could remain after removal of the underlying neoplasm. The result of using this method is an increase in patient survival by 15%. The cost of chemotherapy in this case depends on the chosen treatment regimen, an accurate diagnosis and stage of the malignant process.
  2. Non-adjuvant therapy - the use of drugs with a cytostatic effect at the stage of preparation for surgery for the removal of the main tumor. The goal is to track the response of the tumor to the treatment and make it less aggressive, which will increase the chances of success of the surgical intervention.
  3. Induction chemotherapy. The main goal is to prepare the patient's body for surgical removal of the tumor, as well as its metastases. However, this type of treatment is often resorted to when the cancer is diagnosed too late and the tumor is found to be inoperable. In this case, the drugs are prescribed in order to improve the quality of life of the patient. The cost of this type of chemotherapy is slightly higher than the rest.
  4. Palliative chemotherapy. This is an “extreme” treatment option. They turn to him when other methods of therapy are powerless. For example, a person has a primary malignant lesion of huge sizes or numerous metastases. Preparations of this group facilitate the patient’s condition, slow down the spread of malignant cells, thereby prolonging the patient’s life. The cost of this type of chemotherapy is usually paid by the federal budget.
    Chemotherapy patient

Another common classification of chemotherapeutic drugs is by their color.

  1. Red chemotherapy. It is the most aggressive method of treatment, as it has high toxicity to healthy body cells. This includes drugs of the antacycline subgroup (for example, "Doxorubicin" or "Idarubicin"). Outwardly, they are red solutions. The cost of a course of chemotherapy with these drugs is in the price range from 2000 to 8000 rubles.
  2. Blue chemotherapy. It should include drugs such as Mitoxantrone and Mitomycin. They look like solutions with a bluish tint. Preparations of this group are less toxic, but, despite this, can cause a number of undesirable side reactions from the body.
  3. Yellow chemotherapy. It is easy to guess that this includes yellow chemotherapy drugs such as Metatrexate and Fluorouracil, as well as Cyclophosphamide. It is considered the most "harmless" chemistry among others, causing a minimal amount of side effects.
  4. Rarely, but still, white chemotherapy is used. These are such means as Taxol or Takosel.

Modern types of chemotherapy

Medicine does not stand in one place. The current situation in oncology clinics makes us look for new and effective cancer treatment methods. At the moment, there are several types of modern chemotherapy.

Targeted chemotherapy. Drugs affect cancer cells at the molecular level, they trigger the process of self-destruction of atypical cells, affecting their metabolism. The main advantage of this method is the almost complete absence of negative effects on healthy organs and tissues of the patient, due to this the risk of side effects is minimal.

These include drugs such as Sorafenib, Nexavar, Bevacizumab, Avastin.

The cost of chemotherapy in this case is approximately 70-160 thousand rubles per package.

Cancer chemotherapy

Hyperthermic chemotherapy. This is one of the non-standard methods of treating cancer, in which a cancerous tumor is exposed to high temperatures (41-41.5 degrees Celsius) and the simultaneous administration of an anti-cancer component. Scientists have proven that the thermal factor is very detrimental to some types of tumors. The application of this method is especially relevant when the patient has a neoplasm of significant size or a large number of metastases. The maximum chance of recovery is given by the combination of this method and the use of cytostatics. Nevertheless, hyperthermia is not suitable for all patients, and its appointment can only be determined by an oncologist.

Platinum chemotherapy. Represents the use of platinum-based drugs. For example, Cisplatin. Such drugs have a powerful anti-cancer effect and really destroy the tumor in the vast majority of cases. The main disadvantage is the pronounced toxic effect on the patient's body and a large number of adverse reactions.

What is the most effective chemotherapy?

It is difficult to say which of the above funds is the most effective. After all, there are special medical protocols according to which for each type of cancer its own optimal treatment regimen is selected. As a rule, the maximum effect is achieved by the simultaneous administration of drugs from different groups of chemotherapy. In order for the therapeutic effect of treatment courses to be as pronounced as possible, specialists usually recommend polychemotherapy.

Doctor and patient

The cost of chemotherapy for cancer

The standard chemotherapeutic treatment of cancer, as a rule, costs the cancer patient free of charge and is paid by the state under the compulsory medical insurance policy. Below are approximate prices for one package of cytostatic:

  • "Vincristine" - 100-150 rubles;
  • "Epirubicin" - 250-300 rubles;
  • Adriblastin - 200-250 rubles;
  • "Zavedos" - 2900-3000 rubles;
  • Cyclophosphamide - 30-80 rubles;
  • "Doxorubicin" - 100-150 rubles;
  • "Methotrexate" - 80-130 rubles;
  • "Fluorouracil" - 270-320 rubles;
  • "Mercaptopurin" - 900-1000 rubles;
  • "Citarabin" - 700-800 rubles;
  • "Cisplatin" - from 150-200 rubles;
  • "Oxaliplatin" - 1200-1300 rubles.

If you familiarize yourself with the standard cancer treatment protocols, you can calculate the cost of chemotherapy for oncology. Of course, you need to take into account that the figures are only approximate. Consider some cancer pathologies.

The cost of treating stomach cancer

Let's try to calculate the cost of chemotherapy for stomach cancer.

The standard treatment regimen includes 3-6 courses using drugs such as:

  • Epirubicin;
  • "Cisplatin";
  • "5-fluorouracil."

One course costs 2500 rubles on average. So 3-6 courses - at 7500 and 15000, respectively.

This is what concerns the state oncological centers, which are financed by the state budget.

Stomach cancer

Paid treatment

If we talk about paid treatment in specialized centers, then the prices there are completely different.

  • For example, one course of chemotherapy will cost starting from 7000 rubles and more.
  • Accommodation in the most ordinary room - from 3000 rubles per day.
  • Specialist consultation - from 3000 rubles.
  • Installation of a port for chemotherapy - cost from 60,000 rubles.

Plus, the costs should include the work of medical personnel, taking tests, conducting examinations and much more. Thus, in total a rather decent amount of 1-3 million rubles for treatment runs up. It should be noted that in these centers, as a rule, more modern and effective drugs are used.

The cost of chemotherapy for breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common pathologies among other oncological diseases in women. Therefore, it is very interesting to know the cost of chemotherapy for this disease.

As a rule, Cisplatin and Metatrexate are used for treatment. The cost of one course will be about 2000 rubles. In paid institutions, prices will be approximately equal to those in the treatment of gastric cancer.

Chemotherapeutic drugs

Chemotherapy duration

How long the treatment of the patient with chemicals will last is individual for each patient. This is influenced by factors such as:

  • name of the diagnosis;
  • stage of the malignant process;
  • tumor size;
  • her aggressiveness;
  • the presence of metastases;
  • the possibility of surgery;
  • general condition of the patient;
  • age and gender of the patient;
  • the presence of any chronic diseases and much more.


Regardless of the chosen tactics and treatment regimen, the general plan for its implementation is the same and consists of the following steps:

  1. On the appointed day, the patient must appear at the oncology clinic, where a medical record is required for him in the registry.
  2. Consultation with a treating oncologist is ongoing. He studies the results of laboratory tests and examinations, which the patient must undergo the day before without fail. The doctor also listens to possible complaints, evaluates the general condition of the patient.
  3. If everything suits him, and he considers chemotherapy possible, then the patient is placed in the ward, where he will live during treatment.
  4. Every morning a medical detour takes place, where the patient can ask any questions of interest.
  5. Chemotherapy is underway. Usually this is an intravenous drip of the drug for several hours.
  6. After each dropper, infusion with saline (0.9% NaCl) is usually prescribed. This is done in order to "purify" the blood of the drug’s excess toxins.
  7. In addition, if necessary, people are given medications for symptomatic treatment (antiemetics, painkillers, and other medicines).
  8. After completing the course of chemotherapy, the patient remains in the hospital for a certain period. Doctors for some time monitor his condition and, if the patient has no complaints, write out, appoint a date for the next meeting.
  9. The patient goes home to rest and restore strength and health before the next course of chemotherapy for cancer. The cost of the recovery period usually includes providing the patient with vitamins, wholesome foods, certain drugs, and so on. Proper rest during this period ensures the successful implementation of the next course of treatment.


The cost of chemotherapy for oncology can be completely different. The price of each course depends on many factors, the most important of which is the type of financing.

If the treatment is paid by the state, then we can say that it costs the patient free of charge. Another question is if the therapy is carried out in specialized private cancer control centers. In this case, the patient must pay everything out of pocket.

The highest cost for drugs for targeted chemotherapy. This is easily explained by the high cost of raw materials and the complexity of production, as well as imports to Russia from European countries.


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