Cigar-flavored cigarette, or How do cigarillos smoke?

Information for those who do not smoke: cigar, cigarilla and cigarette - a stick filled with tobacco, which, when set on fire, smokes, and smokers draw in this nasty smoke. Those who smoke not out of habit, but to enjoy quality tobacco, will be interested to know how cigarillos smoke and how this process differs from smoking cigars or cigarettes.

What are cigarillos

Cigar flavored cigarette?

Almost all know that cigars are a very special type of tobacco product. But regarding cigarillos and cigarettes, there is an erroneous opinion that these are different names for the same product. Let's understand what cigarillos and cigarettes are, what is their difference and similarity.

From the Spanish language, the word “cigarilla” is translated as “little cigar”, and it really is. In shape and thickness it is really smaller than a cigar and very much like the most ordinary cigarette. Those who have tried to smoke cigarillos note that they are made from 100% tobacco, with a small addition of flavorings.

Features of Cigarillos

Unlike cigarettes, which are a paper cylinder filled with chopped tobacco, cigarillos are made only from natural tobacco leaves, whole or cut. Real cigarillos are wrapped either in whole tobacco leaf or in homogenized tobacco, but not in paper. Homogenized tobacco is made from special foil and rolled in a special way in tobacco dust. In addition, if cigarettes have standard sizes (the so-called king-size: length is 84 mm, and the diameter is from 7 to 8 mm), then cigarillos can be longer.

A feature of the product we are considering is the unsealed ends and the possible presence of a filter or mouthpiece. But the most important difference between a cigarilla and a cigar is weight. Officially it is believed that a tobacco product weighing less than 3 grams is a cigarilla, and more - a cigar.

How to smoke cigarillos


There are many different types of cigarillos on the market today. Some of them are closer in their characteristics to ordinary cigarettes, while others are mini-cigars. Let us briefly introduce the main varieties of tobacco products under consideration.

As mentioned above, cigarillos can be both standard length - 84 mm, and longer. That is, they are standard and elongated in length.

Depending on the country in which the cigarillos were made, they are divided into “wet” and “dry”. Products made in the USA or European countries from Latin American or Cuban tobacco are not demanding on storage conditions and are classified as “dry”. Produced in Cuba or the Dominican Republic - “wet”. It is better to store them in a special box - a humidor.

In addition, they may differ in the brand and grade of tobacco, the presence or absence of aromatic additives, and the method of production. There are cigarillos with and without mouthpiece.

Smoking cigarillos

How are they made?

Depending on the production method, cigarillos of manual or machine twisting are distinguished. In manual manufacturing, only whole tobacco leaves are used and flavorings are not used.

Machine-made cigarillos contain different types of tobacco and cut sheets of it. The integument can be made from tobacco leaves or from a homogenized product. Such tobacco products quite often aromatize and acquire the taste of cocoa, chocolate, vanilla or cherry.

Where to begin?

If you have never tried this type of tobacco product and can not imagine how cigarillos smoke, it is better to start acquaintance with those that have a filter. They are wrapped in homogenized tobacco sheets and, as already noted, can be aromatized.

There are cigarillos with a mouthpiece through which the temperature of tobacco smoke decreases. However, do not drag out, as cigarillos smoke a little differently than regular cigarettes. This is due to the high content of nicotine and various resins.

Cigar lovers who don’t have enough time to smoke their favorite tobacco product and really want to enjoy the taste of good tobacco can recommend cigarillos without a filter or mouthpiece, hand-rolled from whole tobacco leaves.

Having found out a lot of interesting facts, we’ll figure out the main thing - how to smoke a cigarilla.

How to smoke a cigarilla

What to look for?

First of all, the fact that, unlike cigars, the ends of cigarillos should not be cut, this is already done by the manufacturer. Moreover, some products have a filter or mouthpiece.

But what you should not pay attention to when thinking about how to smoke cigarillos is their condition. For the most part, with the exception of expensive Cuban or Dominican ones, they do not react with deterioration in quality to changes in air humidity. What can not be said about cigars.

How to smoke cigarillos?

For most cigarette smokers, this process is very much like regular smoking, with the exception of some nuances. In order for you to get the maximum pleasure from both tobacco and the process itself, we will describe in more detail how cigarillos smoke.

How to smoke cigarillos

Before setting the tip on fire, take a deep breath. When smoking cigarillos, you should try to control the uniformity of smoldering tobacco.

The product can be kept in the way you are used to or at your convenience. Fans of cigarillos recommend in order to more fully feel the taste of tobacco, inhale, hold a portion of smoke in their mouth, and then take a slow exhale through their mouths and “draw in” a smoke cloud with their nose. Regarding how to smoke such tobacco products, there are no strict rules, however, it should be remembered that you should not drag out as much as possible, since the tobacco is quite strong and contains a lot of tar and nicotine.


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