What will happen if you do not have sex for a long time: truth and myths

Sexual life plays an important role in human life. Today, the relevance of this area is recognized not only by doctors, but also by culture. It becomes acceptable to discuss the intimate side of life on television, on the pages of magazines.

what will happen if you do not have sex for a long time

Since the sexual revolution, when the topic became open, accessible, people were also interested in the flip side of the coin - abstinence. What will happen if you do not have sex for a long time? Could this be harmful?

Basic needs

A person has basic physiological needs that need to be satisfied in the first place: sleep, food, breathing. Other needs are secondary, for example, a person needs movement for a full life and the proper functioning of all organs and systems, but an immobilized person may well continue his biological existence.

Sexual life, of course, belongs to the second category. That is, a person deprived of an intimate life will not suffer physically. Although it is entirely possible that a frustrated desire for intimacy, like any other frustrated desire, will lead to a deterioration in his emotional state.

Instincts: truth or myth

The assertion that sex is the basic instinct of a person, causing him to multiply, is greatly exaggerated.

First of all, you need to know that instinct is a clear internal program, a pattern of behavior worked out by generations, which determines the order of actions, the time of their onset and completion. The instinct of reproduction is in animals and insects, and numerous studies have confirmed that changing even a small nuance in the ritual of courting a female or male will disrupt the whole process.

sex life

In a person, as you know, relationships develop according to a more โ€œfreeโ€ program, since his actions are not controlled by instincts, but by a culture of behavior. Therefore, the answer to the question of what will happen if you do not have sex for a long time lies, rather, in the emotional sphere of a person.

The intimate life of a person does not always carry the goal of conceiving a child. Therefore, in an evolutionary way, a person transferred this part of his life from the need for reproduction to the realm of sensual pleasure.

Abstinence in men

There are many myths that if a man does not have sex, he increases the risk of various diseases and impotence. In fact, there is no scientific evidence of a direct correlation between rare intimate relationships and certain diseases.

As for erectile dysfunction, the quality of potency, indeed, depends on regular and frequent sexual intercourse, so when a man for a long time does not enter into personal relationships with the opposite sex, his male abilities become less pronounced.

if a man does not have sex

This is a protective reaction of the body, which transfers attention from the sector of the brain, which is not receiving satisfaction here and now, to other areas - work, sports, communication. The intimate sphere is a subtle world in which the slightest nuances play a role. A new partner after prolonged abstinence is an unconditional stress for a man, even if he could not reflect it. Therefore, men who rarely enter into an intimate relationship with the fair sex, may have functional disorders of potency, which will safely disappear when regular sexual life is established.

Abstinence in women

Female abstinence is also fanned by myths. What will happen if you do not have sex for a long time? There is evidence that stagnation of blood in the pelvis leads to inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system. But the elimination of blood stasis occurs with vivid sensual pleasure, which a woman is not able to experience with every partner, as evidenced by the fact that even women with regular intimate lives can be gynecologist patients.

how much you can not have sex

How much you can not have sex - not a single doctor will answer. A personโ€™s personal life is satisfactory only with a combination of many factors, including cultural and intellectual. Sexologists and psychologists have proved that the sensuality of intimacy for a woman depends on the emotional component, the mechanical part is of little importance.

That is, rare meetings with an indifferent person will be a source of pleasure that will support the whole body in good shape, and the psyche - in a good mood. Regular communication with an indifferent partner will not bring any positive aspects, either emotionally or from women's health. Therefore, the myths on the topic "What happens if you do not have sex for a long time?" can be considered debunked.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9906/

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