Electronic cigarettes: reviews. Ecom C: description, photo

Those who are just starting to get involved in the electronic method of smoking should first of all learn about it as much as possible. To do this, you need to study the relevant information and be sure to read the reviews. Ecom C is a great option not only for a beginner. This device is also used with pleasure by many experienced steam workers.

Great copy

Joyetech is a world famous company that spent a lot of time and effort on creating various types of electronic cigarettes, as well as all kinds of accessories and liquids for refueling them. This is evidenced by a wide range of products manufactured by them and numerous appreciation reviews. Ecom C is one of the most successful items in their collection. This electronic cigarette can be called a new generation device. Of course, because it is an improved model of the recently appeared Ecom cigarette, which made a pretty strong impression on users and specialists in this field.

ecom c reviews

The product was a real breakthrough in the field of non-traditional smoking, which caused numerous discussions and rather positive reviews. Ecom C has a number of significant differences from the base case:

  1. For the manufacture of the outer coating, a simpler, but high-quality material resembling ordinary paint was used. This makes it possible to produce products of various colors.
  2. The metal button has been replaced with a plastic one. The material is quite durable and very practical.
  3. To connect the parts, the manufacturer began to use the 510 connector. It was taken instead of an individual device, which was not compatible with other types of products.
  4. The battery has only one varivatt mode, which gives a good soft soaring. He also had three options for capacity.
  5. The appearance and structure of the atomizer has changed. In it, in this case, evaporators of type C2 were used.

All this made it possible to simplify the process of servicing a cigarette, and also made it outwardly more attractive.

Product Description

Despite any opinions and reviews, the Ecom C is still one of the most sold out models. What is included in this updated device? To begin with, it must be said that, as before, it consists of three main parts connected in series: mouthpiece, atomizer and battery. The bottom line is that each of them has been slightly modified and partially modified. All this led to the fact that the result was a product in which there was everything that his predecessors lacked. Indeed, in fact, the new model has become a harmonious merger of eGo and eMode. From each she took the best that was in their design. The first model (eGo) became the prototype of the new case, retaining a window for monitoring the state of the clearomizer and a unique cooling system. The battery used in it with a convenient adjustment ring is also preserved, which makes the product more ergonomic. From eMode, the new design includes the general structure of the clearomizer and the evaporator inside it. The result is a rather interesting sample that deserves a more detailed consideration.

Battery Features

First of all, users drew attention to the updated structure of the Ecom C battery. Reviews of steam workers indicate that its non-separable design is very convenient. It has reliable protection against a possible short circuit, a charge indication and the necessary cut-off in 10 seconds. To turn the system on, you need to press the button 5 times located in the base of the case. This at first glance seems like an unnecessary precaution, but in fact allows you to avoid accidental activation during careless handling. In addition, the inclusion process can be controlled visually, since after that the indicator located at the end of the cigarette changes color from white to orange. Users really like this game of shades. You can always understand what state the device is in. If necessary, by the same fivefold pressing it can be turned off. In addition, the output voltage is completely independent of the charge level of the battery itself. This allows you to constantly maintain the same quality of smoking.

Charge control

The new cigarette uses a convenient charge indication system. This is very important for general monitoring of the condition of the product. Indeed, as you use it, the device gradually discharges, and it is always useful to know the real situation. Otherwise, the device may at any time become completely unusable. To prevent this from happening, the designers provided for a constant indication in the form of a blinking LED located on the body near the button. When the battery is fully charged, it does not function. But as soon as the level drops to 59 percent, every three seconds the element gives a light signal. Then, reaching 29 percent, the light starts to light up every second. At a critical value (9 percent), blinking becomes more frequent. Having reached the minimum limit, the LED gives forty consecutive signals in a row, and the battery is completely discharged. You can resume work by connecting it with a USB cable to a power source through an adapter.

ecom c reviews

It can even be a regular computer. Interestingly, the new model can be used even when it is charging. This allows you to not interrupt the smoking process. Many people really like this design feature of Ecom C. Most people say that they approve of the successful development of manufacturers.

Atomizer structure

The atomizer deserves special attention in the new model. It can be of three different types, which differ only in the design of execution:

  1. Type A has a solid metal casing in the form of a regular cylinder, in which there is a window for monitoring the state of the fluid inside. The item looks very stylish and elegant.
  2. Type B differs from the previous version in that glass is used as the material. The transparent case looks more impressive and noticeably facilitates control.
  3. Type C is very similar to type A. The metal part is made in the shape of a cone and has a thin layer of strong color coating. This gives an additional opportunity to diversify its external design.

Each option is good in its own way. This is what distinguishes the Joyetech Ecom C model itself. Reviews from numerous users favor such a unique choice.

joyetech ecom c reviews

Inside the atomizer is a standard C2 vaporizer. The trick is that it is completely immersed in the smoking fluid, and this allows you to achieve the desired thick steam in a fairly short time.

All the benefits of Twist

Over time, the lineup of the Chinese leader replenished a new instance - Ecom C Twist. The reviews of those who already had the opportunity to evaluate its merits confirm that the product has practically no complaints. Sailers like the stylish design of the case with a very pleasant to the touch coating. The upper part of the battery is equipped with a 510 connector. It allows you to easily replace failed parts, replacing them with new ones. And it can be accessories from other types of electronic cigarettes.

ecom c twist reviews

On the opposite side of the battery is a special ring, which is a device for switching power. With it, you can change the amount of steam generated. At the same time, its quality characteristics are also changing. At maximum power, the aroma is enhanced, which provides a better transfer of taste. But it must be borne in mind that in this state the battery will quickly discharge. This will require additional time to restore its performance. In fact, such a regulator can be perceived as a means to save power.

Refueling Features

It is also interesting how the Ecom C electronic cigarette is refueled. User reviews on this subject are extremely clear. Everyone agrees that for this model, a rather complicated question turns into a mechanical repetition of simple actions. Even a novice can handle it.

electronic cigarette ecom c reviews

To refuel a steam generator it is necessary:

  1. Turn the cigarette so that the mouthpiece is at the bottom.
  2. Using rotational movements, disconnect the battery from the empty atomizer.
  3. First unscrew the base fixed on its body. Two holes will be visible in the recess. The largest of them is the air duct, and the small one is just designed for the โ€œfuelโ€ bay. It is closer to the edge of the case.
  4. Fill the tank, trying to prevent liquid from entering the duct.
  5. Without turning over, assemble the device, connecting the parts in the reverse order.

It must be remembered that all actions must be performed only with the battery turned off.

Salient features

Choosing any Joye Ecom C option for yourself, reviews from other owners will help you figure out the new design and notice some very important features inherent in this model range:

  1. Large battery capacity, which allows it to work longer without recharging.
  2. The presence of a power regulator makes it possible to choose the desired smoking option.
  3. One mode (varivatt) eliminates the need to make any choice. Power will depend only on the resistance used. This greatly simplifies the operation of the device.
  4. Easy charging allows you to restore the performance of a cigarette at any time. You can even insert the cable into the computer's socket and have fun without interrupting work, and without waiting for the end of charging.
  5. All parts of the system are well insulated. This eliminates the possibility of all kinds of leaks.
  6. Convenient connector 510, which is also used in models of other manufacturers. The device can be assembled from any parts available.

All this allows us to consider Ecom C as a real model of the future, which, as practice shows, has already come.

Optimal model

According to experts, the most optimal option is the Joyetech Ecom C 900 mah. Customer reviews fully confirm this opinion. The device is universal for both people with experience and beginners.

joyetech ecom c 900 mah reviews

It has optimal characteristics that create conditions for high-quality soaring. This cigarette is very convenient to hold in your hands. It is quite elegant, since with a total length of 19 centimeters the case diameter reaches only 14 millimeters. The battery capacity of 900 mah allows you to use the device for a long time without recharging, even with frequent smoking. Replaceable evaporator type C2 has a resistance of 2.2 ohms, which allows you to get quite thick steam at the output. The maximum tightening time (cut-off) is designed for ten seconds. This is quite enough to get the right portion of fragrant steam. At the output, the power is adjustable from 5.1 to 10 watts. Such a large spread in the range can take into account the desires of any sweater. The capacity for smoking fluid is 1.8 milliliters, which may well be enough for a month with an average duration of use. This is exactly the reasonable savings that many are looking for in such cigarettes.

A budget option

No less interesting for users is the electronic cigarette Joyetech Ecom C One. Reviews about it confirm that manufacturers have not spent time on its development in vain.

electronic cigarette joyetech ecom c one reviews

This device has many positive qualities, the main of which is its relatively low price. The most expensive instance will cost the buyer less than 4000 rubles. For good quality cigarettes , this is perfectly acceptable. I must say that initially this model was positioned as a budget option. In fact, she lived up to her mission. The device goes on sale in the form of a basic kit with two replaceable evaporators and a pair of silicone nozzles for the mouthpiece. The model looks very attractive. In outlets there are copies with different body colors. This allows you to make a choice taking into account not only the intricacies of the design and price level, but also your own desire and mood. Key features for this product are mostly standard. The battery also comes in three types depending on the power with the familiar button and charge indicator, but the size of the liquid tank is only 1.5 milliliters. But this is enough to forget about charging it for a few weeks.

Enviable purchase

For those who want to really enjoy the inhalation of fragrant vapor, the best option would be a Joyetech Ecom C Twist electronic cigarette. Instructions are included with each package. It contains:

  1. A list of all parts available, indicating their quantity.
  2. The main characteristics of the product, which will help the owner to decide on the choice of necessary accessories.
  3. Full description of the device.
  4. The principle of his work.
  5. Terms of use, which details how to produce:
  • preparation for work;
  • battery charging;
  • replacement of individual parts (evaporator).
  1. Information about permissions and possible contraindications for using an electronic device. This item should be studied very carefully to avoid unwanted negative consequences.
  2. Safety Information.
  3. Warranty

All this information will help you better get comfortable with your new purchase. As a rule, all models have their own characteristics, which are impossible to know in advance. It is better to carefully read what the manufacturer considers it necessary to inform.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B991/

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