Parting words to the newlyweds: what can I say

parting words to the newlyweds

Each wedding is individual and goes according to its own scenario. Someone tries to adhere to all traditional rituals, while someone avoids them. But one point is very important, this is parting words to the newlyweds from their parents and loved ones.

About the meaning

There are those who say: โ€œWhy do we need this old rite? Today it has lost its relevance! โ€ Maybe so, but parting words to the newlyweds are not just a tradition, they are some kind of wisdom, tips from their own life experiences that parents want to pass on to the younger generation. The speech itself will most likely consist of small but practical tips on how to make a family strong and happy.

About form

It is worth noting that parting words to the newlyweds can be pronounced both in poetic form and in ordinary prose. However, the meaning of the spoken words should be clear, and the speech should be straightforward. Evasions and hints in this option will simply be inappropriate.

parting words for newlyweds from parents

What to talk about: for the bride

It is worth briefly considering what parents can say in their parting words, referring specifically to the bride. So, the first thing that can be mentioned is that in the family the husband is always the head, and the woman is the neck. This means that only a lady monitors the family hearth, gives life, a peculiar spirit to her home. A woman solves all the basic problems that relate to family life. Therefore, the bride needs to be fully prepared for this. Further parting words to the newlyweds can tell the woman that they should not constantly โ€œcutโ€ their husband, annoy him with scandals and reproaches. A smart wife will do everything so that the man himself understands his guilt and corrects himself.

words of farewell to the newlyweds

Parents may also hint somewhat that itโ€™s good if the daughter-in-law loves and respects her mother-in-law and mother-in-law, because this is very good for her husband. Somewhat today, the following parting word, which will tell the woman that she should do her housework, has lost its meaning. Modern realities say that family responsibilities should be distributed equally, because both spouses work. So if the parents remind the bride about this in the old fashioned way, do not argue and go into clarifications. Itโ€™s better to just keep silent, and then just do everything your own way. Very often parting words to the newlyweds from their parents consist of such a point as the future generation, that is, parents want to tell the young that children are happiness, and the more they are, the better. Well, what else can tell? Do not disperse after each quarrel and burn bridges. All problems must be resolved at the negotiating table, collectively and without scandals. Only then will there be harmony and calm in the family.

What to talk about: for the groom

Words of farewell to the newlyweds can be addressed to the groom. What can parents tell him? Naturally, the main thing is the material support of his family from a man. Parents are simply obliged to remind about it. Another important point is that a good man keeps order in his house - he doesnโ€™t have broken chairs or opening cabinets. The groom can be reminded that friends are good, but now in his life the main thing is the family. And, of course, the husband is now a defender, a guard for his wife and future children, for whom he must stand by the mountain.


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