Discharge in men with prostatitis. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis in men

Often the representatives of the stronger sex are interested in the question: "What are the discharge in men with prostatitis?" Four types are distinguished: purulent, mucopurulent, sperm-like, prostatoreic. To determine which ones are currently present in the body, you need to know the signs of prostatitis in men and its symptoms.

discharge in men with prostatitis


A sedentary lifestyle and overweight - often these factors provoke problems with impaired blood circulation and cause an enlarged prostate. You can get infected in different ways, and all of them cause discharge in men with prostatitis:

  • through the blood;
  • with unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • through lymph;
  • under certain conditions through the intestines;
  • with gonorrhea;
  • with urethritis;
  • as complications after flu or tuberculosis;
  • with hypothermia;
  • with low sexual activity;
  • with hormonal imbalance;
  • with pelvic problems (injuries of organs and soft tissues). This problem is more common for drivers due to constant shaking and vibration, a large load on the muscles of the perineum.
  • with constipation;
  • problems with the immune system. More often an important role is played by the presence of bad habits, unnecessary feelings, poor nutrition, great overwork - all this makes the body vulnerable to various diseases;
  • in the absence of physical activity. The state of such body systems as endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous is deteriorating. As a result - circulatory problems, oxygen starvation of prostate tissue. All this is a source of the inflammatory process and can easily cause prostatitis.
what are the discharge with prostatitis in men


In order to start treating prostatitis in time, a man must respond to changes in the body. Dangerous signs of prostatitis in men and its symptoms:

  • disturbed urination, during which pain is constantly present. This is due to the fact that the inflamed prostate has increased and so far has only partially blocked the urethra. If the disease develops, it will provoke sclerosis of the neck of the bladder. The ureter can be completely blocked;
  • urine loses its usual color, becomes cloudy;
  • more and more I want to visit the toilet, but strong urge is often false;
  • when urinating, the stream is often interrupted, there is a burning sensation and itching;
  • an act of defecation also causes pain, and after it an unpleasant sensation occurs in the intestine and in the abdomen;
  • in the perineum, the man begins to feel discomfort.

Affects the disease and sexuality. First of all, sexual desire disappears and the mechanism of erection is violated - it becomes too weak. If prostatitis goes into the acute stage, the temperature often rises. It can reach 39 degrees, urethral discharge of a stretching consistency appears.

discharge for prostatitis in men treatment


The urologist conducts a number of procedures and studies for excretions in men with prostatitis, which can result in an accurate diagnosis. First of all, the doctor should clarify all the information important for diagnosis. This can include answers to such questions:

  1. How long have symptoms been observed?
  2. In what sequence did they begin to appear?
  3. Have there been any diseases of the genital tract?
  4. What kind of lifestyle?
  5. Regular sexual intercourse?
  6. Were there any previous surgical interventions?

What tests do you have for prostatitis in men?

After that, an individual plan for examining the patient and collecting tests is drawn up. As a rule, you need to pass:

  • urine (general analysis and bacterial);
  • blood (general analysis);
  • smear;
  • the presence of infections;
  • spermogram;
  • secretion of the prostate gland.

As a result, such a diagnosis gives a complete picture of the course of the disease.

drugs for prostatitis in men

Alternative treatment of prostatitis

Many patients prefer folk remedies for prostatitis in men. Someone does not want to resort to taking medications or using chemical preparations, while someone is simply embarrassed to consult a doctor with such a problem and is self-medicating. In any case, folk remedies are also effective in combating this male disease.

Herbal treatment

Parsley is an excellent tool in the treatment of prostatitis. From the leaves of this plant you need to prepare freshly squeezed juice and take it inside. But from the roots and seeds to prepare an effective infusion. The recipe is standard: 2 tablespoons of herbs in a glass of boiling water. Insists night or day and is taken orally.

what tests are done with prostatitis in men


Celandine juice will also help cure prostatitis. The course will be long but effective. Starting with 10 drops of juice, you need to reach a dose of 40 drops, gradually increasing the dose once a day per unit. And then drink another couple of weeks, strictly 40 drops. Take the juice inside, diluting in a small amount of water.


Dried wormwood will help at the initial stage of the disease. Every 3 hours you need to eat a small amount of dry leaves of the plant and drink plenty of water. The intake of wormwood does not need to be tied to a meal. In combination with thyme, wormwood will serve as an effective decoction in a 4: 1 ratio, where thyme is the basis. Cooking it is very simple. At the rate of 1 cup of boiling water, a tablespoon of the prepared collection will go. Insist a few hours. Drink 20 milliliters before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts a month.

discharge in men with prostatitis

Onion Treatment

From the husks of this vegetable, a healthy and healing broth is prepared. It boils for 5-10 minutes and infuses for a couple of hours. Such an onion broth is taken a tablespoon inward before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment takes at least a month. If the disease progresses, you need to prepare an infusion of the onion itself. It must be grated or ground in a blender and pour boiled water. Insist a day and drink a glass every hour until you feel better. A glass of water needs 1 onion.

For the treatment of prostatitis, onion freshly squeezed juice combined with a small amount of honey will also be an effective remedy. In such a medicine, many useful substances are collected. Drink this juice before bedtime in a small amount. Onion seeds also serve as a good remedy for this disease. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of honey and crushed dried seeds in equal proportions. Eat a small spoon daily.

Drug treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis is a chronic inflammation of the organ of the prostate in males, which is caused by the influence of bacterial agents and external stimuli - cold, strain, third-party diseases. Treatment of discharge with prostatitis in men must begin immediately, with the onset of the first symptoms. A prolonged refusal to take medications and maintenance therapy leads to the formation of a persistent hormonal imbalance (erectile dysfunction) and subsequent infertility.

folk remedies for prostatitis in men

Self-medication and dubious effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs

Inflammation of the prostate gland is a very delicate problem, therefore, many men are in no hurry to seek help from a local specialist - a urologist, but are self-medicating, buying "proven" advertised drugs at the pharmacy. This approach is fundamentally wrong, since a violation of the proper functioning of the organ can be caused by STIs or other serious diseases of the intestine, blood vessels, peritoneum. The use of pharmacy novelties only dampens the manifestations of the disease, slowing its development, and does not solve health problems. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Indicated course treatment

Course treatment is carried out in order to stop the disease and its further prevention. The most popular drugs for prostatitis in men, produced to influence the root cause of the development of pathology, are:

  • antibacterial drugs "Gatiloxacin", "Moxifloxacin", "Lomefloxacin" - help get rid of sexually transmitted infections and bacterial damage. Suppress the further growth of pathogenic flora. Course treatment ranges from 1-2 months;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - antibiotics;
  • hormonal tablets, solutions for injection;
  • rectal suppositories "Viferon", "Prostatilen", "Olestesin", "Vitaprost" - have a direct effect on the focus of inflammation. They have a local anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect;
  • immunomodulators - trigger natural healing mechanisms, increase resistance to microbes, viruses;
  • muscle relaxants - relieve excessive tension of muscle muscles, normalize bowel movements. They are released strictly on prescription;
  • alpha-blockers;
  • vitamin complexes for men.

Only after a full medical examination is it possible to get a truly valuable recommendation, compliance with which will save the patient from complications - male impotence, infertility, lesions of many organs and systems with pus, anal bleeding.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9912/

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