Allergy to the stomach: signs and treatment

An allergic reaction in a small child can manifest itself in different ways. Some have colic, while others have redness and rashes on the skin. But in any case, it is very important to find the cause of this phenomenon in order to prevent its recurrence in the future. Depending on the type of allergen and the nature of its effect, rashes can be localized in different parts of the body. And most often this is the anterior abdominal wall. Allergies to the stomach occur in both the smallest and older children. Let's deal with the reasons.

stomach allergy

Diagnostic difficulty

Sometimes it seems to mothers that they understand diseases better than doctors. In fact, the symptoms of an allergy on the stomach are far from always specific. If any skin changes are found, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the cause, and, at a minimum, rule out the infectious nature of the disease. After that, the necessary treatment will be prescribed. Not in all cases, an allergy on the stomach goes away by itself, so passive waiting is also not always a good way out.

How does it behave

Let's start with the typical symptoms by which you can quite accurately understand what is happening with the child. Allergy to the stomach is most often manifested by rashes in the form of spots and vesicles. In this case, outwardly, the elements can differ greatly from each other.

  • In the first case, the allergen acts externally, locally. Then the rash will be located exclusively in places of contact with it. It can be a reaction to fabrics, detergents, and more.
  • Allergy to the abdomen in a child can be a consequence of taking the allergen inside. This is most often food and medicine. In this case, the rashes are distributed throughout the abdomen, and also go to other parts of the body.

baby allergy

What else do you need to know

A food allergy on the stomach is not only redness that you may not notice under clothes. In addition to the rash, she manifests herself with severe itching and burning. Therefore, if the baby is worried and often runs a hand over his stomach, it is worth paying attention to this and seek the help of a doctor.

An allergic reaction may not be limited only by external manifestations. Often in parallel with this, a change in the general condition of a person is observed. This is a decrease in appetite, the occurrence of nausea, vomiting, general weakness. Moreover, the larger the focus, the brighter the manifestation. Therefore, if there is an allergy on the abdomen and back, as well as other parts of the body, then the condition of the child worsens sharply.

food allergy on the stomach

Atypical symptoms

Allergy is a complex process, because it is associated with the functioning of the immune system. The individual characteristics of the body, hormonal balance, the state of the nervous system - all this greatly affects how this or that allergen will manifest itself.

But there are symptoms that indicate that the disease is more likely of a viral nature. An infectious rash is usually accompanied by fever up to 38 degrees and above. After this, signs of intoxication usually progress: headache and weakness, increased fatigue. This is especially noticeable in young children. They become tearful, lethargic, infants can refuse mother's milk. An infection is characterized by a gradual spread. First, the rash appears in one place, and then gradually covers an increasingly large area.

stomach allergy in infants


In itself, the rash does not appear, so you need to look for the cause. Allergy to the abdomen in infants is most often a sign of contact dermatitis. That is, a reaction to fabrics, detergents, pet hair. Due to contact with the allergen, the rash first appears locally and then spreads throughout the body. What other reasons lead to the appearance of rashes on the stomach?

  • Non-observance of personal hygiene. This is the first reason allergies appear. A rash on the stomach can be a classic sweatshirt. It is not dangerous, but requires correction. The child needs to bathe and arrange him an air bath. Especially often this should be done in the summer. Daily baths, air and sun baths - all this is a great prevention.
  • Parasitic disease. This is the first thought that occurs when an allergy is detected on the stomach. The photo shows an examination of the child by a doctor.
  • Infectious diseases. In this case, there is not only a rash, but also an increase in lymph nodes, fever, cough.
    allergy rash on the stomach

What to do

If you notice a rash on the stomach of the baby, then do not self-medicate. Call a pediatrician right away, who will determine the cause of the rash during a visual examination. If this is not obvious, then the doctor will prescribe the passage of an additional examination and the delivery of tests. As a result, you will receive a treatment regimen designed specifically for the child’s body. At the same time consult with your doctor for dosage, as individual characteristics must be taken into account.

How to help

If today is a day off, and the pediatrician on duty will not arrive earlier than in the evening, then you need to think about how to help the child. Treatment should begin with the correction of nutrition and elimination of contact with possible allergens. That is, we put on clothes made from natural fabrics, wash them by hand with baby soap. Contact with pet hair is required.

Now about nutrition. If the baby is breastfed, then you need to evaluate your diet and remove everything from it that can lead to such reactions. These are chocolate and honey, citrus fruits, fish, chicken and a number of other products. Similarly, analyze the baby’s nutrition if they are already feeding.

stomach allergy photo


The reasons will be determined by the doctor, but for now you need to alleviate the condition of the patient. Therefore, itching is required. It is difficult for a small child to explain that scratching itchy places should not be, otherwise you will have to deal with wounds into which the infection can penetrate.

Mitigation of pruritus is a priority in case of allergic rashes. Antihistamines are used to solve it. The doctor should select them, taking into account the cause of the allergy, its manifestations and the patient's age.

In addition to oral, tablet formulations, topical antihistamines are used to eliminate itching on the stomach. The doctor will pick up the ointment for the baby, which will quickly ease the condition of the crumbs and allow him to sleep normally. Parents should pay attention to the prescribed drug. Creams and ointments with hormones are used only if all other methods have not given the desired effect. Read the instructions and ask the doctor why this drug was prescribed.

allergy to the stomach and back


If you encounter a mild allergic reaction, it is quite possible that the local antihistamine ointment will cope with its task, and the itch will quickly go away. But if the reaction spreads further, then systemic treatment is necessary. However, do not forget about herbs. If you have a small child at home, then you must have already bought a string, chamomile and other bathing kits. They can also be used to correct an allergic rash. In some cases, this will be enough, in others - herbs will complement the treatment regimen.

Baths with manganese have an excellent effect. They are prescribed 2-3 times a week. Of course, the concentration of the solution should be pink. Between them it is worth using a string and a camomile. During treatment, be sure to keep a food diary in which you will indicate all changes in the condition of the child. This will help to understand whether the rashes are related to the diet, as well as conduct an effective correction.

Instead of a conclusion

Allergy to the stomach is just a symptom of a disease that has yet to be identified. However, you can make certain adjustments to the state of your baby by following the tips given above. If the reason could not be found, then ask the doctor to refer you to an allergist. He can conduct a series of specific tests, thanks to which he will find the true cause of what is happening. It remains only to eliminate the annoying factor, and the condition itself will quickly improve.


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