Gas Safety Rules

These rules are designed to ensure safety in enterprises, organizations and residential premises, regardless of their form of ownership. They are subordinate to both officials responsible for the operation of gas facilities and private homeowners or residents using gas. The life and health of people, the integrity of their property, depend on their strict observance and implementation of all recommendations that are indicated in regulatory documents.

Safety rules in the gas sector provide for the responsibility for the safety of equipment and maintenance of the inputs of utilities in the premises. Only in this case is it possible to safely use appliances that provide heating for residential and industrial premises, and cooking. In addition, these rules govern the fact that ventilation is mandatory - chimneys. In private home ownership, the obligation to comply with the rules rests with the owners of apartments and houses, in housing maintenance organizations and housing cooperatives - with their leaders (chairmen). Responsibility for the safe operation of gas appliances used in everyday life lies with both the owners and those directly using the gas. High-quality repair of gas equipment and its maintenance are provided by operating organizations.

Safety rules in the gas sector dictate the following responsibilities for homeowners and housing maintenance organizations:

  1. Providing assistance to gas enterprises during maintenance of equipment, as well as promoting the basics of safe use of gas among the population.
  2. Providing employees of operating organizations of gas facilities with unlimited access to residential and technical premises located on the first and zero floors, in order to check their gas contamination.
  3. Timely notification of gas enterprises that it is necessary to turn off gas appliances due to the detection of a malfunction.
  4. Settlement of gasified apartments only if there is a document confirming the safety briefing of the tenant or landlord by representatives of the gas economy enterprise.
  5. Calling a gas worker in the event a tenant leaves the apartment to disconnect gas appliances in it.

Safety rules in the gas sector include obligations for the population using gas for domestic purposes:

  1. Passing a briefing on the safe use of gas in the organization responsible for the operation of the gas economy, observing the instructions for using gas appliances.
  2. Calling employees of a gas enterprise if it is necessary to make changes to gas outlets (their design) or to detect equipment malfunctions, admission of the above-mentioned workers to the apartment at any time. For personal safety , official identification should be required.
  3. Economical gas consumption, timely payment of its cost and the cost of maintenance of gas equipment (in private households).
  4. Periodic inspection of the head in the winter, cleansing them of hoarfrost and ice.

Only when the safety rules in the gas sector are respected, the accurate work of all structures responsible for its operation, preservation of the life and health of citizens is ensured. It is about such documents that they say that they are written in the blood of the victims, and their implementation allows you to prevent the recurrence of tragedies, because many broken cases have someone's broken destinies.


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