Testosterone in Men How to Increase

What is testosterone? Testosterone in men how to increase? Testosterone is a sex hormone that affects almost all the processes that take place in a man’s body. It strengthens bones, is responsible for muscle mass, has an effect on sex drive and sperm production, promotes fat burning, and also forms a male figure and character type. It is measured in nanograms per deciliter. The optimal indicator is from 300 to 1000 ng / dl. For each man, the level is individual. Reduced testosterone in men leads to the fact that their sex drive is reduced, they do not want and cannot have sexual intercourse, they constantly feel a sense of depression and depression, nothing in their life pleases them. When men have low testosterone, it’s hard to tolerate exercise. Testosterone deficiency is one of the reasons that cause myocardial infarction. When it is elevated, the man is more aggressive, the pain threshold decreases. Increased testosterone is also bad, since it leads to a decrease in sperm production, breast growth, a negative effect on the prostate and baldness, since excesses of this hormone turn into dihydrotestosterone, which is harmful to the hair follicles. In men, testosterone is produced mainly in the gonads, and to a lesser extent in the adrenal glands.

Over the years, after thirty years, there is a decrease in the level of this harmonic in the body by about 1-2% per year. And this process is no longer reversible. Everything possible must be done so as not to further worsen the situation. The use of drugs, alcohol and antidepressants lowers the level of the hormone. It is also necessary to control your figure and weight, because obesity is a clear sign of insufficient testosterone. When men are over 30 years old and they are obese, testosterone in the body becomes about 10-20% less. In addition, the production of male hormones (androgen and testosterone) due to adipose tissue stops and increases the production of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone), and after that the figure and character type of a man becomes feminine.

Signs of reduced testosterone are: problems with erection and sexual desire, loss of strength, feeling of depression, depression, increased sweating, decreased body hair, ejaculate during intercourse, and also overweight. An endocrine disease can also be a cause of low hormone levels.

Testosterone in men how to increase?

Exercise and training, physical work, regular sex life, increase the level of testosterone in the body. It is very important to increase the level of zinc in the body, for which it is necessary to eat foods with a high content of it. Zinc is found in meat, seafood, bread, potatoes, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, brittle cheeses. It is also necessary to eat nuts and sunflower seeds. The body should receive vitamins of group B, in particular B6 and B12, as well as vitamins C and E.

Cholesterol is a carrier of the hormone testosterone and estrogen and therefore, despite the fact that it is harmful in many ways, it is also necessary for the body.

Testosterone in men how to increase? You need to eat foods high in carbohydrates, especially sugar, which stimulates the release of insulin, which affects the formation of muscle mass, as well as the suppression of the hormone cortisol, which destroys muscles and reduces testosterone levels. Do not abuse the artificial introduction of testosterone into the body, since after that your own temporarily ceases to be produced, which can lead to complications.

So, testosterone in men how to increase? First of all, proper nutrition, eating foods high in zinc and vitamins; physical exercise; regular sex life; lack of stress and more victories.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9927/

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