Ilya Tsymbalist: biography and success story

In the era of the Internet, the so-called information business is developing at a fantastic pace. A considerable number of self-confident entrepreneurs earn money from the air. They only sell information for money. And the most interesting thing is that they are so skillfully convincing people that they are willing to pay. One of such information businessmen is Ilya Tsymbalist.

Who is it?

The specialist lives in Yekaterinburg. Born in 1981. In RuNet, he is known as an information business businessman selling paid contextual advertising courses. And more specifically, according to Yandex.Direct.

Ilya Tsymbalist courses

Ilya Tsymbalist is currently one of the most famous info-business trainers in his field. That is, in the training of specialists on Yandex.Direct.


At one time, Ilya Tsymbalist received a diploma from a technical university. His profession is quite serious - a nuclear physicist. However, Ilya Tsymbalist chose to go the easier way and sell information products, rather than mastering science.

During the training period I had to earn extra money at a construction site. After receiving the diploma, it was not possible to realize themselves in the profession. That is why Ilya Tsymbalist, whose biography interests Runet users, went to work in the office. The young specialist visited various companies and installed computer software for money.

ilya tsymbalist reviews

The biography of Ilya Tsymbalista, whose training now costs a lot of money, also includes the period of network marketing. More specifically, the currently well-known information businessman previously collaborated with Amway. This brand is well known to women who buy cosmetics and household chemicals. But even at Amway Tsymbalist did not achieve much success. For a year, he was in a crowd of those who were surprised to listen to other people's success stories and applauded from the audience.

New profession

The next step in Tsymbalista’s biography was the purchase of an online course, published under the authorship of Evgeny Popov. Through training, he mastered the features of online business. Over the next year and a half, Ilya Tsymbalist was engaged in the provision of paid services. He made sites on order in accordance with the wishes of customers.

However, Ilya Tsymbalist did not like this lesson again. Had to please customers. But far from all of them were adequate. I often had to make corrections to the work done. Ilya Tsymbalist considered himself above all this. He was attracted by the possibility of passive earnings. That is why he strenuously searched for options on how to earn more money without making serious efforts. That's why the info business was chosen. There are many trusting people who want to earn money on the Internet. It is on them that the courses of Ilya Tsymbalist are oriented.

History of success

After numerous wanderings and failed attempts, Ilya Tsymbalist accidentally became a participant in the event for information businessmen. It was here that he learned about those who sell "air." That is, paid information. It seemed to him that these were free people who were overwhelmed by other values ​​and who managed to earn money by agreeing with their own conscience. He wanted to join the ranks of these people. Six or eight months later, his own business became a source of serious income - about two hundred thousand monthly.

Ilya Tsymbalist Direct

Yandex.Direct Ilya Tsymbalist mastered in practice. The specialist spent a lot of time on his own self-education. Throughout the year, he studied various information and even bought other people's paid courses that teach online business. Ilya Tsymbalist wrote the first course as soon as possible. His goal was to be in time before the end of the year, and not to provide people with a quality product. The first course was called Direct Traffic. In the future, Ilya Tsymbalist became participants in group events at which other information businessmen gathered.

However, an uncontrolled take-off was followed by a crashing fall. Over the next months, the income of Ilya Tsymbalista became significantly less. The novice infobusinessman found himself in a difficult situation. In the presence of a newborn child and a wife-maternity leave, as well as a rented apartment, he could not provide the proper level of income.

The forced decision was to move to the parents. At the same time, Ilya Tsymbalist did not abandon the attempt to conquer the information business. He chose the following training courses. And the tedious work over the next year led to the result. Sales of information products began to bring 250 thousand rubles a month.


Against the background of the popularity of contextual advertising and the lack of serious training courses, Ilya Tsymbalist quite successfully chose a niche for his online business. If you believe the publicly available information, he mastered all the subtleties of working with this system independently from personal experience.

Ilya Tsymbalist biography

As a result, training video lessons were created, combined into paid courses, access to which costs a lot of money. Ilya Tsymbalist, thanks to aggressive marketing, lures many students. Not all of them are successful. However, the information business says that some have mastered Yandex.Direct better than Ilya Tsymbalist.


If you read the feedback in the blog of the information business, you can find completely positive opinions. Many reviews are overwhelmed with gratitude. Someone boasts fantastic success and high returns.

However, if you remember that the income of the information business is the sum of the number of courses sold, the conclusion becomes obvious. No one will post negative points on the blog. But they are.

Some students who have bought a course from Ilya Tsymbalist complain about an unreasonably high price tag. When certain conditions are met, the information business businessman promises to compensate for the funds spent on training by providing two serious clients. However, in fact, this often becomes another deception. The infobusinessman and his assistants do everything so that students do not fulfill these conditions. In particular, they provide very scarce and untimely feedback. It is very difficult to achieve an intelligible answer to some questions. Often answer superficially. Although initially they promise to bring the student to the result. That is, to achieve a full understanding of the topic. But they only bring to the wasted time and money.

Ilya Tsymbalist biography training

Reviews on the courses of Ilya Tsymbalista are contradictory. Therefore, before buying an expensive paid rate, this information business person should think several times whether you are ready to waste your money.


Ilya Tsymbalist offers a considerable amount of training products. Among them:

  • trainings;
  • video courses;
  • webinars.
Ilya Tsymbalist training

All products are paid and are not cheap. At the same time, no one guarantees that their study will be made of any interested professional in Yandex.Direct. However, at the start no one is told about this. And at the end of the training, they do not accept claims. After all, the main goal of information businessmen is to make money on gullible students. At the same time, there are those who actively praise paid tuition from Ilya Tsymbalist.


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