Famous gay show business. Gays - show business stars

Modern people today are more liberated and tolerant than it was a hundred years ago. It is all about changing the moral principles and principles of not only each individual family, but also of society as a whole. Today, many can boast of tolerance for representatives of sexual minorities, therefore, not only America and Europe, but also domestic show business are beginning to step out of the shadows.

gay show business

Where is the truth?

Finding a list that lists all the gays of show business is not so hard. However, it is important to think about where the truth is. Indeed, in recent years, public people no longer imagine how else you can promote, and begin to invent all sorts of fables about your person, including introducing yourself as a representative of non-traditional orientation. This is especially true for pop stars and show business of post-Soviet countries. The β€œyellow press” also pours oil on the fire, and the people themselves, from time to time, enlisting in the ranks of gays Vlad Topalov, Sergey Lazarev or Dima Bilan - guys who can remotely resemble representatives of sexual minorities in their essence, as such not being.

famous gay show business

Overseas gays

Gays of show business in Europe and America do not hide their orientation at all. There, a long time ago, people ceased to be biased towards members of sexual minorities, completely leaving alone their lives and views. So, the most famous gay men are a married couple, Sir Elton John - a singer, and David Furnish - a Canadian producer. However, in his youth, the singer was even married to a lady (married in 1984), but after meeting his current spouse in the early 90s, he recognized himself as homosexual and today is completely happy. Moreover, in the UK their marriage is officially concluded, the couple also brings up a son. For many, the fact that an openly gay man, and a long, long time ago, for already 20 years, is actor Sir Ian McKelan, who has already passed the seventh decade, will be shocking. Simply put, Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings. Back in 1988, in an interview, he announced his unconventional orientation and in fact became the first openly gay Western show business. The actor of British theater and cinema Rupert Everett once spoke about his addictions in the intimate sphere , which he later regretted, because temporarily ended up in creative isolation. He says that for the first guild of Hollywood actors it is simply impossible to be gay, so most of the great actors in the world film business are simply silent about their non-traditional sexual orientation.

gay show business stars

Gays are in fashion

It will not be a secret to anyone that fashion is the prerogative of women. Men are more restrained in their appearance, not having such an abundance of outfits. Therefore, all the great designers created primarily for women, extolling and idolizing them. However, a paradox, most of them turned out to be gay. This group of people included Christian Dior - a man brought up in the best cultural traditions. Ever since childhood, the boy idolized his mother very much, which is why he became interested in fashion. And since she was an elegant woman, all of Dior's collections were aimed at emphasizing just such a style in a lady. However, at heart the famous couturier was deeply unhappy, because he turned out to be gay, which was simply impossible to talk about at that time. In his life there were two lovers, but the master often fell in love, and the guys simply did not reciprocate. Pierre Cardin, a man who could even break into the closed Soviet market, loved the guys. His career in the field of fashion was rapid, he gave women miniskirts, black stockings and high boots, while being an opponent of unisex in the style of clothing. Gays of show business, namely the world of fashion, are also Yves Saint Laurent, Gianni Versace, Karl Lagerfeld, Jean-Paul Gaultier and Dolce and Stefano Gabanna.

gays in show business in Russia

Domestic stage: gay or not?

It's no secret that there are also gays in the show business of Russia. However, finding out who exactly belongs to the ranks of sexual minorities is quite difficult. So, singer Shuru was considered one of the main gay men for a long time. The thing is the manner of performing his songs, concert costumes. There was a lot of talk about this at the time when the singer disappeared from the press radars for a long time, being treated for alcohol and drug addiction. However, after his return, Shura introduced his bride to the public, and journalists managed to find a woman who gave birth to two children for the singer. The same fate befell the king of glamor Sergey Zverev. For a long time he was recorded in the gays of Russian show business. However, this was not true, as the singer himself said in Chechnya at the request of Ramzan Kadyrov. Recently dispelled the myth of his sexual orientation and Boris Moiseev. A film was released on television, in which the singer openly says that this was all a crazy PR move, which, however, helped him a lot. In fact, the singer is straight.

Sergey Penkin

Famous gay show business, who are they? Do not forget about Sergey Penkin, a singer and musician who has long been ranked among the ranks of sexual minorities. He was born in an ordinary working-class family back in 1962, from the youngest years he sang in a church choir, studied at a music school. It will be interesting that Sergey entered the Gnesinka eleven (!) Times, but he nevertheless graduated from the pop vocal class. His voice is surprising in that it spans four octaves. The singer himself stood on the stage with Victor Tsoi, Toto Coutnio and Sarah Brightman. The young man was always surrounded by a mass of rumors, but the most stable of them: Penkin is gay. To this, the singer once said: β€œI am not very pleased when I am ranked among the groups of those whom I really are not. I never allowed anyone to climb into my personal life! ” With such a pair of sentences, all myths about his sexual orientation were dispelled.

gays in show business


No less famous gays of show business are the Tatu group. Although it is not correct to call girls gay, rather, lesbians. So at one time thought a huge number of people. In fact, the girls, as it turned out, are representatives of the most natural orientation, and the group and images are just a successful PR move, which, by the way, was enjoyed not only by domestic, but also by foreign audiences. Everything was confirmed by pregnancy and rather high-profile novels with famous Russian pop guys Yulia Volkova.

gay show business

Evgeny Mironov

What other stars of show business are gay? As for the film industry, the representative of sexual minorities was the courageous and beautiful actor Evgeny Mironov. By the way, he is also the head of the Theater of Nations. The fact that a man belongs to people of such a narrow circle confirms his close environment. Recently, there have been active rumors that a man entered into a homosexual marriage with Sergei Astakhov, but this information was incorrect.

Some more men

What other men are gay? In show business abroad - this is actor John Travolta, football player Cristiano Ronaldo, actor and friend Leo DiCaprio Bradley Cooper (both actors, by the way, are called gay, but they are actively trying to refute this fact), the same goes for Hugh Jackman.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9930/

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