Kvass from chicory and citric acid

A small blue flower growing on sunny forest edges and along roadsides, many have seen more than once. He is known to mankind since ancient times. This is chicory. In Russia, the plant was cultivated and began to grow in the fields in the 19th century. It was used as a useful substitute for natural coffee or an additive to it, and recently, chicory kvass is gaining more and more popularity.

chicory kvass

What is kvass

This is one of the most healthy, healthy and nutritious drinks, made on the basis of sugar and powdery substances by alcohol and lactic acid fermentation. It is used as a thirst quencher. It is classified into the following varieties:

- baby;

- berry;

- milk;

- fruit;

- bread.

In traditional kvass, the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol is not more than 1.2%.

Homemade Kvass Recipes

The addition of chicory to the composition of the drink is a bright touch in the classic recipe. Kvass acquires a beautiful nutty shade, light bitterness and spiciness in taste. Made at home, kvass from chicory and citric acid has a whole list of beneficial properties for the body. This is ideal in unbearable heat, perfectly quenching thirst.

chicory and citric acid kvass

Classic recipe


- 1 tbsp. l citric acid;

- 30 g of yeast;

- 50 g of chicory;

- a liter can of granulated sugar;

- 10 liters of filtered water.


1. Yeast is bred in warm water and mixed with other products in a large container until the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. For 3-4 hours, the container is placed in a warm place, after the kvass from chicory and citric acid, strain and bottled.

3. β€œRip” bottles with kvass already in the refrigerator. Important: you should leave a place for fermentation, that is, do not top up the container 5-7 cm to the top.

Quick Kvass


- 100 g of pressed yeast;

- 2 whole lemons (2 tsp. Citric acid);

- 3 large tablespoons of chicory;

- 600 g of sugar;

- 10 liters of water.


1. All ingredients are added to a large reservoir of warm filtered water.

2. The lemon is washed, carefully chopped (you can use a grater), wrapped in gauze and also lowered into a container of water.

3. We put the container in a warm place for 3-4 hours. Just so much, no more and no less, kvass from chicory should be infused. Both citric acid and dry yeast can be put optionally: for extra acidity and enhance the fermentation process, add a little more.

4. The maturation of kvass is significantly enhanced in the bright sun, where you can take out the bottles for a short time, so as not to result in mash.

5. At the end of all the manipulations, we put the kvass from chicory in the refrigerator, where it matures much more slowly and is quietly stored for a week.

kvass from chicory and citric acid and dried yeast

Red kvass


- 1 lemon and 1 tablespoon of citric acid;

- 10 drops of mint extract;

- 50 g of chicory;

- 400 g of sugar;

- 100 g of yeast;

- 5 liters of cooled boiled water.

Cooking is similar to the previous recipe:

1. Mix all the ingredients, add lemon, peppermint extract and the right amount of citric acid, fill with water.

2. A distinctive feature of this recipe is that the kvass from chicory here ripens already poured into the bottles (do not top them at least 5 cm to the top), and then the container is placed in the refrigerator.

3. Whether the kvass is ripe, you can check by clicking on the bottles with your finger: if the plastic does not slip, then the drink is ready. The next day you can already drink a little sharp and pinching tongue of kvass from chicory. According to Bolotov, the drink is made somewhat differently.

A bit of history

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov spent most of his life studying human health and was a specialist in the field of physics, as well as a candidate of technical sciences. He developed a series of rules that allow a person to always keep the body in good shape, make it as hardy as possible in extreme situations. Since 1990, the academician worked on identifying the simplest and most effective means for the normal functioning of the body, as a result of which he proposed enzymatic extracts of plants.

Five rules of Bolotov

To extend the life of a person and strengthen his health, the outstanding academician formed five rules that are mandatory for the implementation:

  1. Recovery of weakened internal organs.
  2. Destruction of harmful bacteria in the body.
  3. Excretion of salts.
  4. The binding of toxins.
  5. Constant rejuvenation of body cells.

Compliance with these rules, as Bolotov argued, leads to immortality.

Kvass Bolotova

Official medicine has bypassed many medicinal plants. Bolotov, on the contrary, suggests using them for the manufacture of enzyme drinks. For these purposes, he recommends sunflower, fresh seaweed, horseradish, coltsfoot, chicory, chestnut, but celandine deserves the greatest preference in his eyes. In the process of fermentation, part of the toxic substances of the plant dies, and a lot of useful trace elements are exported to the drink.

chicory and citric acid kvass benefits and harms

Celandine kvass


- 3 liters of whey;

- 1 tbsp. celandine herbs;

- 250 g of sugar;

- 15 g sour cream.


1. The celandine is placed in a gauze bag (preferably with a load so that it does not come up), placed in a jar, pour sugar on top and pour in whey.

2. Sour cream is added to enhance the fermentation effect.

3. Cover the neck with a clean cloth and for 2-3 weeks remove the bottle in a dark, warm place.

4. Next, kvass is already stored in the refrigerator.

Bolotov’s herbal drinks, like chicory kvass, are useful for a number of reasons. They contribute to the removal of toxins from the body, toxins, bad cholesterol, normalize all metabolic processes in the body. Unlike the store version, a large number of amino acids, minerals and vitamins contains just homemade kvass from chicory and citric acid.

kvass from chicory according to Bolotov

Benefit and harm

The healing properties of kvass are mass, we give the main ones:

- cleanses the body at the cellular level;

- fully normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;

- improves heart function and overall well-being;

- restores immunity, prevents malignant tumors from growing;

- Relieves stress and strengthens the nervous system.

Speaking about the dangers of the product, it is worth considering its contraindications. This availability:

- acute leukemia;

- epilepsy;

- diabetes mellitus;

- bronchial asthma;

- previously transferred to the operations authorities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9934/

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