Can sperm end: myths and scientific facts, opinions of doctors

In women, the programmed follicular supply of the ovaries is gradually consumed throughout life. By a certain age, menstruation ceases and the extinction of reproductive function begins. The male body retains the ability to conceive offspring even after 50 years, but doctors say that the optimal reproductive age is in the range of 20-40 years.

can sperm end

It is also known that the number of intercourse is limited by certain natural factors. But does this mean that representatives of the strong half of humanity who have an active sex life may run out of supplies of seminal fluid? Does sperm end in men, like healthy eggs in women? Let's try to figure it out.

How are sperm produced?

Sex cells begin to be produced in the male body from the onset of puberty. This process continues until the end of life, therefore, representatives of the stronger sex are capable of fertilization all their lives, in contrast to women who, at the age of 45-55, encounter such a phenomenon as menopause. Spermatozoa form in the testes, filled with seminiferous tubules, and then with a stream of fluid fall into the appendages, where they mature and wait in the wings. With irregular sex life or its complete absence (if the seminal fluid does not ejaculate for a long period of time), the "old" germ cells are destroyed by the body during phagocytosis.

whether sperm opinion of doctors can end

How long does sperm mature

Can the sperm end if the available reserves are depleted and the new germ cells have not yet matured? This period is quite long and is 70-74 days. During this time, sperm cells are completely renewed, and newly formed cells can be โ€œstoredโ€ in the body of a man for a month. Outside the body, the ability of sperm to fertilize depends on external conditions. In the vagina of a woman, sperm cells die within a few hours due to the aggressive effects of the environment, and those that managed to penetrate the uterus can remain viable for up to a week.

How many sperm are produced

With regular sexual intercourse, the body of a healthy man can daily form about 250 ml of sperm. However, only 12% of them will be suitable for fertilization, because 75% die, and half of the "survivors" may have various defects. In general, spermatogenesis is controlled by gonadotropic hormones that are produced by the pituitary gland and steroid hormones produced by the testicles. With a relatively constant level of these substances, the body produces 2-5 ml of sperm. One milliliter can contain from fifteen to one hundred and twenty million cells.

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It is difficult to calculate how much sperm for a manโ€™s life is produced in the body. This process depends on the regularity and quality of sexual activity, the presence of concomitant diseases and bad habits, nutrition and ecology, professional activity (working in conditions of electromagnetic radiation or elevated temperatures increases the risk of negative changes in cells).

How much sperm does a man produce in his life? French researchers were able to average the total data and calculate that a stronger sex, having entered into an average relationship 4,450 times during its existence, spews 800,000 million sperm, of which only two will fertilize an egg and give birth to two children (this is the average number of children in a French family ) A man who ejaculates every other day from the age of 15 until the end of his life expels 18,000 billion sperm.

No ejaculation - what to do?

What to do if sperm is over? Objectively speaking, it cannot end. At the peak of pleasure (even if a man made several sexual contacts in a short period of time, which led to ejaculation), a certain amount of seminal fluid is released. Another question is the possibility of ejaculation as such. Its absence (and there can be countless reasons for this, starting from the psychological component and ending with serious illnesses) does not indicate that โ€œsperm has endedโ€.

what to do if sperm is over

Can sperm end

Experts unequivocally argue that sperm cannot end. Sex cells are produced throughout life, the stock is gradually updated, and the "old" sperm are destroyed (therefore, after a long period of abstinence there will always be a "fresh" seminal fluid, not a "stagnant" one). If a man performs several sexual intercourse over a short period of time, which ends with ejaculation, then the amount of sperm after each subsequent contact will decrease. But the supply will be restored to its previous level literally within the next day, so the question (can sperm end) is meaningless. In addition, the production of seminal fluid in old age is slightly reduced. As a result, ejaculate is formed less. At the same time, in half of men 80-90 years of age, during the studies it was possible to detect the presence of live sperm in the seminal fluid.

how much sperm a man produces in his life

Common sperm myths

Can sperm end? This is one of the common speculations about the male reproductive system. We repeat: in reality, the process of formation of new germ cells continues throughout life, so sperm cannot end. Many more argue that with prolonged abstinence, seminal fluid can "stagnate". Scientists also answered this. It has been established that abstinence does not affect sperm quality.

Does ejaculation deplete the body, or why are athletes recommended to refrain from sex before competitions? These requirements are unfounded, because sex in the usual mode for a man does not affect the physical condition. Moreover, an experiment was conducted in the United States on this occasion. Before the competition, one group of athletes refrained from intimate relationships for five days, and the other did not. There were no differences in the results before and after the experiment in both groups.

does sperm end in men

Does a real man have to produce a lot of sperm? The quantity of ejaculate and quality are not connected in any way. On average, 2โ€“5 ml of sperm is secreted during ejaculation, which is quite enough for the successful fertilization of a woman, if in general the man is healthy. But as for those fountains with which actors of pornographic films water their partners, then most often this is ordinary kefir.


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