How to Brew Puer Properly

In our culture, which is nevertheless closer to the West than to the East, the art of tea drinking is poorly developed. Although in recent years there has been a tendency towards a more reverent attitude towards this drink and the procedure for brewing it. Tea is a special drink that has many beneficial qualities. However, in order to enable these qualities to fully manifest themselves, one must have certain knowledge in the field of how to brew Puer.

Pu - erh is a complex and delicate drink, designed for connoisseurs of its multi-layered taste and delicate aroma. This is a unique drink whose soft and seasoned taste should be enjoyed. The secret of the magic of this tea lies in the way it is processed: it is subjected to fermentation and long exposure.

Point 1. How to brew Puer?

Not only its taste and ability to quench thirst depends on how tea is brewed . This determines its healing properties. After all, he is able to lower cholesterol, heal the stomach, even relieve a hangover and help lose weight. In China, this tea is considered almost a panacea for all diseases.

So, the brewing rules.

1. Refusal of any sweeteners

This rule comes first because sugar robs tea of โ€‹โ€‹its true taste. High-quality tea at the same time bears a particularly tangible loss. Moreover, sugar deprives it of its healing qualities, and, first of all, of the cleansing effect.

2. Proper utensils

Crockery for tea must certainly be porcelain or glass. The clay, from which most teapots are made, absorbs the magical aroma of tea, depriving you of many advantages.

After brewing tea, the teapot should be washed and dried well. Do not use dishwashing liquids for this - they are simply fatal for tea, given the amount of flavoring and coloring agents that they contain.

3. Water

Chinese sages advise using rainwater or well water for brewing. Since for urban residents this is an almost impossible task, we will dwell on another point.

To understand how to properly brew puer, pay attention to the fact that water should not be brought to a boil. A sufficient temperature will be 80-90 degrees. This temperature can be calculated by observing the water. After sufficient heating, small bubbles will appear in the water, then larger ones. When the water begins to boil slightly - you can start brewing.

4. Welding

A sufficient amount of tea leaves for one mug of tea is one and a half teaspoons. Experts recommend slightly rinsing and frying the tea leaves before preparing tea.

5. How to brew puer

Do not make tea in a cold bowl. It must first be doused with boiling water to warm it from all sides. Only after this is the teapot placed in the teapot and filled with water by a third. After a few seconds, the water needs to be drained so that the tea begins to โ€œbreatheโ€. Refill the kettle halfway with water, leave for 3-5 minutes.

6. How many times can Puer be brewed

You can brew puer leaves 4 to 7 times. It depends on the quantity and quality of tea leaves. Each subsequent brewing requires more time: the first brewing - 40-50 seconds, the third - a minute, the fifth - 2 minutes. Tastes will vary: from rich to light. You should not drink tea, which happened to stand for more than an hour - it has already lost its qualities. The Chinese believe that it even becomes harmful, and they already know for sure how to brew Puer.

Item 2. How to choose puer?

Puer tea is of several types. These are Shu Puer and Sheng Puer.

Shu Puer is the most common. This tea was aged for several months. It can be bought both in bulk and pressed. Tea can be stored for several years, because over the years it only gets better. Brew Shu Puer with boiling water.

Sheng Puer, or as it is also called "raw tea", was aged for years. Young Sheng Puer aged for less than three years, and leaves that were stored for an even longer period are considered to be truly โ€œseasonedโ€. This tea can only be brewed with water, only brought to a boil, so as not to destroy the bouquet.

When choosing a puer, pay attention that it is in paper packaging. Leaves should have a good โ€œteaโ€ smell. Puer leaves should have a reddish or greenish tint (depending on exposure), but not black. These are the main criteria for choosing a real good puer tea.


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