How to live without love and ways to deal with loneliness

Sometimes terrible and all-consuming loneliness comes to life, from which I just want to cry soundlessly. Complaints about life and fate begin, which leads to an even greater emptiness. In such cases, a person is tormented by the idea of ​​how to live without love. The search for a way out of this situation begins, but it is not visible. True, with a careful analysis of the situation, it turns out that loneliness can and should be fought.

If you begin to feel very sorry for yourself, think about how to live without love, then you should start the operation of salvation. To begin with, it is worth analyzing the causes of their own failures on the personal front. Unfortunately, often a person at a subconscious level pushes away from himself those people who are willing to tolerate the features of his character. With some enviable obstinacy, a lonely comrade chooses dubious people as friends who can betray at any moment.

With new friends is so easy and simple, since they will not load you with their problems, they will not ask for help. Only in return you will never get the proper support, and in case of the slightest difficulties, these friends will easily be transferred to another house. If this story is about you, then you should reconsider your criteria for choosing friends. Start communicating with people who can help you in difficult times, but be prepared for the fact that they may also need your help.

A little more difficult for a person when the second half is unsuccessfully selected. In such cases, sorting fails. You can only protect yourself if you make new friends in decent places. It is best to get acquainted at various scientific conferences, at meetings or in sections. With this approach, you will definitely find a decent girl or a young man who will love and respect. True, when you find a loved one, learn to treat him with reciprocal respect and care, since even strong feelings can be killed by spiritual cold. True love must be treasured, it must be nourished - and then it will warm you with its warmth for many years. With this attitude to love and friendship, loneliness is definitely not threatening you.

A completely different thing is conscious loneliness. In this case, the person does not bite the idea of ​​how to live without love, as he copes well alone. Such people have created their own special world in which it is warm and comfortable, and the presence of outsiders destroys all the charm. True, even quite closed individuals cannot communicate without communication, but their social circle is limited to a few close friends. The second half, if it appears in life, does not last long, since long-term relationships simply make this type of people tired.

Such people today are no longer uncommon, since general egoism is growing sharply. It is difficult for a person to take care of someone constantly, to give a part of himself, therefore they voluntarily plunge into loneliness. Ordinary families are replaced by guest marriages or cohabitation, but such relationships can become expensive in the void.

On the one hand, such people insist they never think about whether it is possible to live without love. They are just sure that serious feelings and affection are a heavy burden. It will prevent them from doing everything that they like, limit their freedom, so there is no such thing in real life in love.

On the other hand, living alone all the time is tiring, so the search begins for something that can replace serious feelings. Guest marriages and simple one-time meetings create the illusion of a relationship, but nothing serious is hidden behind them, so with this type of communication a feeling of abandonment and loneliness can arise. Just finding the true cause of this condition can be difficult.

If you once thought about how to live without love, just look around. Perhaps you consciously avoid serious relationships, because you are afraid of responsibility for another person. Review your attitude to life, analyze the situation - and go to meet new, happy acquaintances.


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