Sanatorium "Samara" (Kislovodsk): care for the health of pensioners and people with disabilities

We are somehow used to the fact that for retirees and people with disabilities, mostly nursing homes are being built, in which lonely elderly people survive the remaining years. But there are other institutions, such as the sanatorium "Samara" in the city of Kislovodsk. They bring a lot of joy and warmth to pensioners, as well as strengthen their health, which has worsened over the long years of their lives.

About the history of the sanatorium "Samara" (Kislovodsk)

In 1997, by the decree of the government of the Samara region , a sanatorium-resort base was created in the city of Kislovodsk, designed to treat pensioners and disabled people. In 2007, the boarding house was transformed into a sanatorium "Samara". All these transformation measures have been taken in order to maintain the health status of citizens who are especially in need of state care.

health resort samara kislovodsk

Initially, the sanatorium had only 2 dormitories, designed for 39 beds. Over the past 10 years, the material base has expanded significantly: at the moment, the Samara sanatorium in Kislovodsk includes 4 dormitories, which can accommodate 110 vacationers. Of this number, 100 beds are fully funded by the regional budget of the Samara region, and 10 are provided for a fee to everyone.

Therapeutic profile of the sanatorium

Sanatorium "Samara" in Kislovodsk carries out the prevention and treatment of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • internal organs;
  • endocrine system;
  • respiratory organs;
  • nervous system.

Much attention is paid to the prevention of diseases and the strengthening of immunity, which is expressed in instilling a healthy lifestyle. For example, people with diabetes have classes at the School of Diabetes, where they are taught the principles of proper nutrition to lower blood sugar.

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Thanks to a comprehensive approach, which includes not only taking medications, but also diet food, taking mineral water appropriate for the disease, physiotherapy exercises, the health resort patients have already seen a significant improvement in their health status a week after arrival.

Medical and diagnostic base of the sanatorium

Before prescribing treatment, diagnostics are mandatory. The research base includes an office of functional diagnostics, in which an electrocardiogram is taken, ultrasound examinations, echocardiography, dopplerography of the vessels of the lower extremities, bicycle ergometry, Holter monitoring, and blood pressure are measured. There is also a clinical laboratory. Narrow specialists, such as an ophthalmologist, neurologist, gynecologist, urologist, otorhinolaryngologist, based on these studies, will make an updated diagnosis.

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The medical base of the sanatorium "Samara" (Kislovodsk) includes:

  • narzan baths;
  • mud therapy room;
  • pump room;
  • speleocamera;
  • physiotherapy department;
  • ozone therapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • inhalation;
  • 3 massage therapy rooms;
  • physical therapy cabinet;
  • phytobar;
  • dentist's office;
  • paraffin treatment room.

Local mineral waters and therapeutic mud from the bottom of the Tambukan lake are used to improve the health of patients . Also, vacationers have the opportunity to take foam-licorice and coniferous-pearl baths. Considering that the majority of pensioners do not move much in ordinary life, metered walks (terrenkur) are organized for them. After such a procedure that is useful for the body, it’s nice to visit a phytobar where you can drink an oxygen cocktail or a delicious healing tea. The sauna or swimming in the pool with hydropathic procedures will help to fix the obtained healing effect.

Sanatorium "Samara", Kislovodsk: structure and leisure

The structure of the sanatorium, in addition to dormitory buildings, includes an administrative building, a balneological base and a catering unit. The main medical base is located in Building No. 8. Reception of the procedures usually takes the first half of the day, and after lunch, vacationers expect exciting excursions to Dombay, Arkhyz, Teberda, the cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, walks in the huge Kislovodsk park.

health resort Samara Kislovodsk 10 building photo

Vacationers can exercise in the gym, and play a game of billiards or table tennis. In the evening, guests can remember their young years and have fun at a disco. The resort often hosts concerts of philharmonic artists.

Vacationers live here

During treatment and rest, patients of the Samara sanatorium (Kislovodsk) are accommodated in comfortable rooms in 4-bedroom buildings. If desired, you can choose a standard single or double room, which has all the amenities for a carefree holiday, as well as deluxe rooms and apartments. The rooms of the sanatorium remind of home comfort, it is felt that the designers with a soul approached their design. Building 10 of the building of the Samara sanatorium in Kislovodsk looks very nice. A photo of him is presented below.

What the guests say

How the sanatorium “Samara” (Kislovodsk) is positioning patient reviews. Thanks to the friendly atmosphere, high quality of the services provided, attention to the elderly and the wonderful local climate, the sanatorium was highly appreciated by those who rested here. It was especially pleasant for the medical staff to hear kind words from the lips of colleagues who chose the Samara sanatorium for their vacation.

health resort Samara g Kislovodsk

According to pensioners, the sanatorium "Samara" in Kislovodsk is one of the best places where they have ever rested. Here they are surrounded by the attention of caring staff, communicate with people close in spirit and age. All this together leads to an improvement in their health status.


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