Rococo style in the architecture of Europe. Rococo in Russian architecture

Bizarre and moody, this style arose in France, at the beginning of the XVIII century. Rococo in architecture was not so much an independent direction as a certain moment in the development of pan-European baroque.

Rococo Features

Rococo style in architecture is one of the first trends in art, which departed from the established canons and turned to sophisticated and refined topics. Some researchers and experts believe that frivolity and frivolity are inherent in this area. Nevertheless, it was it that had a significant impact on many other movements and styles in the whole art.

Quite often, the manifestations of Rococo in architecture, photos of which can be viewed somewhat below, are characterized as light and thoughtless. At the same time, the sophistication, sophistication and perfection of forms hidden behind seeming frivolity are completely unnoticed.

rococo in architecture

Rococo in art is first and foremost a fictional world of intimate experiences, apparent theatricality, decorative refinement and sophistication. There is absolutely no place for pathos and heroism. They are replaced by fantasies, trinkets and a game of love.

A distinctive feature of this direction is the curved and capricious line, which resembles a shell, often found in architectural manifestations of Rococo.

History of occurrence

An architectural direction called "Rococo" appeared in France, at the beginning of the XVIII century. In those days, it was the so-called response to the “Big Style” - a monumental and unshakable classicism, official baroque, the most striking example of which is the Versailles Palace of Louis XIV. The Baroque style in architecture and other areas of art dominated throughout almost the entire period of the reign of the Sun King.

It is worth noting that closer to the middle of the XVIII century in Western Europe, the excessive frivolity of Rococo began to gradually go out of fashion, but in the very center of the continent this direction in art was popular almost until the end of the century.

rococo style in architecture

The term "rococo" comes from the French word rocaille, which means "bizarre", "moody", as well as "fragments of stones" and "shells". Over the entire existence of this style, an incredible number of works of art and architecture have been created, but one of the most significant is the urban ensemble in France - a complex consisting of three squares in the city of Nancy in Lorraine.

Rococo on the European continent

The territory of the European continent was unevenly covered by trends and trends in this direction in art. Nevertheless, some countries and states quite strongly felt the influence of this style. For example, France was rightfully considered the founder of Rococo, but the Rococo style in architecture reached the greatest distribution in Germany, especially reflecting strongly in Prussia at the court of Frederick II.

Refinement and sophistication of this trend found manifestations in the luxurious palace ensembles of Germany, France, Russia and some other states.

Rococo in Russian architecture

The architecture of the French hotels was distinguished by the lush decoration of the interior space - the rocaille interiors were very harmoniously combined with the relatively strict exterior design of the building. Rococo style in architecture over time began to spread throughout Europe. Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic soon felt the trends of this fashionable direction in art.

Rococo in Russia

New-fashioned European trends of the 18th century rococo in Russia began to manifest themselves especially strongly in the middle of the century. For the most part, this direction has found wide application in the interior decoration of palace interiors and stucco moldings on the facades of many buildings, as well as in some branches of decorative and applied art. The spirit of the architectural style came to Russia from France with almost half a century delay.

In 1662, the king of France - Louis XIV - began the construction of Versailles, and in 1710 Peterhof appeared in Russia. In less than half a century, the famous architect Antonio Rinaldi builds a rococo palace in Oranienbaum, right in the middle of the Peterstadt fortress. In the XVIII century, it was most often called the “Stone House”, and now the museum “Palace of Peter III” is located here.

rococo in architecture photo

Manifestations of Rococo in the architecture of the northern capital of Russia

The Stone House in the northern capital of Russia resembles a park pavilion and is made in a rather unusual form - a square with a corner cut along a smooth arc. The top of the central door is decorated with a balcony with exquisite wrought iron bars. Elegance and sophistication of the building are achieved thanks to the high and elongated windows on the second floor, as well as an unusual balustrade.

The interior of the Stone House, as well as the facade, is made in the rococo style. Since that time, the decor of the room has become a separate direction in architecture. The interior in this style is characterized by sophistication, elegance and sophistication. An abundance of pastel shades, a combination of delicate white with green, blue or pink, as well as inlaid with gold - all these are the hallmarks of Rococo in the architecture of St. Petersburg.

Rococo in the architecture of St. Petersburg

Along with this trend, another trendy trend came to Russia - Chinese exoticism, which was reflected in the trinkets that adorned the room, as well as whole spacious halls decorated in this style.

Rococo Features

Distinctive features of architectural rococo from monumental and heavy baroque are the characteristic lightness, grace and mannerism. Architects no longer sought to build long and tall halls, but preferred small cozy rooms with high windows, which, in turn, were grouped around the central staircase, thus providing maximum convenience for all residents of the house.

For the most part, buildings are becoming more and more like the so-called mansion-hotel, which is intended for one family. This architectural layout began to be popular, as a result of which many buildings that had previously been built in a pompous and monumental Baroque style began to be rebuilt.

On top of everything else, despite the abundance of jewelry and other decorative elements, the Rococo did not look heavy and monumental. Quite the contrary - it seemed light and airy thanks to the sophistication and sophistication of all the details and harmoniously selected colors.

Rococo in the interior of buildings

The Rococo era affected not only trends and trends in architecture - this style did not pass by other aspects of art. Moreover, for most architects of that time, the interior was the very place where the new direction found its most striking manifestation. The layout of the buildings was most often asymmetric, round, oval and even octagonal rooms were built.

In the XVIII century, Rococo, whose architecture was light and elegant, firmly entered into the interior decoration of the premises. Room furniture, utensils and drapery, as well as trifles pleasing to the eye, which gave the room even more sophistication - all this is characteristic of the interior in the Rococo style.

rococo era

Chinese accent in rococo

As mentioned above, the newfangled direction in the architecture of the XVIII century was in some way combined with Chinese echoes. In this era, in the interior of the premises, it was increasingly possible to notice elements of oriental culture that were perfectly suited for the Rococo style. The rooms were divided into distinctive zones with the help of light screens and partitions, and in the kitchen more and more often you could notice the original sets and other utensils made of Chinese porcelain.

The rooms were characterized by natural shades and floral ornaments. Trees with thin trunks, aquarium fish and the graceful beauty of orchids, an abundance of gilding and other Chinese motifs - all this harmoniously combined in the interior of the Rococo era.

Feminine beginnings in architectural rococo

In order to be imbued with all the beauty and atmosphere of this trend in art and architecture, it is not enough just to see the beautiful - you need to be able to feel it. It is no coincidence, probably, that the feminine principle is attributed to this style. Enough to recall that all the rooms from large and spacious were rebuilt into small, secluded and intimate rooms. Femininity was felt in absolutely everything. Moreover, even the ceremonial halls and rooms were more like boudoirs - too everything in them was chamber and intimate.

Light and delicate shades of the rooms, smooth and graceful curves of the walls, a large number of mirrors, as well as lace elements of the ornament and an abundance of stucco molding with picturesque inserts - can any other style be so close to beautiful?

The playful and graceful architectural style perfectly conveys the features of a female character.

rococo architecture

Rococo today

XVIII century - Rococo time in Russian architecture. However, at present there are fans of this refined and sophisticated style.

Pastel colors, smooth lines and gold trim, light shades and a large number of cute accessories, all kinds of patterns and curls, as well as unusual mirrors and a variety of draperies - these are one of the main distinguishing features of this architectural direction.

Decorating a room in the style of the 18th century is a great opportunity to feel like a real aristocrat. Opportunities and prospects for the development of furniture companies, as well as incredible fantasies of designers and decorators will help create an original and unusual room in the Rococo style. In such rooms you can truly enjoy life and enjoy every new day.


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