"Saransky" - sanatorium in Mordovia: photos and reviews about the mud bath

To receive treatment, undergo preventive procedures, improve health throughout the year - this range of services is provided by sanatoriums located within the city. Balneological resorts of local importance are convenient for residents of megacities. So, “Saransky” (sanatorium) provides about 150 types of medical services and enjoys well-deserved popularity.


Sanatorium "Saransky" (Mordovia) was founded in 1986. The reason for organizing a balneological resort was the discovery of two mineralized sources of mineral water. The composition of the water is chloride-sulfate calcium-magnesium-sodium.

In the health resort, programs for inpatient treatment of patients and outpatient visits are being implemented, while a camp is operating for a children's audience.

The hospital is located on the edge of the forest, in the suburbs of Saransk, which makes its visit convenient for residents, makes it possible after a busy day to relax in silence, enjoy the clean healing air. The housing stock has rooms of several categories, by the way, they were repaired in 2014.

"Saransky" (sanatorium) has a modern medical base, which provides more than 150 types of procedures aimed at restoring health and preventing diseases of various kinds. Medical and medical staff are highly qualified specialists.

Saransk sanatorium

Medical profile

"Saransky" (sanatorium) accepts vacationers with many health problems:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis and colitis in a chronic form, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis to moderate severity, etc.).
  • Pathologies of the heart and circulatory system (post-infarction conditions, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, grade 1-2 hypertension, etc.).
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis with complications, osteochondrosis, scoliosis 1-2 degrees , etc.).
  • Nervous diseases (VVD, cerebral palsy (excluding children with epiprides), neurosis, etc.).
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (gynecology, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, etc.).
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Diseases of the organs and respiratory system in adults and children.

Sanatorium Saransk Mordovia

Diagnostic and treatment services

Each patient of the health resort undergoes diagnostic procedures before proceeding with recovery and treatment. According to numerous reviews, “Saransky” is a sanatorium with a modern diagnostic department, where:

  • laboratory tests of physiological body fluids;
  • functional diagnostics (ECG, pressure monitoring during the day, Holter ECG);
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • the whole range of gynecological tests.

And from medical and wellness treatments are offered:

  1. Applied physiotherapy (halotherapy, EHF, laser therapy, darsonval, inhalation, UHF, inductothermy, light therapy, ORK-2, electrosleep, etc.)
  2. Balneological procedures (mud applications and wraps with local peat mud, mud applications with mud from the Tambukan deposit, microclysters, hydrotherapy, therapeutic baths, several types of therapeutic showers, dry baths, ozone therapy, therapeutic swimming in the pool, sauna, massages, exercise therapy, cellulite treatment, thalassotherapy and etc.).
  3. Traditional treatment (manual therapy, massage, myostimulation, halotherapy, reflexology, vacuum therapy on the VACUMED apparatus, cosmetic procedures).

sanatorium Saransk mud baths

Balneotherapy Factors

Natural factors are a powerful base for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Thanks to the discoveries of local deposits of mineral waters and peloids, the Saransky sanatorium was founded.

Mud health resort uses for mud procedures Kadymzhayskogo deposits. The composition of peloids includes particles of potassium, magnesium, iodine, bromine and many other elements. Possessing healing properties, the mud cools slowly and has a deeply penetrating thermal and mineral therapeutic effect on the affected organs. It helps in the restoration of the body’s immune system, has anti-inflammatory effects, reanimates the body’s internal forces and resources, which is successfully used by the Saransky balneological resort.

The sanatorium offers guests the treatment with imported mud from the Tambukan lake, which is successfully used in the resorts of Essentuki.

Active use of mineral water helps to carry out preventive measures, maintain a stable state of the body and reveal internal reserves. The sanatorium uses its own mineralized table water (5.2-5.7 g / dm3) of the Ergen type. It has a positive effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver (chronic hepatitis, etc.), pancreas, metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc.), genitourinary diseases, it is used in postoperative conditions of the stomach.

health resort saransky photo

Children's camp

The children's department of the Saransky sanatorium for young patients provides treatment according to several programs:

1. "Improving digestion." Recommended for children with abdominal pain, problems with stools and decreased appetite. The prevention and treatment program includes:

  • diet therapy, diagnosis, supervision of a pediatrician;
  • balneological procedures (drinking treatment, therapeutic baths, peloid therapy, exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic swimming, etc.).

As a result, according to reviews, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, the general tone of the body and immunity increase. Confirmation of a successful therapy are laboratory tests performed after a full course of treatment.

2. “Forget about the common cold” - a set of procedures aimed at increasing the protective forces of the child's body. It is recommended to take the course to patients suffering from frequent colds, acute respiratory infections, and ENT diseases. For this, the following treatment measures are carried out:

  • diagnosis, examination of a pediatrician and the appointment of treatment;
  • diet therapy, balneotherapy;
  • laser acupuncture, inhalation with useful therapeutic agents, massages, exercise therapy, etc.

After a course of treatment, according to parents, the child's health improves, and the body's resistance to viral and colds increases.

3. "Correct posture." As part of this program children with diagnoses of scoliosis (1, 2, 3 degrees), osteochondrosis receive professional help. The main goal is the removal of muscle spasm, correction of disorders of the spine, improving the state of trophism and blood supply to tissues. Treatment accompanied by a pediatrician is carried out using:

  • diet therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, hardware and classical massage;
  • healing baths and showers, swimming in the pool, etc.

According to reviews, after a full course of treatment, an improvement in the general condition is observed.

health resort saransky reviews

Accommodation and meals

"Saransky" is a sanatorium that has comfortable rooms of several categories:

  • Standard single and double one-room numbers. The cost of living a person with full board and treatment is 3 800 rubles. per day.
  • Single one-room numbers of the 1st category. For single occupancy the price of a full board will be 2,900 rubles. per day, double occupancy is not provided
  • Single and double rooms of the 1st category. In the first case, the price of a full board will be 3,200 rubles per day, a double stay will be worth 2,000 rubles per person.
  • "Comfort" (single and double one-room rooms). The price for a single stay is 4,300 rubles, for two people - 2,700 rubles. from one person. The price includes full board.
  • Suite (single and double two-room rooms). The cost of staying in the room of one person is 4,400 rubles, for double occupancy - 2,000 rubles.

Prices are presented according to the 2016 price list.

All rooms are equipped with necessary furniture, appliances, hygiene products. The deluxe rooms include a hairdryer, slippers, bathrobes and mineral water from local Saranskaya springs. The rooms of luxury and comfort are air-conditioned.

Nutrition in the sanatorium is five-time dietary. There is a pre-order system of dishes from the proposed menu. Vegetables and fruits are served at the table, a phyto-bar with a rich map of healthy drinks - teas, vitamin and oxygen cocktails.

health resort saransky address


For many busy people, the Saransky sanatorium was useful. Visitors' reviews tell about a large list of procedures, high-quality service delivery and comfortable reception. Citizens speak well of the opportunity to carry out the necessary treatment, without interrupting working days, and at the same time immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the balneological resort. Nonresident patients indicate the convenience of rooms, an updated design and a rich leisure program.

There are no negative reviews, most of the patients are local residents who did not have to use the entire infrastructure. Those who supplemented the main treatment or carried out preventive, health-improving procedures were satisfied with the result and are advised to visit the Saransky sanatorium. Photos of the health resort, treatment rooms and grounds are evidence of a pleasant time.

Helpful information

Where is the Saransky sanatorium located? Address: Saransk, street them. R. Luxembourg, 11.

Estimated time - 08:00, tickets can be purchased on site.

Registry phone: 8 (8342) 35-40-35.

Children are accepted for treatment from five years. Pets are not allowed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9976/

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