The drug "Prostodin": real reviews, instructions for use

Environmental degradation increasingly has a negative impact on people's health. Men who already suffer from sexual dysfunction after forty years of age, began to burden this problem much earlier, which leads to the need to look for more effective drugs. Today, one of the most popular means is "Prostodin" - capsules for prostatitis or drops.

Causes of the disease

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The main factors predisposing to the disease are:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • drug use;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • interruption of sexual intercourse.

It is thanks to the often occurring presence of such life features in young people that the risk of prostatitis has become dangerous for men at the age of thirty, and sometimes even earlier.

All this is further aggravated by various secondary factors such as:

  • hypothermia;
  • severe illness;
  • irregular sex life;
  • frequent stress;
  • regular overwork.

Such seemingly insignificant conditions can affect the possibility of inflammation strongly enough, especially if a man already has at least one of the main predisposing factors listed above.

Every man can diagnose prostatitis in himself without a special visit to a specialist. This disease is characterized by certain symptoms in the form of pain during urination, frequent urination, pain in the groin, fever and decreased sex drive. The drug "Prostodin" (reviews confirm this) is able to completely relieve all these symptoms after undergoing treatment.

It is very important when you detect at least several unpleasant factors that indicate inflammation of the genitourinary system, do not start self-medication. Many diseases of one organ group have similar symptoms, but can be completely different. At the first sign of a health problem, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Release form

"Prostodin", reviews of which are presented below, is produced by the manufacturer in the form of capsules and drops. The tablet form, as a rule, is packed in packs of cardboard with the obligatory presence inside the instructions. The dosage is 500 mg. The liquid form is sold in dark glass bottles and cardboard boxes, also with the obligatory presence of a leaflet.

History of production and production

prostodin reviews
The drug "Prostodin" began to receive real reviews only in 2014, since it was at that time that the drug went on open sale through pharmacy networks and the Internet. In domestic pharmacists, the drug appeared only in 2012. His main job was to restore the structure of damaged prostate cells. A positive result of the product has been confirmed by numerous studies and tests. In 2013, the medicine was tested on men of different ages, which was the main step towards its open distribution in the future.


Drops from prostatitis "Prostodin", reviews of which are found quite often, as well as capsules, are taken by patients with obvious signs of sexual dysfunction. The main indications for admission are pain in the groin area, discomfort during urination or bowel movements and obvious impairment of potency. Any unpleasant sensations in the rectal area are also considered signs of prostatitis, so men should always pay attention to their general condition.

Main components

The drug "Prostodin", real reviews about which can be read on many forums, is a drug consisting solely of natural components.

It consists of:

  • red root;
  • castoreum;
  • antlers of maral.

All these substances have been used for centuries by traditional healers to increase male sex drive, but always separately. It turned out to combine them into one effective means only now, therefore, there are still no direct analogues to it.

Component Description

prostodin drops instructions for use
Judging by the information available on the Internet, one cannot say that Prostodin is a divorce. Only negative real opinions completely overlap with positive ones. The main active components of the product is the red root. It is he who contains those cells that help in the restoration of the prostate gland. In addition, the root affects the improvement of metabolism in the body, and therefore has a positive effect on men's health.

This component is able to equally well eliminate the symptoms of any prostatitis:

  • oncological;
  • infectious;
  • age and others.

In just 30 days of taking Prostodin, real reviews of which are available on many resources on the Web, you will experience its effective effect on the body.

Another important component of the drug is the so-called beaver stream. It is obtained from the musk glands of adult beavers, regardless of gender, and is used to increase sperm activity. Also, this tool reduces the risk of infertility, increases libido and potency, increases sexual intercourse and relieves men of stress. All this was used by folk healers many years ago also to relieve inflammation.

The third component of Prostodin is maral antlers. This substance is an extract from the horns of a young deer and is still common for the treatment of men in Altai. This component helps relieve pain symptoms and reduces urination at any time of the day.


Real reviews about Prostodin are very interesting to read. This drug was investigated before launching in the conditions of not only laboratories, but also private sanatoriums and clinics. Thanks to all the results obtained, scientists were able to conclude that the medicine begins to affect the body in the very first days. Almost immediately after the first dose, the patient feels a noticeable weakening of pain. Cramps in the groin do not bother the man either during urination or at rest. In addition, frequent urge to the toilet is noticeably reduced. The man ceases to feel constrained and uncomfortable, his sleep and nervous state are normalized, since he does not have to wake up often and get up in the toilet. The amount of urination is reduced in the daytime.

The complex effect of the components of the composition positively affects the general state of health, gradually stopping all inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. Thanks to a similar positive effect on all organs of the genitourinary system, the drug stabilizes the sperm composition of men. Wellness also leads to an increase in the time of sexual intercourse, stabilization of the process of ejaculation and control over it.

In general, it can be noted that similar problems of sexual dysfunction occur in representatives of the stronger sex for various reasons. Any inflammatory processes, not only prostatitis, can cause sexual dysfunction. At the same time, Prostodin is able to solve almost all of these problems without specific features in the reception. To eliminate any inflammation, a man needs to use the medicine according to one scheme described in the instructions.

Reception schedule

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Doctors leave excellent reviews about Prostodin capsules. Doctors recommend taking the medicine until all symptoms of the disease disappear completely. It is very important to comply with this recommendation, since inferior treatment leads to a quick return of the disease and its accompanying symptoms. The course is usually 30 days, but can be extended by the attending specialist if necessary. As a rule, only medication made in the form of drops is prolonged. Take the drug in the form of capsules orally three times a day, always half an hour before meals. It is recommended to drink it with ordinary cool drinking water.

Take Prostodin drops, the instructions for use of which are in each package, you need only 15 drops twice a day.

Bans to use

"Prostodin" (real reviews confirm this) has absolutely no side effects. The fact is that in practice, not one of the subjects found them, because the drug is still completely made on the basis of natural components.

Of course, despite this, he still has contraindications. The main is the individual intolerance to any of the components of the composition. In addition, you can use this medication only after consulting a specialist if the patient has any chronic diseases. Also, caution should be approached to patients with impaired liver and kidney function.

Advantages of the drug

prostodin reviews of doctors
Drops "Prostodin" (real reviews directly indicate this, as a virtue) as well as capsules, have a completely natural composition.

In addition to the benefits include:

  • quick action;
  • complex composition;
  • availability of a certificate of quality and the results of many studies.

In reality, the drug helps to completely get rid of prostatitis in just 1 course of administration, completely suppressing the infection and quickly removing all the unpleasant symptoms accompanying the disease. Also, the tool can be used to prevent the onset of the disease, without any fear. After all, "Prostodin", reviews of real customers about which are described below, is not addictive. Also in its composition there are no dyes, flavors and other chemical additives.

It is important to know that during the course of treatment the patient should not drink alcohol, otherwise the result may be ineffective. You should also strictly follow the therapy and do not skip the tricks of the drug.

Customer reviews

If you summarize all the reviews on the drug available on the Internet, you get one big positive opinion. The fact is that the negative reviews that are encountered are available in minimal quantities and in detailed proceedings with them it turns out that the men used the drug irregularly or took an incomplete course. For efficiency, it is also important to observe the correct diet and lifestyle in general.

Many volunteers who tested the drug note that Prostodin helped them completely get rid of the unpleasant disease that had been tormenting them for years before. All statements that the drug has a positive effect on the body from the first receptions are also confirmed. All who tested it claim that the symptoms of the disease fade away in the first days. By the end of therapy, there is no trace of them at all. All this is even confirmed by the results of analyzes, and not just by sensations.

So, the version that Prostodin is a divorce, real reviews are scattered.

Expert Reviews

prostodin drops from prostatitis reviews
In accordance with the opinions of specialists, the drug owes its healing effect to a competently combined composition.

Reviews of doctors about "Prostodin" should be studied by each patient. Doctors call the drug a real "magic wand" for diseases such as:

  • prostatitis;
  • nephritis;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system in any form.

Experts note its versatility and speed in removing the unpleasant symptoms of burning and pain. The main advantage is that it is allowed to take it even in the presence of diseases of the digestive system.

Possible risks and price

Manufacturers and many resources say that you can freely buy the drug in any stationary pharmacy, but in practice it's not like that. Not every region of our vast country distributes this domestic drug through regular pharmacy chains, so many have to buy it on the Internet. This is where most of the problems begin, since fraud in the vastness of the World Wide Web flourishes in all directions. It is very important to purchase not only a quality drug, but also to do it at an affordable cost. On many resources you can find offers to buy Prostodin drops, but capsules are rare. 10 ml bottles are offered at a price of 990 rubles.

On the official website, the drug is sold at a cost slightly higher, but at the same time, the man receives a guarantee of this high-quality product. In addition, the official store often has various promotions that allow you to purchase a product no more than the standard cost and with a guarantee from the manufacturer. The price of drops and capsules in stationary pharmacies is regulated by many mark-up indicators, therefore, it may differ depending on the region and the popularity of the pharmacy chain.


Based on the foregoing, we can draw the main conclusion - the drug "Prostodin" is available to absolutely every man, regardless of his material status. The cost of the original product in comparison with other means of sexual dysfunction is significantly low and affordable. To this should be added an exclusively natural composition. The complete absence of analogues of the drug makes it unique. Each of its components has been tested and used by traditional healers in various regions for years, which has become an excellent basis for its use today.

prostodin capsules reviews
Prostodin has many positive reviews from patients and experienced doctors who successfully use it in the treatment of complex forms of prostatitis. The nuances of its effectiveness is only compliance with the rules of admission and a healthy lifestyle, and no features of the body do not affect this. A positive feature is the complete absence of the risk of side effects. All this in the complex creates only a good impression. Despite the fact that the product appeared on the market just a few years ago, it has already managed to help many men regain their health.

It's no secret that men do not visit doctors for routine examinations as often as women. But this is completely wrong. To ensure that your health is always in order, you need to make regular appointments with qualified specialists, and also try to lead a healthy lifestyle.


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