What Is Sex And Its Role In Human Life

Different people have a different understanding of what sex is. There is no universal answer. Everyone has their own answer, because different people understand the same thing in their own way. Some believe that sex was only if it ended in orgasm. Some men more often consider sex as a blowjob, and women as cunnilingus.

Sexual orientation also matters. A heterosexual woman evaluates intimate caresses with another woman as a prank, although the same caresses with a man will be a real intimacy for her.

So what is sex? In the simplest sense, a word of this nature has at least two meanings. By this word is meant the existence of male and female. The gender of a person determines the traits, experience, behavior, due to which people are divided into men and women. Intimacy determines activity related to the genitals. The genitals can be primary and secondary.

Primary genital organs: male penis or female vagina, which are associated with fertilization. Secondary genitals will be those that help establish sex, but are not directly related to fertilization. For women, such are the breast and clitoris, when they see that men experience erotic feelings.

Western culture uses the concept of β€œhaving sex” quite freely. Westerners have their own views on the question of what sex is. And this is not necessarily the achievement of some kind of closeness among partners. This is mainly sexual intercourse, the process of finding a male penis in a female vagina.

Most often, people "make love" only for the sake of pleasure, for the intimacy that arises in this process, and when there is a desire to conceive a child. Sex also brings moral satisfaction.

The pleasure that people experience when having sex is obtained through the genitals. Yet feelings, thoughts, sexual and erotic fantasies appear due to the work of the brain. In the vicinity, the human mind can be both an ally and an enemy.

For most people, such intimacy is not just a physiological need or attraction. This is an intimate activity with another person, a merger of two people. Good sex is the desire for self-expression, openness and the ability to respond to the desires of another person.

In general, each person for himself must find the answer to the questions of what sex is and when to start having sex.

Making love brings great benefits to man. Regular classes have a positive effect on the general well-being of both women and men.

First, intimacy is a great way to lose weight. If you regularly have sex, then it can replace the gym. This is very true for a modern person. Sex is a good sleeping pill. After sex, partners fall asleep quickly. In addition, intimacy can be an excellent antidepressant, and sometimes it can help in psychological problems and human diseases. People after good sex improve their overall psychological mood. Intimacy can replace drugs for blood vessels and the heart. The risk of cardiovascular disease is halved with regular sexual activity. Regular sex is also a great way to boost immunity. In people accustomed to abstinence, viral and colds are much more difficult.

Normal sex is a great painkiller. After all, endorphin, the hormone of happiness, is a good substitute for painkillers, and is produced during such intimate activities. This is an excellent tool for healing people. In people who make love, metabolism improves, the genitourinary system is protected, and the general condition improves.

After intercourse, the skin condition improves, the person becomes younger. Thanks to collagen, a substance that has a regenerative effect, aging processes slow down in people over 35.

Therefore, making love is necessary and beneficial for people of all ages, even advanced.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B998/

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