How to get rid of the smell in the closet with clothes quickly?

Have you encountered such a problem as the smell in a closet with clothes? How to get rid of this phenomenon? We’ll talk about this today. Probably, every housewife will remember the situation when, having clean linen put in place and then taken out, she feels a strange and sometimes not the most pleasant aroma. What causes a musty smell and what to do about it?

smell in the closet with clothes how to get rid

Extra wash

This is the first desire that arises when you smell bad in a closet with clothes. How to get rid of it? It is logical to assume that the hostess will attempt to arrange a large wash. In this case, all contents are taken out of the closet and sent to the laundry room. Unfortunately, after a while, everything repeats again . Let's first look at why there is a smell in a closet with clothes. How to get rid of it - this is the second block, which will also be carefully disassembled.

Where does it come from

Before you try to get rid of the unpleasant odor, you need to think about what contributed to its appearance. Often this is our sloppiness. The erased items and those that have already been worn are cleaned in the closet. Of course, jeans and a sweater cannot be washed after each donning, otherwise very soon they will simply become worthless. But there is one way out - to single out one compartment where you can clean everyday clothes. And after washing, she can move to the main, for clean things. This will prevent odors in the clothes closet. If this is not possible, then at least you need to ventilate things well after each wear. We will talk about how to get rid of mustiness quickly and without much hassle below, but for now let's look at the other reasons.

smell in the closet with clothes how to get rid quickly

Inadequate drying of clothes

This is especially true with the heating turned off, but when the street is still pretty cool. Things hang on drying for quite a while, but still, the fibers of the fabric retain a small amount of moisture. And bedding and laundered items should be placed in the cabinet absolutely dry. If it seemed to you that one corner is a little wet, leave the thing on the dryer for several hours. Otherwise, a damp smell will appear in the closet with clothes. How to get rid of it? Almost nothing but the same wash. In order not to puzzle then, it is better not to give him a chance to appear.


Modern irons are equipped with a steam generation function. This is very convenient, as it allows you to quickly cope with any folds on the fabric. But here is another problem. Modern women have no time to spare, and, stroking the laundry, they immediately put it back in place. As a result, they face the same problem. When taking things out, you can feel not the gentle aroma of the rinse aid, but a sour, sharp, moldy smell. And again I want to say that it is easier to prevent the appearance of a smell in a closet with clothes. How to get rid of such trouble quickly, you wo n’t have to think if after ironing you leave the laundry for several hours on the ironing board.

smell in the closet with clothes how to get rid effectively

Closed space

It’s good if the hostess has enough free time. Then the chances of an unpleasant odor among clothes will be minimal. But in the hustle and bustle of working everyday life, one of the worn things falls into the bowels of the closet, in the fall, linen is saturated with moisture, and as a result, the delicate smell of cleanliness gradually disappears. Therefore, one more rule should be observed: laundry should not be locked up for too long. Clothing should be regularly ventilated. Therefore, leaving for work, open the cabinet doors , periodically sort through the stacks of linen and wipe the shelves under it. After this, be sure to allow the cabinet to dry.


Let’s purposefully display the smell of β€œ settled ” in the closet with clothes. β€œ How to get rid of it effectively and for a long time? ” , You ask. First of all, completely empty the wardrobe. Open all doors and drawers to allow air to flow freely into all compartments. If after a day or two the smell does not completely disappear, then the furniture itself is to blame. If the cabinet is very old, it is recommended to paint it inside. A good composition will dry in just one day, after which the mold will disappear, which means the cause of concern. If this option is not considered, you can use one of the following.

smell in the closet from dampness with clothes how to get rid

Simple and cheap

The removed items were saturated with a smell, which means that they will still need to be washed. To do this, you do not need to purchase expensive products and rinses. Regular vinegar helps very well. To do this, a glass of table vinegar is poured with powder, and at the exit you get fresh and clean linen. This method allows you to remove all unpleasant odors. A similar tool can serve and soda. Ideal for washing white clothes, especially curtains. In this case, a glass of soda is added to the powder. As already mentioned, the laundry must be dried, ironed and left to cool completely.

Wet furniture cleaning

Now you need to thoroughly wash the cabinet itself. This will require warm water, a rag and laundry soap. Go through the entire inner surface, including the upper rungs. It is best to leave it open for several hours after this procedure so that the tree is completely dry. Now let's think about how to get rid of mold. The smell in the closet with clothes does not occur on its own, which means that it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its appearance.

smell in the closet with clothes how to get rid of mold

The second step is disinfection

Cabinets rarely stand in the middle of a room. Most often they are located near the walls. The empty cabinet needs to be pushed aside: it is possible that the mold nursery is located on the back wall. And even if it is not there, it would be nice to carry out preventive treatment. In order to defeat the fungus, ordinary hydrogen peroxide is used. She needs to process the cabinet both outside and inside, paying particular attention to the corners.

Usually this is enough, and if you regularly carry out wet cleaning, combining it with preventive treatment, and properly dry and iron your clothes, you no longer have to ask yourself: β€œ How to get rid of the smell in the closet with clothes? ” Methods for successfully solving the problem, however, are this does not end there. Moreover, they can be combined with those listed above, from this the chances of success are only growing. So, after processing with peroxide, it is recommended to wipe the cabinet with a solution of baking soda.

smell in the closet with clothes how to get rid of tips

If you take your time

After a couple of hours you can fold things back. But if time permits, it is better to make sure that the unpleasant smell never returns to the closet. To do this, after antiseptic treatment, place cotton or gauze swabs dipped in vinegar in the cabinet. After a day, you can wash it with a solution of ammonia and hang aromatic sachets.

If you have a steam generator, then it will be a great help. After such processing, not a single dispute will survive. Do not forget to dry the cabinet well, and wash and iron all things at maximum temperature. Now you can again put everything in place. Try not to hammer the cabinet to failure. If things will not breathe, the likelihood that an unpleasant smell will reappear will only increase .

smell in the closet with clothes how to get rid of methods


And finally, consider practical recommendations for dealing with odor in a closet with clothes. There are a lot of tips on how to get rid of this scourge. You can use any of the following:

  • Hang bags with needles, lavender and laurel.
  • Put a handkerchief sprayed with perfume.
  • Wrap the pieces of soap in clean handkerchiefs and place them next to piles of bedding.
  • Citrus fruits perfectly refresh the smell in the wardrobe. To do this, wrap the peel of an orange or lemon in a clean cloth and hang it in a cupboard.
  • Remember the last time you chose perfume? To neutralize the aroma of the previous ones, the seller recommended smelling coffee grains . This method can be used now. Put the coffee in a glass and place it on the lower shelf.
  • Do not throw away the bottle of your favorite perfume. Put it on a shelf with knitwear. Delicate scent settles in things.
  • Meadow aromatic herbs are another way to give things an unforgettable smell. To do this, hop and lavender, thyme and oregano are suitable.
  • Essential oils are another great way to combat odor. But don't overdo it. Lavender or eucalyptus, ylang-ylang or rose, mandarin or cinnamon - any of these fragrances can be the highlight of your wardrobe.

Drying clothes

After you have spent time and energy restoring order in the closet, you must prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor again. To do this, you need to not only wash the laundry well, but also properly dry it. It is best if it hangs in the hot sun . This is both drying and disinfection. But make sure no one is smoking nearby, otherwise a damp cloth will absorb the smell of tobacco. If the laundry dries at home, try not to cook anything too aromatic: pies, fried fish. At least use a range hood. Otherwise, then the whole wardrobe will smell like a kitchen, and you will have to start all over again. And remember: first you need to get rid of the reason, and then deal with remapping things.


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