The Importance of Color in Marketing

Today it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t know that colors play an important role in marketing. Most people are accustomed to the fact that marketers during the campaign hang up red banners. And in order to attract visitors to promotional products, experts put yellow price tags instead of white ones. What do popular colors mean and what effect do they have on the customer?


colors in marketing

From childhood, everyone knows that red is the color of aggression. This shade captures the viewer's attention and holds him. Red color in marketing and branding is used more often than others. No wonder. Juicy shade goes well with almost all colors. Experts are used to using it in contrast. For example, red color can often be seen complete with white or black. But most marketers use a juicy shade along with yellow. Such a vigorous combination looks cheap, but it works very effectively. Firms selling expensive goods prefer to use red not as a background, but as an accent.

Each color in marketing has its own meaning. Red symbolizes blood and aggression. But this shade is perceived without a hint of rage. Marketers have laid a clear link between red and discounts. Only a lazy entrepreneur does not exploit the associations invested in the buyer. Also red color is associated with the holiday. But such a parallel runs if the bright shade is complemented by green. When looking at such a color scheme, an association with the New Year immediately appears in my head.


What is orange associated with? With an orange, with joy and fun. This is the interpretation of this shade used by marketers. Orange is able to attract people's attention no worse than red, but this shade is rarely used for such purposes. And why, if everyone is already used to red. Orange prompts a person to action. If you can’t decide on something, a good marketing move can push you. For example, you may notice that the orange color in marketing is often used to refer to box offices. The person who collected the goods must see where to go shopping. And the sellers of many stores are dressed in orange T-shirts so that they can be easily found on the background of colored shop windows. The same thing is practiced on the Internet. A person who has visited the site and now wants to find something on it or register on it, will have to press the orange button that he wants to click, since the positive color attracts attention.

Colors in marketing are of great importance. For example, orange is an analogue of joy and happiness. A similar shade can be safely used both in the design of the office, which deals with holidays, and for the design of a children's center or children's printing.


flower psychology in marketing

Everyone knows from childhood that yellow is associated with sun and light. But over time, the child realizes that yellow is also a danger. Bees and wasps that have a yellow-black color are very unpleasant insects, the bite of which can even be fatal. Therefore, yellow attracts people's attention no worse than red. This value of color in marketing is known, it is actively used in advertising. The most popular combinations with yellow are red and black. They work equally well, but in the first case, the poster looks catchy, but cheap, and in the second - gloomy, but solid. The most famous brand that uses a black and yellow combination is Beeline. Such a solution is considered one of the best, as brand recognition today is considered global.

Yellow is often used in traffic signs and crossings. This move is actively used by marketers. They make similar danger sign plates, and put an advertising sign inside. People fall for this trick even when they are well aware of it. Colors in marketing are always taken from life and actively exploited, they are only slightly modernized and adjusted to the goals of advertisers.


A green hue has many meanings. In the psychology of color in marketing and advertising, green is environmentally friendly. Looking at the green packaging, a person involuntarily thinks that it is somehow related to naturalness, and the product contained in the colored shell does not contain preservatives or chemicals. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of this, selling cheap goods in expensive packaging made from natural materials.

The psychology of colors in marketing is studied not only by designers, but also by specialists in creating web pages. Green is not only an indicator of environmental friendliness, but also the color of money. Sites of successfully developing enterprises are often decorated in green colors. In this case, the association will be double. Firstly, clients will think that the company is developing well, and secondly, investors will believe that the company brings good income.

Another feature that a rich green hue has is calming. It is pleasant for a person to look at the green color, since for the eye the green color seems the most pleasant. And a similar shade carries a designation of stability and reliability.


colors in marketing and advertising

The influence of color in marketing should be known to any specialist who wants to succeed in sales. What is the advantage of a blue hue? Blue is the color of peace and tranquility. Unlike deep blue, the whitened version seems more enjoyable and attractive. Blue color often means toys for boys, places of rest and beauty salons. The value of calm and tranquility is also suitable for places in which a person comes to relax: pool, bathhouse or sauna.

In printed matter, blue shades are used in conjunction with black or white. Such combinations are considered catchy and classic. Blue is an inactive shade, however, it can attract attention and complement more saturated tones. At a nuance, blue is rarely used. Few people want to create exclusively blue labels and business cards.

Studying the psychology of colors in marketing, a person understands that the less saturated the tone of a color, the more it impresses a person. Therefore, you will not find a blue tint in the store as a banner. But on food labels you can find a lot of blue. He shows the client that the product is natural and it contains some kind of particle of the sea. Most often, fish, seafood, algae and sea salt are packed in such packages.


What color in marketing and advertising is associated with reliability and stability? Of course, blue. This shade is used to advertise various banks and deposit systems. Even microloans choose their own blue color scheme. Marketers believe that a person wants to feel calm and confidence not only in money, but also in his home. Therefore, numerous interior items and household items are decorated in blue tones. Shade of color plays an important role. The darker the blue, the more troubled a person will be from the contemplation of color in his soul. The direct association for many is with the sea. A calm sea means peace and quiet, and a noisy dark sea is a terrible element, from which you can expect trouble.

If we talk about the Internet space, then the most hyped social network in Russia has exactly the blue color. Besides the fact that the shade is considered stable, it is also neutral. The human eye is able to get used to the design of blue sites and subsequently ignore the windows on the screen, focusing on their contents.


best colors in marketing

Purple in marketing and advertising is the color of luxury. So historically, purple has always been considered the color of kings. It is not surprising that for many this shade is associated with luxurious life. The thing is that in nature it is difficult to meet a natural purple hue. But today, numerous computers easily cope with this task. Creating a purple label or banner ad is easy. But so far, many people have a strong belief that purple is a luxury. This association is used by cosmetics and hygiene companies.

Another advantage of violet is that for some people, this shade implies quality. Therefore, people favor purple wrapped products.

Purple banners hanging around the city will attract the attention of passers-by with their creativity. Custom color will attract attention and distinguish the company from competitors. Many advertisers and designers are afraid of an unnatural shade and fear that people will not appreciate the bold step of creators.


color in marketing and branding

The best color in marketing, which can rightfully be considered one of the sellers, is pink. This shade is used on almost all care products that are designed for women. Pink packaging attracts all young and old girls. Popular shade is associated with people not only with creams and cosmetics, but also with glamor. If the marketer needs to show the luxurious life of a woman, he will dress the young lady in a pink robe. Thanks to the bright shade, it will be easy to attract the attention of viewers, as well as get their sympathy.

Even in advertising for men, marketers use a pink tint. To make products for the stronger half of humanity more attractive, they advertise their girls, who are dressed in bright miniskirts and topics in pink.

The pink tint in many people is associated with childhood and a fairy tale. Cartoons for girls are made in this shade. And also a lot of toys, which are filled with children's stores, are made of pink fabric and plastic.

The black

Despite the mourning with which black should be associated with the logic of things, marketers are actively using this color in advertising. It does not cause bad associations in people, on the contrary, for many people black is the color of luxury and gloss. There is nothing surprising here. Most of the luxury segment goods have dark shades or are sold on a dark background: jewelry, fur coats, cars.

What is the most popular color combination? In marketing, a pair of black and white is used as often as in any other field of design. The buyer is immediately struck by the basic information that is easy to find on a display case or poster. Reading black text on a white background is familiar and convenient. Therefore, most of the price tags in the store are printed on black paper in black ink.

Black and white colors are used by website creators. The color scheme is striking, but if you need to create the image of a company that is proud of its reputation and wants to associate with the client with a model company, then it is better to use a classic color pair.

Black color often acts not as a background or text, but also as a color accent. Dark objects on a light background attract a good eye.


color psychology in marketing and advertising

Talking about the psychology of color in marketing and branding, one cannot but mention the white shade. It is one of the complementary colors that is difficult to do without. What is the advantage of white? Hue is associated with trust and purity of intent. A similar color can be used by wedding salons, banks and numerous sites. Also, a white tint is associated with the hospital and with sterility. It is widely used in medicine and in advertising hospitals and clinics.

Marketers like to introduce technical innovations to customers on a white background. This is done so that the attention of customers is focused on technology, and not on the surrounding background. For this reason, most products in the online store are also provided to the attention of the viewer in conjunction with a white background.

White color is popular today, because the graphic is in fashion. People prefer the classic combination of black and white over the rest of the color palette. Advertising made in the style of minimalism will attract the attention of customers no worse than a color banner. And in contrast to the rest of the advertising posters, the monochrome banner will look ascetic and pleasant.

A color scheme

color effect in marketing

There are several ways to combine colors. If you want to get a bright result, then you should use contrasting pairs. They have been familiar to many since childhood: red - green, purple - yellow, blue - red. If there is no desire to make rich advertising, then you can play on the accent. To do this, use colors adjacent to the color wheel, for example, red and pink or blue and blue. Advertising on the nuance will turn out to be tender and attractive. It can be used to promote cosmetics. And contrasting advertising moves will help sell the product to which you need to attract increased attention.

Today, marketers can combine completely incompatible colors and still get an interesting result. In this process, it is necessary to take into account not only the shade, but also its saturation. Colors of the same saturation look good together, even if they do not mix well with each other.

If you don’t know which shade to complement the color, use black or white. You will succeed in highlighting the information and not make a mistake in choosing. And if you want to make a modern design, then check out the trendy colors that Panton offers every year. For example, this year purple is at its peak. It goes well with white, black, blue, yellow, orange and beige colors.


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