“Reaching for the handles” (exercise): execution technique. Home fitness

Fitness classes at home are most suitable for those ladies who do not have the means to visit specialized halls. It so happens that there is no desire. Or the possibility is excluded due to the large employment in the household. This is especially understood by women sitting on maternity leave. In a word, whatever the reasons, it’s quite possible to perform effective sports complexes while sitting at home. For example, the “reach for the handles” complex. Exercise is possible to perform sitting, lying and standing. How to do it? And what results does it allow to achieve?

reach for the exercise

A few words about when is the best time to practice

Sports activities are best started in the morning. This is necessary in order to wake up, on the one hand, and on the other, to tune the body to the necessary charge of vigor, which is enough for the whole day. A striking example of such a workout is charging from the “Reaching for the Handles” series. Exercise, or rather, a whole complex for charging, helps to properly stretch muscles and joints. Moreover, in the complex, as a rule, there are no strength exercises requiring large physical expenses.

On the contrary, exercises for charging are very simple and do not involve much effort. And most importantly, they do not spend much time. In total, morning exercises last 10 minutes, less often - 15-20 minutes.

home fitness

What is the use of morning exercises?

Do not confuse full-fledged fitness at home and regular morning exercises. Regularly performing a simple set of exercises, you will not lose weight and moreover you will not be able to achieve an enviable relief in the abdomen. But with its help you can get rid of congestion in your joints and ligaments, normalize blood circulation and start metabolic processes in the morning.

reach for handles how to do

Where to start morning exercises?

According to many home fitness enthusiasts, it's best to start your day with a charge right in bed. By the way, many experts in the field of medicine, for example, the famous doctor Bubnovsky, speak about the benefits of such classes.

He even has a whole complex for morning awakening of the joints in bed, where you can also perform an element called "Reaching for the arms." Exercise is done from a supine position. To do this, lower your arms along the body and alternately move one arm down (along the leg to the knee), and then the other. A similar movement can be performed while standing, but in this complex it is more convenient to do it, only carefully sliding your hands on the bed. In this case, the position of the body should be shifted after the hands. You can repeat it 5-10 times in each direction.

morning exercise 10 min

An example of morning exercises in bed

So suppose you are already awake. Do not rush to get up. A short and uncomplicated charge will help you cheer up. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Lie on your back.
  • Spread your arms and legs wide apart.
  • Pull the socks towards you and forward, pull the heels away from you (this action will relieve tension from the vessels and joints and will be an excellent prevention of blood clots, stagnation of blood in the lower extremities).
  • Stack several circles to the right and left (repeat 10 times in each direction).
  • Follow the feet with several outer and inner circles (5-6 times both times).

how to carry out the exercise reach for the arms

We warm our knees and legs

Continuing our peculiar facilitated fitness at home, we proceed to warming up the knees. To do this, bend your legs and straighten them again. Perform such a slide, alternately bending one leg or the other. Next, connect both legs together and lift up. Freeze in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then pull your legs to your stomach and grab your knees with your hands.

After that, you can perform a choice of exercise "bicycle" (10 times) or swing legs (like a pendulum, when one leg goes to the head, the second goes down and vice versa).

Doing an exercise for the hips

After our legs are slightly warmed up, we can proceed with further actions. To do this, we move the feet closer, hands pull closer to the heels and raise the pelvis up. Thus we make an easy "half-bridge". Next, we begin to lower the pelvis down and up. Such exercises are performed 6-10 times. The next thing we will do is the “Reach for the Handles” complex. Exercise will help warm up the abs and arms.

We train the press from a prone position

Continuing home exercises from a prone position, bend your knees and raise your upper body. In this case, we will perform another variation from the “Reach for the Handles” cycle. How to do this exercise? To do this, it remains only to stretch your arms along the legs and alternately stretch them to one or the other heel. In this case, you will pull the lateral muscles of the press, “wake up” your upper body and prepare your hands for further movements. Perform the action 5-8 times in each direction.

Perform an exercise for the neck and back.

At the next stage, you can roll over on your stomach and stand with support on four limbs (hands and knees). Then do the useful cat exercise. During it, the back is rounded, and the head goes down, and when the back is bent in the opposite direction, the head rises. Do the exercise 5-6 times. In the end, twist your neck to the right and left (enough 5-7 times), and you can get up. With the regular implementation of this morning complex, you will get rid of such unpleasant phenomena as morning crunch of joints or pain in the lower back, neck, feet and knees.

How to perform the exercise “Reaching for the arms” from a standing position?

Morning exercises can be done from a standing position. However, as in the case of charging in bed, this complex must be performed in stages. So, start by turning the neck. Perform circles with your head in both directions (5-6 times each). Then go to your shoulders. Alternately lift them up one at a time, and then both at once. Repeat 5-7 times. Make circles with your shoulders back and forth.

After that, put your feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor (place them apart) and begin to reach them in one, and then the other side. Do it as if you want to reach first to one wall, and then to another. Put your hands on your belt and twist your hips left and right (5-6 times).

After that, you can perform 5-10 squats and swing legs forward, sideways, backwards. Repeat each action 5-7 times. Next, join your hands and spread them apart, simulating jumping rope. Jump 5-10 times. At the end of charging, be sure to perform a short set of stretching exercises. To do this, bend your torso alternately to one and the other leg. Standing on one leg, bend the other at the knee. Grab her sock with your hand and stretch. Repeat on the second leg.

Now you are energized and ready for your ordinary day!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9994/

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