Nervous breakdown: symptoms, signs, treatment and consequences

Nervous breakdown - a sharp, severe disorder of the nervous system. It can provoke a prolonged, severe overstrain, stressful situation, the influence of external factors, psychological trauma. Often, symptoms of a breakdown of the nervous system are observed against the background of the working environment, professional activity, general overwork. Conflict with relatives and friends, hopes, dreams that do not come true and thereby disappointing, as well as various insults, can provoke this state.

General view

Currently, a nervous breakdown is not considered an independent disease, but its consequences require adequate therapy. Several factors are known under the influence of which such a state is especially likely. The causes of symptoms of a nervous breakdown include all of the above phenomena, the financial crisis, divorce of spouses and other similar events that greatly affect the emotional state of a person. It is important to understand and acknowledge what is happening with the body, to seek qualified help on time. A nervous breakdown is not only unpleasant, but can also lead to serious consequences.

Oddly enough, but the symptoms of a nervous breakdown in women and men are regarded by doctors as something positive. Medicine explains the mechanism of such a breakdown as something akin to immunity to ordinary diseases, through the breakdown a protective system of the psyche is realized. Long-term emotional stress once leads to a sharp outcome, which allows us to understand that it is urgent to change something in life. The nervous system makes it possible for a person to realize that life and health are in serious danger, that irreversible pathological changes are approaching, which means that the time has come to urgently correct habits and seek professional help.

symptoms of nervous breakdown in girls

I'm in danger?

Understanding that treatment of the consequences of a nervous breakdown may soon be needed (the symptoms of such a phenomenon will be described below) is possible if you constantly worry about the feeling of being "at the limit". There is a high risk of encountering such a mental disorder if every day a person is faced with aggressive factors, stress, if he is experiencing too much stress on the psyche, nervous system. It is known from medical practice that most often nervous breakdowns occur against the background of divorce and other problems that are unpredictable and unexpected for a person. This may be the death of a loved one or an unexpected separation. Sometimes breakdowns are observed against the background of an uncomfortable, poor home, family environment - regular conflicts, misunderstandings and difficulties arising between family members regarding various aspects of life, including raising children.

There is a high risk of symptoms of a nervous breakdown in girls, women, men, children, if a person is forced to function in an uncomfortable schedule. This applies to study, work. If the team has a difficult, unfriendly atmosphere, the schedule is too saturated, the volumes are such that they cannot be dealt with if peers refuse to accept the child in the team and he becomes an outsider, such an outcome is highly likely. Financial difficulties can provoke a reaction of the nervous system - loss of a job, participation in credit programs, loss of property for various reasons.

What else is possible?

There are also known cases when a breakdown determined the characteristics of a lifestyle, the influence of the environment, and specific individual traits inherited from birth. The hereditary factor plays a role. If the closest relatives of a woman, a man, have previously had symptoms of a nervous breakdown, illness, and other problems of the nervous system, it is highly likely that a person will also have to deal with them. The risk is higher in a difficult situation if the central nervous system, thyroid gland malfunction. Increased risks are even associated with a lack of minerals and vitamins in the diet.

nervous breakdown symptoms and effects in adolescents

There is a high probability of the appearance of symptoms of a nervous breakdown in a person who has experienced a severe viral, bacterial infection that has affected the brain. Incorrect processes of neurotransmitter generation, as well as their incorrect functioning, play their role. Lack of rest, sleep, violation of the regime, alcohol abuse, smoking, specific character traits, temperament - all this can cause a disorder of the nervous system.

Am I at risk?

It is known that symptoms, consequences of a nervous breakdown in women are more often observed, but a strong half of humanity is less prone to such instability of the National Assembly. At the same time, gender cannot guarantee protection against NS, everyone can have breakdowns, neither age nor gender plays a role. The fact that the frequency of breakdowns is higher in women is explained by the characteristics of the emotional side of the personality - it is more saturated, varied, changeable than it is usually characteristic of men.

Any modern person should know the symptoms of a nervous breakdown in order to identify the situation in time and figure out how to help themselves. Modern medicine involves the division of symptoms into three levels - behavior, psyche and physiology.

What is it about?

Behavioral, mental symptoms of a nervous breakdown include irritability, a tendency to irritation, incorrect, inadequate reactions to external stimuli. As a rule, in the event of a breakdown, people are unhappy with everything, no matter what happens around. Many note that bright light causes pain, sensitivity to it increases. At the same time, people become distracted, it is impossible to get together, which leads to a decrease in working capacity, quality of tasks.

In the event of a breakdown, a person quickly and very tired, fussy, intolerant of others, not able to wait, make decisions, but prone to insults. A nervous breakdown makes people suspicious, sensitive, vulnerable, and their mood is constantly changing. In this state, it is difficult to focus on something positive, but problems and difficulties are always in the focus of attention. Self-esteem unreasonably decreases or rises, the values ​​of life conflict with each other, which leads to an even deeper immersion in one's own problems.

symptoms of a nervous breakdown in men

What does the body say?

From the point of view of physiology, the symptoms of a nervous breakdown are no less diverse, extremely unpleasant. Usually they complain of a headache - prolonged, severe, inexplicable and difficult to eliminate. People are disturbed by discomfort in the chest and stomach, and "flies run around" in front of their eyes.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown requiring treatment include pressure drops. Many are dizzy, their appetite is disturbed (its complete loss or overeating is possible), sleep. A nervous breakdown makes people hypochondriacs who are too worried about their own health. Nervous imbalance leads to a decrease in sexual activity. In women, against the background of psychological problems, menstrual irregularities are possible. The functioning of the autonomic nervous system is inhibited.

Doctor himself

You can notice the symptoms of a nervous breakdown in a teenager, adult, even if the person does not have a specialized medical education. Doctors have long ago formulated what features a breakdown is expressed in, what you need to pay attention to in order to realize that you are in such a situation or notice it for your close ones. In a situation of mental instability, people quickly get tired, and requests lead them to an irritated, dissatisfied state, even if these are insignificant trifles. The approximation of a nervous breakdown can be identified by an overestimated critical assessment of oneself, irritability, nervousness.

nervous breakdown symptoms causes

If you read specialized non-fiction articles on treatment, symptoms of a nervous breakdown, you can find out that when this situation approaches, many people feel as if they are surrounded by evil, unfriendly-minded people. The suspicions of everyone around in the desire to offend, infringe, and bring evil testify to the imminent NA. At the same time there are problems in the digestive tract, sleep disturbances. The possibility of a breakdown is signaled by a headache, a depressed state, a feeling of one's own helplessness. For persons prone to nervous breakdowns, a fluctuation in weight is characteristic.

Women: how is everything going?

Symptoms and consequences of a nervous breakdown among the fair sex are much more common. To a greater extent, this is characteristic of the age group of 30-40 years, due to emotionality, impressiveness. If there is any one or a couple of symptoms from the above, it is still impossible to talk about a nervous breakdown, this only makes you think about the need to adjust the lifestyle, but does not indicate mental pathological conditions. The regular appearance of several signs at the same time allows us to suspect an NS - approaching or occurring. Assuming that the risk of such a situation is high, you should seek psychological help. Currently, virtually all fairly large settlements of our country have free consultations, where professionals can provide timely assistance to those in need.

It is generally accepted that the symptoms and consequences of a nervous breakdown are more related to gender and hormonal changes characteristic of the female body, which means there is nothing to be done - this is what nature intended. In particular, it is quite difficult for many to make adjustment during the period of bearing a child. This is not a reason to deny yourself the help of a qualified doctor - no matter what the symptoms are provoked, they require the earliest possible treatment.

Attention to all the little things

Having noticed negative changes in the body in time, it is highly likely to minimize the serious consequences. Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in adult women include aspects that, for many, fall out of sight, seeming something mundane, not foreshadowing disasters. A good example is menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea. Even if this is observed against the background of a stressful situation, few women pay enough attention to this symptom to understand that the help of a qualified psychologist is needed.

Assume the approach of a breakdown can be a sharp weight loss or weight gain, a feeling of heaviness in the chest. Others describe it as "breast is poured." Only careful monitoring of well-being, giving yourself enough time and care is a really effective method of preventing negative consequences. Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in adult women are often blurry, but this is not a reason to leave them without proper attention!

nervous breakdown symptoms treatment

The problem is not only adults

A nervous breakdown is possible not only in the older generation, but also in children. Many attribute this to the insufficient formation of the nervous system, and the unpreparedness for aggressive external factors affecting a minor person. At the same time, aspects of our everyday life are such that they do not distinguish between adults and children - everyone has to face difficult situations. According to doctors, the symptoms of a nervous breakdown in a child are most clearly formed against the backdrop of inadequate parental attitudes. Some tend to enroll their child in all possible courses, additional educational programs, and circles to improve the status of themselves, the child, but the body simply can not cope with such overloads, and this leads to a sharp failure of the nervous system. Others are too harsh and categorical in the upbringing - barely noticing any negative traits in the child, the parents immediately take measures to eliminate them. There is a high probability of a breakdown in a baby who does not feel care, custody of the mother, as well as forced to live in conflict, quarrels in the family. Excessive parental care can provoke a breakdown.

Having noticed the approaching crisis situation in time, you can take measures so as not to face serious consequences. Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in adolescents, also observed against the background of overload, are often complicated by hormonal changes in the body during adulthood, and this leaves its mark on the situation. Features of the change at the physiological level, the process of personality formation itself already creates a big load, and when this is supplemented by conflict situations and overstrain in everyday life, it becomes very difficult to avoid a breakdown. The task of parents is to be attentive, understanding to the child.

The strong half of humanity: not without weaknesses

Although it is customary to think that women are more prone to breakdowns, for men this problem is also relevant. The situation is not observed so often, but it is especially difficult to tolerate. In addition, men with even less desire than women seek qualified help, which complicates the course and consequences. Our life is such that the load is increasing day by day - this applies to the psyche, and physiology, while conflict situations and numerous problems often literally fall upon our heads. Cope with them is not easy for everyone, regardless of age and gender. Most often, male nervous breakdowns are observed due to work problems, lack of intimate contacts or the inability to make sex life regular. Some diseases, psychological injuries, injuries to the skull, brain can provoke a breakdown.

nervous breakdown symptoms and consequences in adults

Minimize consequences

The only reliable method of preventing serious consequences is the recognition of the fact of a breakdown with the identification of the causes that provoked it and the elimination of those in the shortest possible time. As a rule, at the time of a breakdown, a person is not able to help himself, therefore, others should meet them and treat them in a difficult situation with understanding. It is necessary to defuse the situation as much as possible, in no way making it clear that others are also nervous. It is important to be able to maintain a conversation without switching to elevated tones, not to make sudden movements, not to scream, and also to maintain one level during a conversation - to stand together or sit together. If the situation is heating up, light bodily contacts will benefit - you can, for example, take by the hand. At the same time, it is important to avoid advice, evidence, instead you need to be able to listen and distract from the problem. A good option is to take a walk in the fresh air.

Wrong approach, failure to recognize the danger of a situation can cause a variety of consequences that affect physiology, the psyche. Medical statistics show that after the breakdowns, many suffer from pain in the heart and a rhythm of heartbeat, pressure spikes, headaches. The likelihood of peptic ulcer, other psychosomatic problems increases. The best method to prevent such consequences if a breakdown occurs is adequate treatment, adherence to the daily regimen, nutrition, and sufficient attention to health.

How to cure?

For symptoms of a nervous breakdown, the most reasonable option is to see a doctor. The doctor conducts a full examination, interviews the patient in order to identify factors that provoked the situation. If reactive psychosis is established, they can prescribe a course of medicines or even recommend treatment in a hospital so that specialists can monitor the patient’s condition at any time. The drug course usually involves the combined use of tranquilizers, antipsychotics, nootropic drugs.

If the breakdown is provoked by overstrain, overwork, the patient will benefit from a course of treatment in a dispensary, a sanatorium. You can go to a resort specializing in recovering people from nervous shocks. Doctors will prescribe a course of relaxing procedures, which is especially effective in conditions of untouched nature, remoteness from civilization, away from the fast pace of life of a large city. Once in such an environment, a person will quickly recover.

For the treatment to be truly effective, you will have to undergo a course of psychotherapy. There are two main approaches - individual, group. In some cases, doctors strongly recommend that not only the patient attend classes, but also his close relatives. – , .

nervous breakdown symptoms


As you know, prevention is the best treatment. In order to prevent a serious mental state, you should get into the habit of regularly walking in the fresh air, and at least half an hour should be allowed for exercise. Walking take a leisurely step, enjoying this time. You should choose a quiet park, a quiet promenade - in a word, a place where it is pleasant to be. Another important aspect is the ability to let go, forget the failures, problems that have occurred in the past. In order not to think about the bad, you should take on new things, you can try to do needlework. It is important to observe the regime of the day, to take at least eight hours to rest at night, and also to avoid conflict situations and stress factors with all our might.


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