Zirconium and cubic zirconia: what is more expensive, what is better and what is different

Most people who want to buy jewelry often wonder what is more expensive - zirconium or cubic zirconia. Faced with such names as zirconium, zircon and cubic zirconia. Jewelry sellers operate with these words, often not understanding the differences. In reality, these are three completely different minerals. Zirconium is a rare metal, it is not used in jewelry production. Its artificial counterpart, cubic zirconium, is called cubic zirconia. Zircon is a natural gemstone, rare in nature and very valuable.

Zirconium - metal

Zirconium is a chemical element of the periodic table with atomic number 40. This is a simple substance, metal, color - silver-gray. Among its main characteristics are high ductility and corrosion resistance. In its pure form, zirconium does not exist in nature. The first time it was obtained as dioxide only in 1789 due to chemical transformations of zircon, which is a natural zirconium silicate.

Zirconium - metal

Historical reference

Pure zirconium was isolated from impurities only in 1925.

To date, the exact origin of the word "zircon" has not been established. Some researchers believe that it has its origins in the Arabic zarkun, denoting cinnabar, or comes from the Persian zargun (golden).

The largest deposits, deposits of minerals containing zirconium, are in India, Australia, Brazil, and the USA. The vastness of Russia is also rich in this metal, the country accounts for almost 10% of its world reserves. Thus, geologists have established that ores with zirconium are almost unlimited in the Kola Peninsula, in the magma outlets of the Khibiny Massif.

There are a lot of compounds that contain zirconium in nature. However, it is found only in bonds with oxygen, as oxides or silicates. The main mineral in which it is present is the native and precious zircon gem.

Natural Zircon Gem

Zircon is a rather expensive natural gem. Its cost is comparable to sapphire. In its physical properties and natural beauty is not inferior to most gems. This transparent stone has various color shades. He has a strong shine. Earlier in the East, this characteristic was noted separately, referring it to the younger brother of diamond.

Natural zircon

Jewelry with this gem has been known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, jewelers, not knowing the true physicochemical nature of zircon, attributed it to an imperfect and undeveloped nature diamond. Noting a significantly lower hardness of the stone and not so strong luster after cutting. The fact that diamond has no relation to zircon is only a single crystal of zirconium metal became known much later.

Zircon comes from igneous rocks. Its color is determined by the various chemical elements that are present in it. Jewelers mainly prefer transparent zircon crystals. Which color is pink, reddish-brown and golden yellow.

Known varieties of zircon are: hyacinth of red-brown or orange shades, yellow-straw jargon, green zircon.

Natural zircon separately as a stone in jewelry stores almost never occurs. The main mining of this mineral is carried out in the southeast, in Thailand, Burma, on about. Ceylon. Most jewelry zircons, whose deposits are extremely rare, are of alluvial placer origin from Sri Lanka, Fr. Madagascar and Thailand.

It must be remembered that in jewelry, jewelry with the presence of zircon must be approached carefully. This stone is fragile enough, it can break. Small zircons may lose luster if proper care is not taken.

Artificial stone cubic zirconia

Zirconia is an artificial material, zirconia. He has a crystalline cubic lattice. The main application is jewelry, where he acts as an imitator of precious stones. Especially popular are rings, earrings with cubic zirconia.

Earrings with Fionites

Cubic zirconia, zirconium dioxide, in its chemical and physical properties is an unstable chemical element. Its stabilization is achieved through the addition of yttrium, calcium, manganese oxides.

Zircons have a high refractive index, close to diamond. As a result, it is not specialists who can always distinguish it from this expensive stone.

The cubic zirconias are obtained chemically by means of industrial crystallization. Initially, this mineral is colorless, colored shades of which are added by the inclusion of transition and rare earth elements.

So, the addition of cerium gives orange, yellow and red. Chromium colors zirconia green, neodymium purple. Metal titanium provides the crystal a golden brown hue, and irbit paints in pink.

Origin, name history

Zirconia owes its name to the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. It was the physicists of this structure who synthesized it in 1975.

Initially, scientists conducted experiments to create crystals that can improve the optical properties of the laser. Their work led to the creation of a mineral that looked like a diamond in appearance. But the practical application in laser technology is not found. However, he became one of the most popular world gem imitators. Due to the fact that it is of artificial origin, it is not a gem.

However, this name was assigned to the artificial mineral only in the countries of Eastern Europe and in the republics of the former USSR. In other states, it is usually called zirconite.

Modern technology for the production of cubic zirconias is developed. These crystals are grown quickly enough, about 8-10 mm per hour. An industrial installation provides the production of these stones at several thousand per day. As a result, the cost of cubic zirconias is low.

Artificial Crystal Growing Plant

Cubic zirconia as inserts are used to decorate jewelry, mainly from gold and silver. In jewelry, their use provides the contrast of various compositions, including imitation of diamonds.

It should be noted that there is a natural zirconia called tezheranit. It was first found in 1966 near Lake Baikal, in the Tezharan Gorge, which gave it its name.

This is a natural nugget of red or orange. Its dimensions are small, up to 1.5 mm, which does not allow its use in jewelry.

What is more expensive - zirconium or cubic zirconia

In order to understand the difference in the cost of zirconium and cubic zirconia, you need to get an idea of ​​what is offered by modern jewelers on the market.

Practice shows that sellers themselves often cannot understand the difference, calling natural zircon zirconium, and zirconium dioxide - zircon, not cubic zirconia.

So how to distinguish zirconium from cubic zirconia?

Zircon gem, which is commonly called zirconium, is a natural rare mineral. Cubic zirconia is an artificial, synthetic, inexpensive stone. It is difficult for non-specialists to distinguish them at first glance, and for this you need to know some secrets.

So, we must remember that natural stones cannot be perfectly clean. They must necessarily have the presence of voids, inclusions. If they are not, then with a high degree of probability it is an artificial stone.

Cubic zirconia and zirconium. What is the difference yet? In weight. Artificial zircon is much heavier than its natural counterpart.

Product decorated with artificial crystals

The color of the fan is bright, the brilliance is saturated. Natural zircons have a specific discreet diamond overflow.

Given that these are two minerals of different origin (natural and artificial stone), the question of which is more expensive - zirconium or cubic zirconia, is decided in favor of the first.

Zircon prices

This gem is far from affordable for everyone. Its cost is directly dependent on the color of the stone. Modern jewelers use mainly brown, red, green and blue minerals. In terms of value, those with blue colors come first. Further in descending order are red, green. The cost of stones with brown shades is much lower. With other colors - even cheaper.

Currently, the following prices have developed on the market: blue zircon costs from 170 to 400 US dollars per carat (a common unit of mass is 200 mg - 0.2 g). The cost of green and red minerals ranges from 150 to 250 US dollars. Brown zircons cost between $ 100 and $ 150 per carat. Zirconium prices of other colors are 5-15% lower than those that have brown shades.

During the Middle Ages, zircons with red-brown and bright red shades, which are also called hyacinths, were considered very popular gem stones. They were valued a little less than pearls. However, at present, interest in them has fallen significantly. Hyacinths are mainly in demand among people who are interested in paranormal phenomena and are fond of esoterics.

The price of cubic zirconias

The price of an artificial analogue of zircon, cubic zirconia, is low, depending on the color of the stone, does not exceed 3 US dollars per carat.

The modern jewelry market has set approximately the following prices for cubic zirconias: small ones, in a batch of 100 pieces, cost about 10-15 dollars in wholesale markets. Their cost is significantly affected by a number of factors.

Cubic zirconias, which imitate rubies, emeralds, sapphires, topazes, are more expensive. This is due to the fact that green and blue colors are more difficult to synthesize. As a result, their prices are 2-3 times higher.

Based on the size, the cost of cubic zirconias is different. All artificial zircons up to 3 carats are generally of standard value. Bulk, heavy cubic zirconias are usually more expensive. Their cost is directly dependent on the manufacturer, as well as on specific additives for stabilizing the artificial mineral.

Jeweler at work

The price of cubic zirconias is influenced by the cutting methods applied to them. However, a jeweler installs it on a specific product. Given the fact that the stone is quite simple to process, various forms are given to it, including traditional diamond ones. Shaped drops, hearts, pentahedral polygons are rated higher.

The manufacturer is also important in determining the value of cubic zirconias. So, Swarovski, a world-famous manufacturer of artificial crystals, sells its stones at higher prices than those made in China, Thailand.

Swarovski crystals

Based on the foregoing, it follows: when answering the question of which is more expensive - zirconium or cubic zirconia, it must be remembered that the latter has nothing to do with precious and native stones, unlike zircon (zirconium). It is a fairly simple artificial creation with low production costs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9999/

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