We replenish our vocabulary: a fakir is ...

Who was so drunk that the rehearsed trick failed? Of course, the fakir! We will consider this word in detail in this article, dwell on what part of the speech it refers to, decline it in cases and numbers, and also try to pick up at least one, or rather several synonyms to it. Let's start, as usual, with lexical meaning.

Fakir is ...

The exact meaning of the word we are studying will help to understand explanatory dictionaries. "Fakir" is a borrowed word, originally having the translation "poor, beggar, tramp."

Dictionaries define the word fakir as:

  1. A wandering dervish vowing poverty.
  2. Magician from India.
  3. People (in this sense the word is used in some Asian countries).
  4. The representative of the higher clergy (among the Kurds).
sikh fakir

Phonetic and morphological characteristics, declination

The word "Fakir" consists of five letters and the same number of sounds, of which vowels are two, therefore, there are also two syllables. It is known that if a word has more than one syllable, one of them is stressed, and the others are unstressed. In the word "fakir", the second syllable is stressed, that is, the letter "and" stands out more strongly than the letter "a".

From the point of view of morphology, “fakir” is a common animate masculine noun. Masculine nouns ending in a consonant refer to the second declension.

CaseQuestionSingular noun examplesPlural noun examples
NominativeWho!The old fakir sighed woefully and set off on.Fakirs are poor holy dervishes.
GenitiveWhom?After the excursion, Fedenka Romanov bought a fakir pipe as a gift.Imagine, if the fakirs are buried in the ground, they will remain alive!
DativeTo whom?Kid Andreika was afraid to go to the fakir.The words did not refer to the audience, but to foreign fakirs.
AccusativeWhom?Pauline has never seen a living fakir.Children were scared of skinny Indian fakirs.
Instrumental caseBy whom?The girl agreed to take a walk with the fakir.The street boys laughed cruelly at the raving fakirs.
PrepositionalAbout whom?The fakir wore shiny rags.Please tell us about the fakirs.

The word fakir: synonyms

indian fakir

The noun "fakir" has several synonyms:

  • Dervish: The dervish has no coins left.
  • Magician: Nikolka dreamed of becoming a magician.
  • Wizard: The speaker turned out to be a real wizard.
  • Illusionist: the famous illusionist Ararat Maroyan came to the city with tours.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1/

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