How to restore correspondence in VK: existing methods

Today, correspondence in social networks is a common thing, some go there only for this purpose. Sometimes, for some reason, correspondence can be deleted: by accident or on purpose. In this regard, many users are looking for the answer to the question of how to restore correspondence in the VK.

Is there a chance of recovery?

On the one hand, they say that it is impossible to restore correspondence in the VK. But on the other hand, if it was very important for the account owner, it’s worth a try. Of course, no one gives a 100% guarantee on the restoration of the message archive in full.

How to restore correspondence in VK?

It’s worth the risk, especially if the correspondence is very important.

Easy way to get correspondence

If there is a question about how to restore correspondence in VK with one user, you can use the simplest way - ask the user with whom you corresponded to send messages.

In this case, it will not be possible to obtain the necessary in only two ways:

  1. The user also deleted the correspondence. It happens infrequently, but it does happen.
  2. The correspondent user will refuse to provide the message text.

Thus, it is also possible to restore the archive of messages with several users, but each of them will need to ask about it.

correspondence in vk

There is another simple way how to restore the correspondence on VKontakte without any help, but it only works if the page did not refresh after the deletion and no transitions were made.

You can return a message by clicking on the “Restore” link, which will appear next to the “Message has been deleted” notification.

Access to deleted incoming messages without recovery

You can access incoming messages through mail or phone. How? You can restore correspondence in VK if mail and a mobile phone are attached to the profile, and notifications of new messages are also included.

You can see whether notifications about new messages are enabled on the VK website in the Settings menu, by selecting Notifications. In this menu it is possible to change existing settings to more suitable.

If at least one of the notification methods is connected, you should try to search for correspondence in your phone or email account. Often, when deleting correspondence on a social network, they forget to delete it from mail or phone.

Contacting technical support

If in a simple way it is not possible to restore the correspondence in VC, there is the possibility of receiving help from technical support. To do this, go to the VK site. In the upper right corner in front of the “Exit” button there is a “Help” menu.

restore correspondence in vk

After clicking on the “Help” link, a technical support page will appear with the line “here you can tell us about any problem related to VKontakte”. Under the line there will be an active window where the text describing the problem fits.

In the description, it is worth noting that the correspondence in the VK was deleted accidentally and is very important for the user. After a while, technical support specialists will respond. The answer must be sought in the mail, which is tied to the account. But you need to be patient, as the answer will not come immediately after sending the request. Sometimes processing a question can take several days.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is not possible to restore correspondence in this way. Technical support staff may refer to the fact that before deleting user messages they inform about the impossibility to restore them in the future.

Special programs

If you have tried all the possibilities of recovering deleted messages, but nothing gave the expected result, try to restore the correspondence with special programs that offer such a function. Some programs require paid activation.

restore correspondence in vkontakte

Before using such programs, you need to pay attention to how tested they are and how users respond about them.

Unverified, suspicious programs should not be installed - there is a high probability that they contain trojan viruses that can steal passwords and crack pages. Verified programs recover about half of deleted messages. If you delete recovered messages again, the chances of returning them are reduced again.

Note. No method that solves the question of how to restore correspondence in the VK can give a 100% guarantee that all messages will be recreated without exception. What messages will be returned are often not able to solve even special recovery programs. The algorithm for resuming deleted messages depends on the VK site.


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