Peeling of the scalp: means and reviews of cosmetologists, price

Every woman who is not indifferent to her appearance knows that the beauty of skin and hair is a delicate matter, but at the same time painstaking. You can achieve it by observing certain rules of care corresponding to a particular type of scalp. Also, the beauty of hair is impossible without the use of various masks. This can be either purchased formulations or home-made products based on fruits, oils and dairy products, as well as special additives. If possible, you should, of course, entrust the care of your hair to professionals. The type of hair after a beauty salon does not compare, of course, with any other type of care. However, it costs a lot of money, and not every woman can afford such an expensive pleasure. Periodic use of non-hazardous care products, hair coloring with aggressive chemicals, perm, all this in combination with terrible ecology leaves its mark on the condition of the hair. As a result, a withered, lifeless tow instead of a chic, thick mane.

scalp peeling

Normal hair care is not enough

As you know, hydration is an important part of hair care, regardless of their type. With dry hair, it nourishes dehydrated, flaky scalp with moisture; gives a normal, lively, sparkling shine. Oily hair, on the other hand, often with excessive release of fat by the pores of the scalp have dry, brittle and split ends (which, by the way, requires a special approach and treatment). If certain care is taken, excessive grease is neutralized. The ends of the hair, saturated with moisture, cease to split and noticeably thicken, creating the effect of a voluminous, lush hair.

Of course, moisturizing alone is not enough for a healthy look of hair. For this reason, enrichment with moisture should be accompanied by a set of nutritional procedures aimed at saturating the scalp with vitamins and minerals. For this purpose, you can actively use the same masks, which are extremely useful to include the yolk of chicken eggs.

scalp peeling reviews

Peeling - the secret of beauty and health of hair

It would seem that such a departure with its regularity should be enough. However, recently an additional procedure has become widespread, without which the result from any other types of care will be minimal or invisible at all. Peeling of the scalp is a special procedure, thanks to which the scalp gets rid of dead particles, the pores are cleaned of grease and dirt. Subsequently, there is a more effective saturation of it with oxygen and beneficial substances. The hair, which finally gained full access to external nutrition, begins to grow faster, actively filling with vital energy, the intensity of their loss decreases.

This type of cleansing is safe and beneficial for the hair. Gently cleansing the skin of impurities, the peeling composition does not violate the hair structure, does not injure. On the contrary, it contributes to its strengthening and is an effective prevention of dermatitis.

gas-liquid peeling of the scalp

Indications and contraindications

Among the first are the following signs of unhealthy hair and skin:

  • excessive oily skin;
  • dandruff;
  • seborrhea;
  • lifelessness, dullness of hair;
  • profuse hair loss and fragility.

Despite the obvious benefits of this method, like all other intensive procedures, peeling of the scalp has a number of contraindications. There are no restrictions on the type of hair. In addition, many cosmetologists confirm the special benefit for young people of this type of care, such as scalp peeling. Their reviews indicate that in the process of cleansing the scalp gets rid of the secretions accumulated on it, which at a young age are produced by the body too intensively and block pores. By carefully but delicately removing them, peeling prevents serious health problems in the future.

scalp peeling in the salon

However, if there are any inflammatory processes on the head, irritation, damage; when undergoing chemotherapy, and especially with an allergy to any component of the peeling, it is forbidden to conduct it.

At home or in the cabin

Fortunately, today, thanks to the prevalence of the Internet, everyone has the opportunity to find many excellent, effective recipes to peel their scalp on their own. But still amateur performance should be moderate. Making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment yourself is fraught with exacerbation of existing problems. For this reason, you should first consult a trichologist. And only if, after the examination, permission is obtained, you can proceed with the procedures, but taking into account the recommendations of a specialist. The choice of a cleaning location should also be made, taking into account your financial situation. Salt, for example, look, but at home, does not require costs. Whether it is a salon peeling of the scalp. Its price will be radically different.

nioxin scalp peeling
By the way, in some cases, the problems turn out to be so serious that home-based procedures alone can not be avoided. Then, of course, the question of whether to do peeling of the scalp in the salon or at home, disappears by itself. Of course, in a salon, this procedure will be somewhat more expensive at its price. However, an experienced qualified cosmetologist will be able to choose exactly those means for peeling the scalp that are ideal for a particular problem and will contribute to its speedy resolution.

Types of hair peeling

There are several types of this procedure. Each of them differs by the method of exposure to the scalp.

Salt for beauty and health of hair

Peeling of the scalp with salt can be carried out using both sea salt and simple table salt. The main thing is to use salt without fail, finely ground, as large crystals can seriously injure the delicate scalp and cause irritation.

In addition to reducing fat content, cleansing the skin and pores, such peeling contributes to a deeper and, thus, qualitative penetration of all subsequent care products into it. With normal and oily hair, peeling of the scalp can be done 3-4 times a month, with dry hair - no more than once.

scalp peeling with salt

What is the procedure

For home peeling, you will need from 2 to 5 tablespoons of finely ground salt, which is diluted with an equal amount of water. The amount of salt depends on the length and density of the hair. Having mixed the ingredients together, the resulting mass is applied to the scalp. Then, for five minutes, a soft massage is performed. If the skin is not dry, at the end of it, it is advisable to leave the salt mass for a more thorough exposure for another 10 minutes, rinsing it off after running water with a detergent.

If there are scratches on the skin or other damage, do not rush with peeling. You need to wait for their full healing and then it will be possible to fully enjoy the result.


Gas-liquid peeling of the scalp is a unique modern procedure, the essence of which is the effect on the skin of a special soft medicinal gas, which includes a mixture of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide), as well as organic medicinal solutions. The treatment of the skin itself is carried out using a directed jet, the ejection rate of which exceeds supersonic. Crashing into the surface of the skin, the jet deforms it, literally knocking out dirt from the pores and exfoliating dead cells, at the same time saturating it with useful substances, introducing them into the deepest layers.

scalp peeling products

Invaluable advantages of gas cleaning

The advantage of this type of cleaning is, firstly, the factor of the absence of direct contact of the instrument with the skin. Accordingly, the possibility of infection is excluded. Trauma and pain are also negated. One cannot but rejoice at the fact that with this procedure for the deep introduction of nutrients it is not necessary to violate the integrity of the skin, which means that it does not take time to restore the skin. In addition, a significant difference between "before" and "after" becomes noticeable after the first session. There are no restrictions on the age of the client. In addition, the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the composition is almost zero.

However, the procedure is prohibited for those who have any skin diseases, psyche, hypertension, as well as problems with blood circulation of the brain.


There is also a special care complex for thin, thinning hair. Nioxin is a three-step scalp peeling. First, the skin is cleansed, then moisturized and restored, and at the end of the procedure it is nourished with nutrients. Such cleaning is carried out no more often than a couple of times once a season.

In general, the reviews of cosmetologists and even trichologists, hair experts, indicate the extreme health benefits of scalp peeling and hair growth. Of course, there are contraindications and limitations to this procedure. But if there is an opportunity to feel the amazing effect of the peeling effect, you should not neglect this chance.


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