Agriculture of the Far East. Placement Factors

Factors affecting the specialization of agriculture and its location include soil quality, sum of active temperatures, duration of the warm period, total solar radiation, rainfall, and also moisture conditions. In addition, the frequency of occurrence of adverse weather conditions is taken into account, which include droughts, frosts, wind and water erosion, as well as the terrain and the availability of water resources - the proximity of lakes, rivers and other water bodies. Given all these factors, it can be argued that the agriculture of the Far East, for example, is fundamentally different from this sector of the economy in the central regions of the country.

To a greater extent, the factors of agricultural distribution and its specialization depend on the natural conditions in crop production. And in livestock breeding, the most dependent on climatic conditions is grazing, which includes sheep and horse breeding, which, for example, specializes in agriculture in Asia and reindeer herding. In such areas, pastoralism is significantly affected by such factors as the presence of pastures, the quality of vegetation, and the length of time the pasture has been used.

The second group of agricultural distribution factors includes socio-economic. First of all, it is a population capable of supporting the process of reproduction of labor. Thus, agriculture in the Far East, for example, specializes in different agricultural production in different regions, depending on the availability of labor resources. After all, as you know, some sectors of agriculture are more labor intensive than others. For example, the production of vegetables and potatoes, beets and other industrial crops requires significant labor costs, which means that it can develop only in those areas where the population can provide the necessary level of labor resources.

The socio-economic factors of the distribution of agriculture include the economic conditions of a particular region. They are determined by the presence of processing enterprises, the quality of vehicles, the availability of communication lines. Agriculture of the Far East is no exception to the rule, and its specialization is determined by these factors, as well as the presence in the relative proximity of large cities and agglomerated zones that form around itself a specific direction of specialization in agricultural production. In addition, a significant economic factor is the already existing production potential in agriculture of this region, which includes reclaimed land, various agricultural facilities, etc., as well as the efficiency of transporting agricultural products to other areas.

Other factors determining the development and distribution of individual sectors in agriculture include scientific and technological progress. Achievements in scientific and technical progress make it possible to increase the efficiency of agricultural production, expand the areas of its distribution, etc. Countries with developed market economies have an impact on the factors of distribution and development of agricultural production on a national scale, by lending to enterprises, maintaining product prices, etc.

Agriculture of the Far East, as well as other regions of the country, is characterized by high-commodity agriculture, with a high level of chemicalization and mechanization, and in the last decade the introduction of automation and microelectronics, as well as the achievements of selection and genetics.


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