Contact Zoo (Park House, Samara): description of the animal exhibition and visitor reviews

The contact, or “touching” zoo corner is a place where you can not only watch animals, but also touch them, hold them in your hands, pet and feed them. In Samara today several similar animal exhibitions are constantly working at once. One of them is called “Manual Zoo” and is located in a large shopping center. Therefore, local residents often call this contact zoo “Park House”. Samara is a city in which there is enough entertainment for the whole family. Why is it worth visiting this particular animal exhibition?

Description of the contact exhibition of animals in the shopping center Park House

Contact zoo park house samara
Touching zoo is a great place for families. Here visitors have the opportunity to get to know more about traditional pets and exotic animals. People have long called the interactive exhibition Contact Park Zoo Park House. Samara is only one of the cities in which the “touching” zoo corner of the Manual Zoo network operates. Branches also receive guests in Smolensk, Penza, Orel, Cheboksary, Volgograd and Elektrostal. Visiting the zoo of a large network, each visitor can be sure that all sanitary and hygienic standards and the quality organization of the exhibition are observed. Today in the Samara branch you can see the following animals: guinea pigs, rabbits, goats, chickens, turtles, ferrets, porcupine, hedgehogs, noses, raccoons, monkeys, as well as viscous pigs and birds. The exact address of the exhibition: Samara, Moskovskoye Shosse, 81B, Park House Mall.

Reviews of people who visited the contact zoo ("Park House", Samara)

Contact zoo in samara in park house
"Manual Zoo" was visited by many residents and visitors of the city. Opinions about this animal exhibition can be found different. Someone like the contact zoo in Samara at Park House, other visitors say that the staff is not always attentive and polite, some cells are closed and animals are not allowed to be touched. But there are no complaints about the conditions of detention and cleanliness of pets. All animals look healthy and are happy to make contact. The cost of tickets is low - visit the Park House contact zoo in person. Samara is a big city, and if this place does not impress you, you can always choose a worthy alternative.


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