Popular places and rating of restaurants in Tyumen

The rating of Tyumen restaurants will help people decide on a place to have a good time and eat. The first three steps are occupied by institutions that scored five out of five stars.

The best restaurants in Tyumen: 5 star rating


In this restaurant you can hold a wedding, any celebration, a festive event and banquets. The design matches the name, everything is done in a luxurious style, so any event will be held in a great setting.

This institution is famous for Tatar and European cuisine. Also, guests have the opportunity to order a signature dish from the chef. Restaurant "Aristocrat" prepares its dishes only from ecological products, and the products are preferred by local manufacturers. Visitors appreciate the quality of a wide range of dishes.

Seven Fridays

In this restaurant you can try Italian, Uzbek, Japanese and European cuisine, because it is so convenient to order your favorite sushi and pizza in one place.

Visitors enjoy the sounds of live music and can dance on the dance floor. The creators of this wonderful room took care of all the guests and made a smoking room.

According to the residents who make up the reviews and ratings of restaurants in Tyumen, the employees of this institution take care of their guests and do everything to make them satisfied.

rating of restaurants in Tyumen


The restaurant's interior displays the strict style of its name. Photos of famous gangsters, darkened lights and leather furniture are hung everywhere.

Three halls: main, yellow and red, where you can hold different meetings and events.

The cuisine of Italian, European and American dishes does not leave indifferent all the guests. Here you can eat hearty for little money. The unusual serving of steaks, salads, pasta, snacks amazes visitors, and they come again and again.

Rating of restaurants in Tyumen and photos of institutions that earned 4 stars


This restaurant introduces its guests to the traditional national dishes of Uzbekistan. Old recipes and adherence to all cooking rules are breathtaking.

The interior is also made in a traditional style, and the hall is filled with a cozy atmosphere and live music.

the best restaurants in Tyumen rating


In this restaurant you can enjoy the true atmosphere of Georgia, because Caucasian hospitality is politeness and friendliness.

Georgian cuisine is famous for its color. In the restaurant you can try all the traditional first, second courses, desserts and, of course, enjoy the incredible pleasure of Caucasian wine. And to get a bottle of wine as a gift, you need to make an order for 3 thousand rubles.

rating of restaurants in Tyumen and photos


This place is famous for Russian and European cuisine. There is also a menu for vegetarians, so the restaurant is always full of visitors. They enjoy a cozy atmosphere, live music and can dance.

An interesting children's corner has been set up for family guests, where kids have fun.

reviews and ratings of restaurants in Tyumen

Restaurants that are also well known throughout Tyumen

The Golden Turtle

This restaurant is located in the very center of Tyumen. The interior combines a merchant and tropical style. Everywhere there are flowers and green plants, birds sing unobtrusively, and the atmosphere resembles a warm, homeliness.

β€œGolden Turtle” occupies a worthy place if we consider the rating of Tyumen restaurants, as it treats guests in a special way, pleases with unsurpassed European cuisine, has an excellent wine card. All this makes the restaurant's reputation impeccable.

And here you can celebrate a wedding, corporate event, family anniversary and birthday.


In this restaurant you can arrange a romantic date. The atmosphere is for love: lighted candles on tables, quiet and pleasant music of France, the taste of Italian wine and soft interior. Such an evening will be unforgettable for the second half.

The Versailles Restaurant offers a banquet room where you can celebrate the wedding. Responsive staff will decorate the room at the request of the client and will select the most exquisite dishes to the wedding table.


The rating of restaurants in Tyumen raises the first place restaurant complex "Astra". He scored 17 thousand votes and was awarded the Golden Fork Prize. Visitors to this institution leave only positive feedback. They say that there you can not only eat delicious food, but also celebrate any holiday at a high level.

Knowing this rating of restaurants in Tyumen, it will be easy to determine where to celebrate the New Year or celebrate a birthday. After all, every resident deserves the best rest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10019/

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