How to start running and why?

Probably each of us has ever asked ourselves the question: "How to start running?" We all live in a world that seems so mobile and energetic to us. We run so much all day that there are no problems with our physical preparation. But in fact, if we dig deeper and consult with knowledgeable people who regularly play sports, we get an answer that is not entirely satisfying to us.

how to start running
How to start running, if we are used to constantly putting it off for later, and what is it for? The answer is simple. The first thing to do is want. Of course, it is also important to know the reasons why doctors and athletes recommend starting to run. We will deal with the reasons.

How to start running from scratch? What can make you? The first and most important thing that should push you to this is heart training. The heart muscle performs the workout, and thereby you increase its ability to work. The heart strengthens significantly while running, prolonging your life for many years.

All your blood vessels receive a large dose of oxygen, blood flow increases, which saturates all body tissues with nutrients. By the way, this is a very good option for solving any important problem, since during a run very often the most correct answers to topical questions come to mind. Your skin will look very fresh and healthy. And by increasing hemoglobin in the blood, you will increase your immunity.

how to start running in the evenings
After a busy day, for example, the human body simply needs a discharge. Need to relieve stress, and people are looking for any ways. It’s enough just to know how to start running, everything is very simple here. The fact is that running is the main antidepressant and can distract thoughts and relax the body from a stressful day.

Systematic running exercises will help you restore the work of the kidneys and liver, which has long been confirmed by studies of doctors. And your musculoskeletal system will get its charge - it will become stronger.

how to start running from scratch
How to start running if you have never done this before? The most important tip for beginners is to start with regular walks. In the evening, walk in the usual step as often and as long as possible, this will prepare your muscles and bones for the upcoming loads. Before the start of the race, stretch and warm your body properly. Do a warm-up, include stretching for all muscle groups, jumping and sipping, and try to make a couple of jerks at a distance of about 100 meters - this will be a good starting point. Warm up taught you at school, you know what to do and how. Starting to run in the evenings is a very good option for a beginner. After such classes, you will relax, and your sleep will be the most pleasant and useful. The main thing is to do everything slowly, without fanaticism. They put on a suit, went to the stadium or the path, and ran. Constantly change the speed: 2 km fast run - 2 km fast step.

Rest assured, your well-being will improve significantly within a week. You will feel a charge of vivacity, and your mental state will become much more stable.


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