Controller of the technical condition of vehicles: job description, responsibilities and professional retraining

The controller of the technical condition of vehicles must meet a number of requirements. Persons with incomplete higher education in the corresponding direction or full vocational education are allowed to work in this specialty. Moreover, the experience must be at least one year.

vehicle technical condition controller

General rules

The controller of the technical condition of vehicles is enlisted in the state and dismissed by order of the director. Local documents define persons to whom the employee reports directly and whose activities they are entitled to direct. In case of absence, the controller of the technical condition of vehicles may be replaced by an employee appointed in accordance with the established rules. Moreover, such a person receives the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the tasks assigned to him.

The controller of the technical condition of vehicles: instruction

To carry out activities, the employee must know:

  1. Design features, structure, requirement for serviceable vehicle.
  2. Means and methods of checking the condition of machines.
  3. Types of faults to be detected.
  4. The principles of operation of computer diagnostic systems, the treatment of them.
  5. Rules for filing reclamation documentation on the quality of maintenance, repair of machine parts and assemblies.
  6. Rules for OT.

road safety

Responsibilities of the vehicle technical condition controller

The employee checks the condition of the vehicle before leaving and after returning to the parking lot. In this case, the specialist applies computer diagnostic systems (if any). In the event of malfunctions, the controller of the technical condition of vehicles prohibits travel on the line. The tasks of the employee also include checking the quality of work performed on vehicle maintenance. The specialist exercises control in the process of receiving components and assemblies after their repair and assembly. If damage is detected, the employee draws up the relevant documentation. It also compiles and records troubleshooting and repair requests. Thus, realizing his tasks, the employee to a certain extent affects road safety . In carrying out his activities, the employee must know, understand and apply relevant industry regulatory documents, including those regulating the protection of nature and labor.

vehicle technical condition controller


The controller may:

  1. Take measures to eliminate and prevent any inconsistencies and violations.
  2. Receive guarantees provided by law.
  3. Demand assistance in the implementation of the tasks assigned to him.
  4. To get acquainted with the content of draft documents related to his activities.
  5. Demand the formation of organizational and technical conditions for the proper fulfillment of duties, the provision of necessary inventory and equipment.
  6. To request and receive documentation, information, materials for the implementation of their activities, the implementation of the provisions of acts adopted by the head.
  7. To improve qualifications.
  8. Report all inconsistencies and violations discovered in the course of the activity to the management and submit proposals on their elimination.
  9. To get acquainted with the documentation defining his duties and rights, the criteria by which the quality of his work is evaluated.

professional retraining controller of the technical condition of vehicles


The controller is responsible for:

  1. Untimely execution or failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to him in accordance with industry, including local, acts.
  2. Failure to comply with the rules of the company, health and safety, fire protection and industrial sanitation.
  3. Disclosure of information about the organization related to trade secrets.
  4. Failure to comply or improper execution of the requirements of internal acts, legal orders of the head of the enterprise.
  5. Offenses committed during the implementation of tasks. Responsibility comes within the framework provided by administrative, civil, criminal norms.
  6. Causing property damage to the enterprise within the limits established by law.
  7. Unlawful use of the powers granted to the employee in connection with his activities, including for personal purposes.

vehicle technical condition controller

Release cars on the line

Road safety is governed by federal law. In accordance with the provisions of Article 196-FZ 20, entrepreneurs and legal entities carrying out transportation of vehicles must organize and carry out pre-trip checks. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent malfunctioning machines on the line. Vehicle inspection is carried out according to the established production scheme:

  1. The responsible employee who will act as the controller is determined.
  2. The site where the check will be performed is being equipped.
  3. A list of faults is determined, the presence of which is the basis for the ban on the release of vehicles on the line.


For the appointment of an employee of the enterprise to the position of the inspecting vehicle, professional retraining is carried out . The controller of the technical condition of vehicles receives knowledge through special programs. They are developed by specialized educational institutions. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science, the minimum volume of the course, which the controller of the technical condition of vehicles should listen, is established. Training takes at least 250 hours.

Check point

The technical control section should be equipped in a heated, closed ventilated room equipped with a canopy. It provides a viewing pit with lighting and sockets for connecting portable lamps with a voltage of 12 V. The room is equipped with a room for an employee performing a vehicle check. The dimensions of the inspection pit must comply with the parameters provided for by the standards ONTP 01-91. Control points are equipped with:

  1. Devices for checking and regulating headlights.
  2. Tire pressure gauge.
  3. A device for checking the backlash of the steering system.
  4. Gas analyzer (for diesel and gasoline engines).
  5. A ruler for control of convergence of wheels.
  6. Hand tools.
  7. Portable lamp.

duties of the controller of the technical condition of vehicles


Release of the vehicle to the line is carried out after assessing the status of individual systems, assemblies, units of the vehicle itself and the trailer. Indicators must comply with regulatory requirements. To check the working brake system at the entrance to the inspection point, the driver abruptly stops the vehicle. The condition of the parking unit is evaluated at the exit. In the inspection pit, the hydraulic brake is inspected and checked for leaks and the pneumatic system is listened (with the pedal depressed). The total steering clearance is measured on a stationary vehicle with a special device that fixes the angle and the beginning of the turn. The release of the car is allowed if it is recognized as serviceable. The approval must be confirmed by the signature of the person who performed the verification. An autograph is put in the waybill. A working vehicle is accepted by the driver, confirming the proper condition of the machine with a signature.


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