Why men are afraid of beautiful women: features of psychology and interesting facts

Men always appreciated beauty in their chosen ones. According to sociologists, more than seventy percent of young people under the age of twenty-five years when choosing a girl prefer one whose external data are outstanding. However, in the group of men over thirty-five years old, this number is reduced to thirty-seven percent. What is going on in their heads? Why does the attitude to female beauty suddenly change? Psychologists argue that the point is a banal fear of attractive and successful ladies. Why are men afraid of beautiful women? Let's try to answer this question in today's article.

why are men afraid of beautiful women

Modern society: the relationship between a man and a woman

More and more women are wondering why men are afraid of beautiful women. And this is not surprising, because in modern society the number of single women is increasing every year.

Moreover, most of them have all the necessary qualities to be loved and build a strong family. Most often, such women are well-off, have a good education, a prestigious position and are distinguished by outstanding external data. It seems that men should not deprive such a beauty of attention. But in reality, things are not so rosy. Sociologists claim that more than fifty percent of the fair sex of childbearing age are single. Most of them were not even married, and some are divorced after a transient marriage at a very young age. So why are men afraid of smart and beautiful women? What makes them ignore those who can make them a decent pair? Let us turn to psychology for clarification.

Why men are afraid of beautiful women: psychology

For experts, our secret thoughts, desires and fears are not at all a secret. Most psychologists can easily answer the questions that torment the fair sex. And first of all, ladies want to know why men are afraid of beautiful women.

In fact, everything is simple. The fact is that initially a man is adapted for the conquest and overcoming of obstacles. This is genetically embedded in his psyche and should help to cope with life's difficulties. And before that it was just that - men had remarkable physical strength, defended their family from external enemies, obtained food and earned money in order to raise their children. However, in recent years, the structure of society has changed so much that representatives of the strong half of humanity have lost their social significance. Indeed, in order to survive, physical strength is no longer needed, and ladies themselves can pretty well cope with all men's responsibilities, including making money.

We can say that a man and a woman not only equalized in their social roles, but also exchanged them. Naturally, this trend adversely affected the institution of marriage and gave rise to many lonely people who can not build their relationship in any way. This leads to the fact that the fairer sex is increasingly striving for relationships, but they see the only way to conquer a man in the cultivation of their external beauty. They spend a lot of time in salons, work out until the seventh sweat in fitness centers and spend a lot of money on buying sexy outfits. However, the more efforts women make to look like a million dollars, the less chance they have of a healthy and harmonious relationship. Why are men afraid of strong and beautiful women? Psychologists are ready to give an accurate answer.

why men are afraid of beautiful women psychology

Why men are afraid of beautiful women: 10 reasons

According to recent studies, ten main reasons have been identified that make even the most confident representatives of the strong half of mankind avoid acquaintance with recognized beauties:

  1. Fear of rejection.
  2. High competition.
  3. Financial inquiries.
  4. Incompatibility of beauty and thrift.
  5. Henpecked syndrome.
  6. Fear of being in the spotlight.
  7. Fear of being in the shade.
  8. Fear of intimacy.
  9. Frivolity.
  10. Fear of being ridiculed.

Each of the fears we will describe in the following sections of the article.

Fear of rejection

No one likes rejections, especially when it comes to loving relationships. The pride of a man can suffer very seriously if a beautiful girl refuses him. Therefore, it is easier not to take risks and not approach to get acquainted with a bright beauty, because she is used to attention and does not need another fan.

why men are afraid of strong and beautiful women

High competition

According to most men, beauties have a huge number of relationships and are always in search of the best. Therefore, everyone who has an affair with a bright and confident woman will have to constantly compete with other members of the stronger sex. Once a new cavalier may be better than the previous one, and she will rush into his arms. Therefore, men believe that it is better to avoid relationships with beauties.

Financial inquiries

Beauty requires money. Absolutely all men know this, so they are sure that even a fleeting affair with a spectacular lady will turn into exorbitant expenses for them. After all, beauties are accustomed to expensive gifts, relaxation at resorts, as well as cosmetologists and masseurs.

Beauty can't be a good housewife

Men believe that a lady who spends most of her time caring for herself cannot be an economic. Most likely, she doesnโ€™t like and cannot cook, she has difficulty imagining how to care for her husband, and prefers to trust housekeepers to her assistants.

why are men afraid of smart and beautiful women

Henpecked syndrome

Every man is afraid to be dependent on the woman. And, unfortunately, the modern world is rich in stories in which the beauties, distinguished by their bitchy and capricious character, pull all their money from their gentlemen and immediately go to a richer and more successful man. Not every representative of the stronger sex wants to experience this.

Fear of being always in the spotlight

Beauties always attract the attention of others, therefore, the companion of such a woman willy-nilly will become the object of conversation and views. But the man just does not like such an excessive interest in his person and is not ready to endure it constantly.

The man in the background

Modern beautiful women are often very successful in business. They confidently do business and get used to managing a large number of subordinates. Any man subconsciously fears to be in the shadow of such a beauty and often even envies her position in society.

Fear of Inconsistency in Bed

Representatives of the stronger sex are very hard and painfully experiencing failures in the intimate sphere. Most men are sure that many men have been in the bed of the beauty, so her experience may well exceed the experience of the new gentleman. The fear of not impressing a lady of the heart during the first sex is one of the strongest in men.

Serious relationship is not for beauties

The life of beauties seems to be a string of parties, parties and trips. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine that such a woman would prefer an enchanting life to a simple and comfortable house. Many men are sure that an affair with a beauty will be easy and will end very quickly, because a serious relationship is not at all for her.

why men are afraid of beautiful women 10 reasons

Fear of being ridiculed

According to psychologists, most of the stronger sex is not suitable to get acquainted with the beauty, so as not to be ridiculed. Indeed, in the psyche of men, the stereotype of the arrogance and coldness of attractive women is very firmly entrenched. Therefore, it is better not to put yourself in an uncomfortable position and not approach the beauty with an attempt to make an acquaintance.

We hope that now you understand why men are afraid of beautiful women, and you can find their only one, despite all the fears, which, as it turns out, are full of the head of our chosen ones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10033/

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