Ointment "Mival" from hair loss: reviews

The problem of hair loss today worries both men and women. That is why the pharmacological market offers a wide variety of drugs that are designed to combat this unpleasant phenomenon. From this article you will learn about a new product of Russian manufacture - the Mival balm for hair loss, reviews of which prove its effectiveness.

Why is hair falling out?

Intensive hair loss can have a number of reasons, which are not always easy to find out. This is often a combination of factors such as poor ecology, poor nutrition, hormonal failure, taking antibiotics and the frequent use of chemical dyes for hair. In any case, immediate treatment is required.

Any doctor will say that the problem of hair loss should be approached comprehensively. That is, you should use various cosmetics in parallel with the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes. But how to choose a truly effective tool?

One of the latest achievements in the field of domestic pharmacology is Mival-Agro balm, reviews of which are popular even among professional trichologists. Its effectiveness has been proven by numerous laboratory studies and the experience of thousands of men and women. Today we’ll talk about its features and methods of application.

mival from hair loss reviews

Means "Mival" from hair loss

This unique drug was created thanks to the scientific discovery of domestic scientists. In the study of water from a geyser, microbial cells were found under a special protective shell consisting of living bacteria. It was in this shell that scientists discovered such an element as silicon. A compound that is capable of affecting the structure of a cell is called Mival. Later, pharmacists began to use this natural flint stimulant for medical and cosmetic purposes.

The balm of the same name "Mival" is produced by the Russian company "Flora-LIK" and is designed to actively combat hair loss. In the domestic market, this tool has been presented for over 35 years. Of course, for such a long period, users managed to evaluate its effectiveness, quality and safety.

What is the peculiarity of the balm?

A distinctive feature of Mival balm from hair loss is its wide scope. According to the manufacturer, the tool is able to cope with the following problems:

  • Alopecia.
  • Restoring lifeless and thin hair.
  • Severe forms of seborrhea and other damage to the scalp.

mival composition

The composition of the balm "Mival"

The following effective components are included in the domestic drug against hair loss:

  • Silicon, responsible for the regeneration and restoration of cells.
  • Vegetable oil that helps restore the water-lipid balance of hair and scalp.
  • Penetrating solvent, which ensures the rapid penetration of active substances into the deepest layers of the skin and hair.
  • Vitamins A, D, E and K. As you know, it is these vitamins in moderation that are responsible for increasing the density of hair and the active growth of new hair follicles.

Thus, the β€œMival” balm ointment is created on the basis of the most effective substances that allow you to achieve a positive result in a short time.

mowed by hair loss

How to use balm against hair loss?

You can get the maximum effect from using the product only if the instructions are followed correctly. The use of balm includes several stages:

  1. 5-10 hours before shampooing, a small amount of Mival should be rubbed into the hair roots. The instruction states that only in this way can all active substances be activated. At the same time, rubbing the balm is required with intensive massaging movements.
  2. After the required time has elapsed, thoroughly rinse your hair with Mival-Agro shampoo. Reviews prove that with it you can achieve maximum effect. It is not recommended to dry hair with a hairdryer or any other thermal method.
  3. Repeat the procedure every two days. The full course should be 15 masks from Mival balm from hair loss. Reviews prove that after the first course of use you can notice the effectiveness of the drug.
  4. After 10 days, repeat the treatment until the disease is completely eliminated.

mival agro reviews

Does balm have contraindications?

A great advantage of the Mival tool is its safety in use for almost everyone. However, it is better to abandon its use during pregnancy and lactation, since the active components of the balm are able to penetrate deeply into the skin and have a negative effect on the baby. In this case, it is better to resort to more gentle methods of hair restoration.

In addition, according to experts, during the treatment course it is required to exclude the use of hormonal drugs. When combined with balsam, the body can cause great harm. After all, both tools strongly affect the work of internal organs.

Do not self-medicate even in such a delicate problem as hair loss. Before buying a product based on silicon, be sure to consult your doctor.

Result after using the product

As users note, the result of the use of Mival balm can be seen after the first course. Moreover, according to laboratory studies, 90% of the subjects showed complete hair restoration, increase of their density and elimination of dandruff after three full courses of treatment. For a balm based on natural ingredients, this is a very high positive result. And if you use a special shampoo from the domestic manufacturer Flora-LIK in the treatment process, the effect can be observed much earlier.

cream mival reviews

Where could I buy?

You can buy Mival balm cream in almost any pharmacy in Russia. In addition, the tool is available for order in numerous online stores. However, before buying, be sure to provide a quality certificate. This balm is patented in European countries and has laboratory test confirmation.

In the assortment, you can also find the shampoo of the same name, which the manufacturer recommends using throughout the entire course of treatment. Its components allow you to consolidate the result and provide an additional source of nutrients. However, if you could not find this remedy, you can purchase a shampoo based on burdock oil or a nettle broth. These natural ingredients help strengthen your hair and give it vitality.

How much does a hair loss balm cost?

The average price of the Mival product in Russia is 200 rubles per bottle of 30 ml. It should be noted that this amount is enough for one course of treatment. After all, the consistency of the balm and the method of application allow you to spend it very economically. Such a low cost of the domestic drug compared to imported counterparts makes it affordable for almost any wallet. At the same time, the quality of the raw materials used in the production and the result from the application are not inferior to any balm for 2-3 thousand rubles.

balm mival

Meval "Meval" from hair loss: reviews of real users

You can judge the quality of a hair treatment product solely from customer experience. Balsam "Mival", the composition of which is completely natural, has a pretty good reputation among Web users.

A positive effect, according to buyers, is noted after several weeks of using the product. Mival balm from hair loss, reviews of which are exclusively positive, increases the density of hair and is actively struggling with seborrhea. That is why indications for its use are not limited only to baldness. You can even use the product as a preventative measure for seasonal hair loss.

Many women use balm after staining with chemical dyes. As you know, they severely injure the structure of the hair and contribute to their loss. Therefore, a treatment course helps to avoid this unpleasant problem and get the desired shade of hair without compromising its density.

In addition, among the benefits of the balm, users distinguish excellent value for money. After all, for only 200 rubles you can get an excellent professional tool that can cope even with very intense hair loss.

Reviews prove that the risk of such effects from the drug is very low. As a rule, only those people who have an individual intolerance to the components of the balm feel discomfort. In this case, stop using immediately and consult a doctor.

ointment mival

The opinion of professionals

Mival Balm, the composition of which is developed taking into account safety for consumers, has a good reputation even among professional trichologists. It is not in vain that doctors often prescribe it to their clients with intensive hair loss and severe stage of baldness. Silicon in the balm strengthens the structure of hair follicles and prevents their destruction. In addition, the so-called sleeping hair follicles are activated, due to which the density and quality of the hair are increased.

However, according to experts, hair restoration cannot be limited only to the use of cosmetic and care products. After all, the problem has not only external manifestations, but also internal causes. That is why the use of balm must be combined with the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. However, their choice should also be entrusted to the doctor. Self-selection of dietary supplements can lead to hypervitaminosis, which is quite difficult to treat and can contribute to even greater hair loss. After all, one of the reasons may be not only a shortage, but also an overabundance of vitamins in the body.

Balm cream "Mival", reviews of which prove its effectiveness, is a truly effective tool to combat intense hair loss. And the organic composition based on proven components makes it safe for regular use. That is why the Mival balm has been trusted by thousands of people throughout Russia and beyond for many years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10044/

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