Low investment production: best business ideas

Everyone can open their own production with minimal investment: a young mother on maternity leave, a student, and a pensioner. Neither the crisis in the country, nor the lack of initial capital can prevent a novice entrepreneur, eager to have his own business.

Low investment production

What is production

Production is the activity aimed at creating a product, and this product can be very different:

  • Household-created goods and services.
  • Paid services of hired personnel.
  • The supply of services and goods between different institutions.
  • Built buildings.
  • Any kind of repair.
  • Market service.
  • Building rental.

Choosing a production idea with minimal investment

Starting a business is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is only necessary to possess economic literacy and to have a clear idea of ​​which production to open with minimal investment.

All doubts will disappear when faith in one's own success appears. To do this, from the many ideas that revolve in your head, choose the one that will meet the following criteria:

  • Efficiency.
  • Fast enough payback.
  • Demand in the market.

But, perhaps, the main condition for success is the interest of the future entrepreneur in his business and the confidence that his production is really necessary not only for consumers, but for himself, he must “burn” with his business.

Production with minimal investment

Internet Business Ideas

Open production with minimal investment on the Web - today is as commonplace as a business in any service or trade. The number of Web users is growing daily, and this means that the opportunities for earning on the Internet are also growing.

  • Channel on YouTube. Videos about how to cook delicious dishes, craft crafts from improvised materials, make a beautiful hairstyle or makeup, etc. can bring not only popularity among Internet users, but also quite good earnings. Moreover, these things are interconnected - the more views a video gets, the more revenue it will bring (if users click on the advertising links).
  • Keeping your blog. If you know how to write a lot and it is interesting to write your blog, you will only enjoy it. Many people like to read fascinating stories, and if you find your audience, your favorite pastime will start to make money by advertising.
  • Copywriting Agency. Many webmasters, online stores and portals need competent specialists who are able to write, edit or translate an informational or advertising article in a quality manner.
  • The provision of any services via the Internet. A freelancer can be a person of any profession. There are special exchanges and portals where anyone can find a remote job.

Online Sales

The Internet has become so firmly entrenched in our life that it is impossible to live a day without it. Selling various goods on the Web will allow you to create your own business without leaving your computer.

  • Create a mobile application. For people with programming skills, creating their own mobile application is an excellent option for profitable production with minimal investment. Demand for small and convenient programs is very high today, so their creators can sell them in mobile markets or simply hand them over to customers.
  • Selling photos. Not only high-quality articles are in demand on the Web, but also good photos that may be needed for their design. In photo stocks (online stores specializing in the sale of photographs) you can profitably sell good images.
  • Online store. To resell goods from the largest online auctions, it is not at all necessary to have your own or rented sales area, because customers can also be found on the Internet (more precisely, you need to make sure that they find you yourself).

Business production with minimal investment

Cooking food

This is suitable for you if you know how to cook perfectly and are thinking about what kind of production you can open with minimal investment. Popular today enjoys not only tasty, but also natural and healthy food with delivery to any place.

  • Bakery products. Originality and quality are the main criteria for the success of a mini-bakery, which can be organized in your own kitchen. It is important to find your niche, and you should work on this. Pizza and homemade pies, even the most delicious, will not be in such demand, as, for example, handmade marmalade for kids or croissants according to the old French recipe.
  • Cakes to order. No wedding or birthday is complete without the main table decoration - a cake. A presentable and interesting type of dessert will attract the attention of potential customers, and a great taste will force them to place orders again and again.
  • Mobile diner. This type of production involves the organization of catering (for example, the sale of fast food or similar snacking options) at large events.

open production with minimal investment

Provision of services

Any service can be turned into its own production with minimal investment, but not every one of them is capable of generating good income.

  • Design. High-quality landscape design or interior design can be very popular, however, to start your own business, you should work a little with a company that already has sufficient experience in this field to have clear examples of its work.
  • Repairs. Repair of household appliances, electronics or even shoes can make a good profit if the service is of high quality.
  • Writing a resume. Especially this service will be relevant for applicants who want to find work abroad.
  • Restoration of old things. Many people find it difficult to part with their favorite things that have already lost a presentable appearance. You can prove to everyone that you can give them a second life.

business ideas production with minimal investment

Business Services

The provision of various services for large enterprises is an example of another successful business idea of ​​production with minimal investment. First of all, you need to understand the requirements of the customer and know exactly how to satisfy his request efficiently and quickly.

  • Advice on issues related to foreign markets. Some companies need information on directions for exporting and importing their products. People with knowledge of regions of interest to customers (e.g. Mexico, India, Malaysia) can make good money.
  • Conducting Internet research. Online stores are ready to pay decent money for tracking customer interests, changing market size, and the number of competitors. Competent specialists who are able to analyze and systematize the received data will surely acquire numerous clients.
  • Remote services. Small companies are not ready to have their own IT specialist or accountant. But they need the services of these specialists and prefer to work with them remotely.

Which production to open with minimal investment

Do it yourself

High-quality handmade products are very appreciated by lovers of exclusive things, so the manufacture of any things with their own hands is a very popular production today with minimal investment.

  • Clothing. Clothing for children and adults, made in a mini-studio, taking into account all the desires of the client, is a great idea for those who know how to model and sew well.
  • Jewelry. Designer jewelry is very popular among modern fashionistas. If you approach their creation with imagination, there will be no end to clients.
  • Knitten things. Original items made from quality yarn can bring a good income. Hats, scarves, toys, bags, rugs - this is not a complete list of what can be tied up for sale.
  • Covers for furniture. Such a service is especially in demand in families with children and animals. A cover that is easy to remove and wash will save furniture from dirt and spoilage.
  • Conducting workshops. If you possess the skills of any craft, have the ability to teach this business, then the task is small - to find an area where you can conduct master classes and recruit your first group of students.

Which production can be opened with minimal investment

health and beauty

In the field of services for beauty and health, you can always open your own production, and with minimal investment. People will monitor their appearance, no matter what, therefore it remains only to determine their niche - and you can start your own business.

  • Yoga trainer. If you have the necessary resources (knowledge, training, teaching skills), then you need to find a suitable room for classes. Specialized classes can be offered, for example, for children or pregnant women.
  • Healthy Nutrition Consultant. The growing popularity of healthy living offers hope for success in areas such as healthy nutrition counseling. You can conduct both online consultations and communicate with clients live.
  • Home or visiting beauty salon. If funds for opening a full-fledged salon are not yet enough, but there is a desire to “create beauty,” then you can provide services in your apartment or go home to clients. Thus, you can acquire regular customers, and gain experience, and accumulate funds to open a large salon.


Entertainment is an integral part of the life of any modern person. Without a full and quality rest, it is impossible to work at full strength. In the field of leisure, everyone can find their own idea of ​​production with minimal investment.

  • Quadrocopter aerial photography. Stunningly beautiful panoramic videos can be shot at weddings, graduations or other public events.
  • Organization of camping trips. Develop your own tourist route and organize a hiking or cycling trip along it, possibly even for a few days.
  • Organization of holidays for children and adults. For mass events, extraordinary abilities of the host, screenwriter and organizer are needed. If you are exactly the person in whom all this merged into one, then you have the opportunity to stand out against the background of numerous event agencies and hosts.
  • Wardrobe selection consultant. People with a sense of style and knowledge of the latest fashion trends can help those who want to look stylish but don’t have such knowledge to choose the right combinations in clothes.

Own production with minimal investment

Practical recommendations

The following tips will help those who decide to start their own business production with minimal investment:

  • Choose the one that you like.
  • Carefully calculate the expenses necessary to start a business, be sure to add another 10-20 percent to unplanned expenses to the amount received.
  • Advertising is an integral part of modern business, so you should learn how to promote your services or entrust this business to professionals.
  • Be prepared for difficulties and analyze each step so as not to miss your own mistakes.
  • Allow enough time for your work; at first, you have to work a lot - up to 12 hours a day.
  • If you want to hire staff, be sure to monitor the activities of employees at the first time.
  • Invest part of the profits in the development of production.
  • Before you think about expanding, it’s worth automatically adjusting your current affairs.

Profitable production with minimal investment

Production with minimal investment can make a good profit, however, behind a small material lies a huge moral and physical contribution. For your business to be successful with customers, you need to work a lot.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10048/

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