Exception words from spelling rules in Russian

Perhaps it’s not worth talking about how complicated the Russian language is. This is well known to both its carriers and foreigners. Moreover, this is pretty pointless. For people who need or want to learn Russian themselves, by and large, there is no choice. Either learn the language for what it is, or switch your attention to another, simpler.

But if the general rules of the great and mighty can still be remembered, then with exceptions, which are many in the Russian language, questions constantly arise. And in this case, the law again applies: teach or not teach. Therefore, it is impossible to alleviate the situation, there can only be one way out.

But you can still help in mastering the complex rules of grammar. And we would like to do that. Offering the reader an article in which all the exception words were collected.

Spelling of the combinations "qi" and "qi"

The Russian language has many words that include one of these letter combinations. And in almost all cases, the correct letter is quite simple to check. Indeed, knowing that the letter β€œand” should be written in the root of the word, and β€œs” outside it, it will not be possible to get confused. For example, the words:

  • circus, compass - the word itself is the root, so we write the letter β€œand”;
  • militia, acacia - the last letter, which is the end, is not considered the root of the word, therefore we also write the letter β€œand”.
  • cucumbers, well done, brave, fathers, tits, martens - the dubious letter is in another morpheme - at the end of the word, so we write the letter "s".

Having understood the essence of the rule on the spelling of the letters "and", "s" after "c", we should talk about its exceptions. Which are actually quite simple, so most children and adults remember them quickly and for life. Especially thanks to the ridiculous rhyme, which contains all the words that fall out of the general rule. You can read it in the following picture.

exclusion words qi qi

It becomes unclear to many people why exactly these words, and not any others, fell under the exceptions. We will try to answer this question:

  1. Gypsy is a word of Greek origin that you just need to remember.
  2. Chicken, chick - a word formed by long metamorphoses from the onomatopoeic "chick-chick".
  3. On tiptoe. In Slovenia there is a transcription word which looks as follows: [chicks]. It translates how to move awkwardly.
  4. To poke, tsyts. In Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech and other languages ​​there are similar words that mean shouting, hissing, banging, etc.

Thus, the spelling of the letters β€œand”, β€œs” after β€œc” is not difficult to remember. Moreover, both native speakers and foreigners.

The spelling of the letters "and", "a", "y" after hissing

Another very simple and catchy rule concerns the spelling of combinations:

  • cha, cabbage;
  • chew, schu;
  • Ms. Shi;
  • shu.

To make a mistake in this case is quite simple, because in the words rosehip, thicket, miracle, pike, honeysuckle, ground beetle, rustle and the like, one does not hear the letter that should be written. However, historically, in these combinations the letters "u", "i", "s" are never put. Exceptions are only three foreign nouns, which are remembered very simply. In all cases, the letter "u" is written:

  • parachute;
  • brochure;
  • jury.

All these words-exceptions to the spelling rules came to us from the French language. At that time, when he was considered almost the second native in Russia, and all the nobility led conversations on it. It is impossible to verify them using the selection of the Russian-speaking word, because they are borrowed. They need to be remembered.

exception words

The spelling of the letters "e", "e", "o" after hissing

This rule scares many people, although in fact there are practically no difficulties in it. Determining the correct letter is not difficult at all, you just need to be able to divide the word into morphemes - the constituent parts. The same skill will be required to determine the correct combination of β€œtsi” and β€œqi”.

So, if the problem vowel is at the root of the word, you need to choose one so that the letter changes to "e". For instance:

  • whisper - whisper;
  • wives - wife;
  • bee - bee;
  • brush - bristles.

As you can see, in all these words the letter β€œe” is heard as β€œo”. But if it is possible to choose the same root word, where it is replaced by "e", then in the original word you should write "e". Also in the Russian language there are several other words: glutton, shock, rustle and the like. With any inflections, the letter β€œo” to β€œe” will not change.

And everything seems to be quite obvious, if the problem vowel can be checked with the letter "e", then we write "e", if not - "o". But this rule also has an exception word in Russian. These are nouns that are borrowed and are written in the same way as in a foreign language transcription. Therefore, they belong to the category of vocabulary. They should be memorized. Recall them:

  • conductor;
  • chauffeur;
  • jockey;
  • shorts;
  • hood;
  • highway;
  • ratchet;
  • chauvinism;
  • study;
  • shock;
  • the seam;
  • gooseberry;
  • ramrod.

In addition to the above nouns, there are two other words, exceptions. Which also causes doubts when writing. These are the words of a slum and a thicket. In them, the combination of "scho" happened when the root and the suffix merged. Therefore, in these words it is necessary to write the letter β€œo”, due to the fact that the suffix morpheme in them is β€œabout”.

spelling exception words

Spelling "n" and "nn" in various parts of speech

If earlier we considered rather simple rules of the Russian language, then at this point, finally, we will move on to more complex ones. Although to understand it is also not difficult. You just need to be able to correctly determine the parts of speech, and then things will go right in a flash. Recall: in order to find out which part of a speech a particular word refers to, a question should be selected for it. In this case, we are interested in such parts of speech and questions for them:

  1. Noun - who / what, as well as case questions: whom / what, whom / what, who / what, by whom / what, about whom / what.
  2. The adjective name is which / whose.
  3. Adverb - where / where / why / where / from / why / when / how.
  4. Communion - what the doer / what did / what.

There are few exception words in this rule. Because basically it is very simple to determine the correct letter. If in front of us:

  1. A noun or an adjective, the combination of "nn" can only occur at the junction of the root and the suffix. For example: desert - desert, sleep - sleepy.
  2. Communion - the doubled letter β€œn” should be written in almost all cases. We will talk about exception words with β€œnn” a bit later. For example: a decorated window, a knitted shawl, etc. However, in short form, one letter β€œn” is shortened, so it will be correct: decorated, tied.
  3. Adverb - you must navigate by the name of the adjective from which it was formed. For example: foggy - foggy, spontaneous - spontaneously, dark - dark, etc.

And everything would be fine, but this rule also has its own characteristics. They refer to the name of the adjective, in which one letter "n" can also be written. So, if the word of this part of the speech has one of the following suffixes: -in-, -an-, -yan-, then without hesitation we put one problem letter. But in the three names of adjectives - exception words - you should write a double "n", despite the generally accepted rules. These are words such as: pewter (soldier, wedding), glass (jug, floor), wooden (house, table). But in the word "windy", on the contrary, it is correct to write only one dubious consonant.

The Communion also has a certain spelling feature. In some cases, they should also write one letter "n". Even though the sacrament is in full form. So, in Russian, the following participles belong to exceptions:

  • chewed sheet;
  • forged ax;
  • wounded beast.

Spelling adverbs with the letters "o" and "e", located after hissing

Perhaps the reader heard that the great Empress Catherine II the second made three mistakes in a single Russian-speaking word at once, and became famous for this all over Russia?

how to write exception words

If not, we will tell you that this word is an adverb that was once considered an unstressed particle. Now every schoolchild knows that to correctly write it like this: more. But the Russian Empress in her time wrote a little differently: ischo.

Spelling adverbs with a soft sign after sizzling

Another rule of the Russian language says: at the end of all words that answer questions where? where to? what for? where from? why? when? how ?, after sizzling it is necessary to write a soft sign. However, there are also their own words, exceptions to the rules. Remembering them is very simple, especially if you turn it into a funny phrase: already married unbearable.

married unbearable

Spellings of the verbs of the first conjugation

The most difficult, according to most students, the rule concerns the part of speech that answers the questions: what to do / what to do. And this is despite the fact that in the Russian language there are only two conjugations and the difficulty lies only in determining which of them the word of interest refers to. For example, the verbs of the first conjugation are characterized by any ending, except for the morpheme "it".

And everything would be fine, but this rule has its exception. It consists in the following words, which contrary to the rule should be attributed specifically to the first conjugation:

  • shaving - shaving your beard in the morning;
  • to lay - you make a bed before going to bed.

Spelling of the verbs of the second conjugation

As it becomes clear from the above, the verbs of this conjugation can have only one ending - "it". However, instead of breathing a sigh of relief, we are again confronted with exception words. Verbs:

  • to keep - keeps in tension until the last second;
  • to depend - you depend on various circumstances;
  • hate - you hate rain and slush;
  • offend - offended because of some trifles;
  • breathe - hardly breathes underwater;
  • twirl - you turn the globe in your hands;
  • endure - endure the hardships of life;
  • look - looks around;
  • see - does not see the whole situation;
  • hear - hears someone's singing;
  • to drive - you drive without looking back.

These eleven words also refer to the second conjugation.

exception verbs

Spelling of alternating vowels depending on the subsequent consonant

There is another rule in the Russian language, which also causes confusion. Although it should just be remembered, and then applied in life if necessary.

So, choosing the right letter follows the consonant following it. So:

  1. Lag / lodge - state the essence, write the statement.
  2. Growth / growth / growth - grow a little more, the children have grown, the increment of hereditary shares, have grown by themselves.
  3. Gallop / gallop - jumped a bunny, jumped his station, jumped on time.

However, you should not think that in this case there are no exception words. Spelling of nouns: Rostov-on-Don, a boy Rostislav, a green sprout, a ransomware-money-lender, the branch of law, a jump in prices, I jump on a horse, goes against the rules. This is worth remembering in the letter.

Spelling of alternating vowels according to accent

The following rule is also easy to remember: in the roots of gar / mountains, zar / zor, clan / clone, select the letter β€œa” if it comes under stress. For example: tan - tanned, glow - dawns, bow - bow.

However, in the word β€œyawn,” meaning to meet the dawn, the letter β€œo” should be written.

alternating vowels

Spelling of alternating vowels in the roots of creature / creature and melt / pilaf

Since school times, many of us remember the roots in which dubious vowels changed as if at our whim, it was worth only changing the shape of the word. For example: to clean, but we will clean; rub, but rubbed, etc.

The letters in these words varied depending on whether there was a suffix β€œa” after the root. But there were also two cases when a certain letter was written almost always. It:

  • bright float, good swim, etc.
  • creator of history, greatest creation, etc.

However, in this case there are exception words to the rules. The spelling of the nouns swimmer / swimmer, swimmers, critters and supplies is also special. It must be remembered.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10054/

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