Tequila "Sierra": a detailed description and types of product

Among strong alcoholic products tequila "Sierra" takes not the last place. This drink was created at the end of the last century according to the original technology of German winemakers. Today it is considered the best invention of the company Borco-Marken-Import Matthiesen GmbH & Co, which truly glorified the famous Mattisen family.

Interesting to know

Tequila is a national Mexican drink that has long been made by local winemakers from the "cones" of blue agave. The raw materials are first steamed in special furnaces, then they are ground, and the juice obtained after this is fermented and sent to distillation. The result is a strong alcoholic product with an original taste and a rather pleasant aroma. This technology has been used for many decades. But German experts decided to go the other way. They wanted to exclude the baking process and try to cook the product of their raw ground fruits. A series of experiments was carried out, which resulted in the new Sierra tequila.

tequila sierra

According to experts, the product exceeded all expectations. The result was an original drink with a pleasant rich taste and fresh fruity aroma. They decided to call it tequila "Sierra". This name was not chosen by chance. After all, it was on the fertile soils of the highlands of the Sierra Madre that raw materials were grown for its production. The company's management acquired a small distillery in the state of Jalisco near Guadalajara. It housed the first production workshops. Today it is a large enterprise that manufactures products in large volumes. Sierra tequila is currently being produced in seven different varieties:

  1. Silver
  2. Reposado.
  3. Antiguo Plata.
  4. Antiguo Anejo.
  5. Milenario Blanco.
  6. Milenario Reposado.
  7. Milenario Extra Anejo.

Each of them has its own characteristics. And the strength of the finished product ranges from 38 to 41.5 percent, depending on the particular variety.

Tequila sierra silver

The simplest version of the popular drink is the Sierra Silver tequila. By technology, immediately after distillation, the product enters the bottling line. The strength of the product is 38 percent. It has an invigorating tart taste with a small peppercorn and an original, slightly sweetish aroma of a mixture of agave and apple.

tequila sierra silver

The drink is considered young. It contains 51 percent alcohol of the bluest agave. This product is usually chosen by lovers of real alcohol. As a rule, it is consumed with a pinch of salt and a small slice of lime. Bartenders consider this kind of tequila to be an ideal basis for a variety of cocktails. Probably this explains the huge popularity of the drink itself. It enters the distribution network, as a rule, in bottles of 0.7 and 1 liter capacity.

The packaging itself deserves special attention. The bottle has a rectangular shape, slightly flattened front and back. In the upper part on the front side there is a relief drawing of the national Mexican hat (sombrero), under which the inscription MEXICO is placed. Below is an original ornament. An inscription is also extruded on the reverse side of the label, which in translation means "Genuine tequila." And another distinctive feature is the metal cork, on which a plastic sombrero is fixed. Such a product in a store on a shelf cannot be confused with any other.

Tequila sierra reposado

Tequila "Sierra Reposado" is already a more mature variety. To produce such a drink, overripe fruits that are simply filled with honey juice are used.

tequila sierra reposado

In composition, it also includes blue agave distillate, water and sugar color. True, in this case, the product is kept in American white oak barrels for two months before bottling. As a result, it acquires a pale golden hue. Because of the amber color it used to be called "Gold", and since 2005 the product has been called "Reposado", which means "moderate, quiet." The strength of such tequila is also 38 percent. She has a pleasant mild taste with a light caramel-vanilla aroma and a touch of spices. To better emphasize barely noticeable fruity notes, this product is usually taken with a slice of orange, sprinkled with cinnamon. The quality and taste characteristics of the drink were highly appreciated at international wine competitions. In 2008, he received a silver medal, and in 2009, a gold medal.

Tequila sierra gold

German experts are constantly working on creating new types of products that have already become popular. The result of their work was the relatively recent Sierra Gold tequila.

tequila sierra gold

This drink has a pleasant pale amber color. To taste, it is slightly different from the other varieties. In addition to apple and agave, it contains notes of citrus and banana. This not-so-ordinary combination appealed to many tequila lovers. Complex aroma hides the natural strength of the product and makes it less noticeable. Such a drink is best consumed in its purest form. Nevertheless, many bartenders also use it for making cocktails. The product also goes on sale in bottles with a capacity of 1.0 and 0.7 liters. It is delivered directly from Mexico, where it is produced at the famous Distilerias Sierra Unidas distillery. Here, raw materials grown on fertile volcanic soils turn into a great drink, which is in great demand every year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10055/

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