Personnel assessment: system and methods

The personnel assessment allows you to identify how competent the employees involved in the enterprise are, and it is precisely the productivity of their work that is the most significant factor affecting the efficiency of the company as a whole. To clarify the effectiveness of the performance by various employees of their assigned duties, it is necessary to use special assessment methods. They allow you to determine what are the most strengths of the employed, what are the weak aspects, how you can use the employee with great effect and benefit.

General view

The personnel of the enterprise are evaluated using a specialized system developed taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular company. As part of this assessment, the following features of all team members are analyzed:

  • Skills
  • experience;
  • skills.

The persons responsible for evaluating the personnel in the organization draw up programs on the basis of which it is possible to improve the staff, and also think over what management methods should be introduced to increase the efficiency of the work process. Ways are being developed to improve the qualification level, methods of professional selection, and a talent pool is being formed.

Tasks and Goals

The personnel assessment allows you to understand the extent to which the employee, solving the tasks imputed to him, applies the skills acquired earlier, and also gives an idea of ​​the development of new experience that allows him to solve atypical, complex tasks. A truly useful result provides an integrated approach to the issue. Persons responsible for such an analysis should be well versed in the nuances of all work processes and the responsibilities of workers. The assessment begins by determining to what extent the employee corresponds to the position that he is currently occupying, allows us to evaluate the potential associated with each of the workers, find ways to realize it with mutual benefit: both for the person and for the company that gives him the job. At the same time, analysts, working with information about workers, must take into account the tasks, goals that are set for the enterprise as a whole.

staff assessment

When hiring a person for work, HR specialists analyze the following main features of the applicant:

  • qualification level;
  • experience.

But the data obtained from diplomas, certificates, certificates and recommendations, as well as the first impression formed during the interview, is only a general idea that does not always correspond to reality: in practice, the employee may not confirm the experience, which he so confidently indicated in the resume, show your unpreparedness. Another option is also possible: the personnel service clearly sees that a person will cope with much more complex tasks than the inherent positions for which the applicant was taken.

Cooperation with the employee provides the necessary objective data to determine to what extent the person corresponds to the position held by him. Analyzing the personnel assessment indicators, the personnel service reveals additional knowledge, personal characteristics, correlates them with the criteria important for the selected position.

Personnel specialists pay attention: it is necessary not only to be able to analyze workers and evaluate the quality of their work, but also to monitor what kind of assessment these people give themselves. Every person working in an enterprise must independently evaluate his abilities, capabilities and prospects. Correspondence of his conclusions and received by the personnel service allows us to understand to what extent the needs of the employee and his capabilities are similar, how this is combined with the goals of the company, what contribution a person can bring to the common cause.

The regular organization of personnel certification and assessment is an effective method:

  • the formation of an effective production structure;
  • distribution of labor resources;
  • increase staff performance.

By controlling, providing new opportunities for employees, evaluating the results of personnel activities, HR specialists make a significant contribution to optimizing the company's work process as a whole. This is also useful on a personal level, since every employee can be sure: his abilities are used as much as possible under given conditions. This encourages even more thoroughly, responsibly and promptly perform all tasks assigned to the employee.

Main goals: what?

Assessment of staff labor allows you to understand the extent to which the costs of a particular job are related to the funds spent by the company on the workplace and the employee occupying it. In particular, the analysis can identify specialists whose level of performance is extremely low. Maintaining such a person is unprofitable for the enterprise, and to optimize expenses, it is necessary to organize personnel reforms in order to transfer the employee to a position in which he will be able to realize his potential, using all available skills without prejudice to the overall benefit.

Evaluation of staff activities allows you to clearly limit the functionality of a certain worker in the overall business process of the enterprise, based on his inherent skills. It is not uncommon for a person to excel in teamwork, strive for new heights, and demonstrate excellent working qualities. It is possible that one of the areas of the enterprise’s activity requires precisely such personality traits, which means that this employee can become an important and valuable staff, affect the revenue component, and therefore lead the organization to success. The main task of the employer is to see such a potential and create conditions for its implementation.

Assessing the effectiveness of personnel makes it possible to understand what the potential of employees is, how to realize it without investing additional funds in it, and get benefits for the company. Ordinary workers, who have been working in the company for a long time, acquire skills, knowledge, extensive experience, which means they receive the base necessary for occupying a leadership position. Understanding this and applying the results of personnel assessments for personnel shifts, you can get an efficiently working managerial staff without spending money and time finding a third-party employee who would have to be trained.

Tasks: main aspects

Assessing the effectiveness of personnel allows you to create a strong personnel reserve based on persons employed at the enterprise, and therefore, reduce the costs associated with attracting new people. In addition, events provide an opportunity:

  • improve methods, ways to control the company's workflow;
  • increase control over discipline in the workplace;
  • stimulate employee interest in improving individual results;
  • to train high-level professionals;
  • identify among employed potential managers, change their profile, and direct them to further training;
  • optimize staffing, reasonably distribute responsibilities, functions, using the results of assessment activities (transfers, reductions);
  • introduce new levers of motivation that stimulate staff to improve performance, professional development.

For training, personnel assessment is an important aspect that encourages the company staff to take courses, programs, and seminars. Workers are aware that this gives them new opportunities, career prospects are improving, which means that their financial situation will become more stable. On the other hand, it allows to realize the potential. Persons who see this attitude of the company and evaluate it are willing to create their own projects for improving and developing the company at different levels, often offering unusual, non-standard ideas that are really valuable for the company.

personel assessment

Evaluation Activities: Functionality

The following functions are assigned to the personnel assessment system:

  • providing the personnel department with relevant information;
  • administration;
  • increased motivation.

Administrative function involves:

  • transfer to a new position following the results of evaluation activities;
  • increase;
  • dismissal;
  • referral to additional training;
  • reward.

The informative component of the personnel assessment is implemented to improve the efficiency of management processes and interaction with personnel. To do this, the workers are informed in as much detail as possible about the parameters for evaluating the work process: productivity, quality of execution of tasks. As part of the staff assessment:

  • assess the level of workload of employees;
  • analyze the effectiveness of the work;
  • identify compliance with the qualification level and requirements of the enterprise;
  • increase wages, if this seems promising.

Motivation through employee assessment is a method of determining the extent to which different people are interested in increasing the level of productivity of the work process. The evaluation results are important both for individuals and for the company as a whole: this provides feedback on the basis of which it is possible to significantly increase production efficiency. Motivation is realized through opportunities:

  • career advancement;
  • self-improvement at the expense of the enterprise.
enterprise staff assessment

Do I need this?

An assessment of staff will only be beneficial when thought out:

  • the analyzed parameters and the scale for their study;
  • methods for obtaining reliable information;
  • approaches for analyzing aspects of the workflow that are not quantifiable;
  • ways to exclude the influence of personal sympathies.

An equally important nuance is the right choice of employees responsible for assessment activities. The manager will have to figure out if there are such persons in the company whose competence is sufficient for adequate, accurate, objective business assessment of the staff.

Typically, evaluation activities are organized in the following circumstances:

  • stable outflow of qualified, valuable personnel;
  • the need for a personnel decision related to management personnel;
  • change of persons responsible for management processes;
  • change of enterprise strategy;
  • the need for a project team that would be responsible for strategic tasks;
  • planned optimization of the company;
  • restructuring;
  • mass reductions;
  • assessment of the competence of employees to conduct staff training;
  • persistent decline in production discipline;
  • frequent conflicts between the employed.

A business assessment of the staff is required if the management of the company has chosen new areas of the company’s activity, allocated funds for their development, which means that human resources are required through which work will be carried out. Often, evaluation measures are needed if priority grounds are formed for personnel shifts within the company, as well as in cases of more frequent complaints of employees dissatisfied with their place in the state institution.

An assessment is necessary if the company is developing or modernizing motivational factors. A personnel assessment system is required if there was none - the development and implementation of the program will provide access to new opportunities for personnel policy.

staff assessment indicators

Assessment: methodology

Modern methods of personnel assessment - a fairly large number of diverse approaches, united by one task - to give the most accurate assessment of each individual working in the company.

One of the basic options is documentation analysis. It is indispensable when a person is only hired, not having the information gleaned from real observations of his activities. An analysis of the documents will be useful in the course of cooperation, since certain useful data on qualifications and previous levels can be gleaned from the materials. Analyze:

  • summary;
  • recommendations;
  • specifications;
  • certificates
  • documents confirming the education received.

This method of personnel assessment involves identifying the reliability of all papers provided by the employee. If a person is taken to the post, after some time they compare the declared in the submitted documents and the real indicators of his work, assessing the current qualification level, checking whether the person who he imagined is really as experienced.

Effective assessment methods:

  • analysis of employee behavior during interviews;
  • testing on professional level assessment programs for a specific position;
  • analysis of requirements established in regulatory documents, employee compliance with them;
  • business essay.

The preparation of material for a test by profession is usually entrusted to the head of the unit into which the employee can be accepted. In some cases, it is reasonable to involve an external expert, a highly specialized highly qualified specialist, in the work.

To analyze the performance of employees' tasks and the compliance of the result with established standards, it is necessary to develop a rating scale on the basis of which conclusions are made.

The essay allows you to evaluate the extent to which the employee is able to solve the problem posed to him in a short time. Analysts can understand what are the strategic abilities of a colleague, how inherent in him is the ability to detect optimal ways out of the difficult situations inherent in a particular position.

staff assessment methods

Methods and Options

For analysis, you can use the criteria for evaluating personnel for psychological testing. Workers are given tests, the results of which describe the type of person’s personality and give a specific score - an assessment of the qualities of workers. Conducting personality tests is the responsibility of a specialist who has undergone special training. The methodology is quite complicated, and the analysis of its results is carried out with a preliminary familiarization with the data processing methods for a particular questionnaire.

Evaluation of the work of personnel by competencies is another quite popular and effective method. To do this, first make up a list of characteristics on the basis of which it is possible to evaluate the employee’s effectiveness, the quality level of his tasks. The list of competencies must correspond to a certain position, for different jobs is formed individually.

Another method of evaluating staff performance is ranking, in which all employees of one unit are examined. The analysis is based on a comparison of the results of individuals whose activities are related. Analysts make up the rating chain, guided by a previously formulated list of criteria.

At most modern enterprises, they resort to a technique called the “360 degrees”. The analysis of information about a particular person coming from different sources is supposed:

  • Colleagues;
  • customers
  • subordinates.

The analysis of information allows us to assess the extent to which a person possesses the business qualities necessary for a particular position, how he manifests them in everyday life.

Another well-known approach is the Assessment center, which is applicable both for the analysis of production positions and for the assessment of personnel management (for this, the effectiveness of the work of the personnel department and management staff is revealed). The approach is complex, it begins with the compilation of a rather voluminous list of parameters, for each of which will have to evaluate the activities of workers. There should be several observers. The team monitors a group of employed, monitors the implementation of tasks assigned to them, evaluates the behavior of individual participants, their actions. Observers have a scenario for the optimal response of experimental subjects in different situations. Following it, it is determined to what extent individuals show an adequate response to factors. The results obtained from this observation are discussed within the group responsible for the analysis, and the conclusions formulated become the basis for managerial decisions.

The assuming interaction of the boss and subordinate method of personnel assessment has proven itself well. The effectiveness of personnel management using such a technology called MBO is due to the features of the method: the work begins with the formulation of goals for the employee, determining the time interval for their implementation. The task of the boss is to choose adequate terms, a reasonable number of goals, to make sure that all of them are really important, correspond to a specific position. Formulating goals, it is necessary to track compliance with the criteria:

  • the ability to measure the result;
  • specific wording;
  • significance of tasks;
  • temporary restrictions;
  • the opportunity to successfully achieve the planned.

Assessment: analysis to optimize the workflow

If you make a list of criteria for evaluating effectiveness in advance, you can analyze using a fairly reliable KPI methodology based on a study of the productivity of different workers. Formulating the criteria for analysis, they take into account the goals and objectives facing the company, at the same time adhere to the most simple and understandable formulations: the employee whose activities will be analyzed must understand the essence of the parameters.

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staff performance assessment

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  • create a personnel development plan, paying particular attention to risk factors.

Difficulty of work

The implementation of personnel assessments at enterprises requires the right choice of the optimal method for a particular company. There are often situations where management stops at an approach that does not correspond to the level of maturity of the organization. Many neglect the motivational factor, both monetary and intangible.

It is important to consider that too frequent inspections by staff are usually perceived negatively, and for managers such work seems tedious, and wasting time on it is irrational. To obtain maximum efficiency, the frequency of procedures should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise.

In many companies, the feedback between managers and staff is too weak, so line workers simply do not perceive the assessment as something important, significant. Self-esteem also plays a role: for some people - higher than real abilities, for others - underestimated. In any of the options, it becomes a significant obstacle to assessing the competence of the worker, the skills that he has in reality, which means he could apply for the benefit of the company.

Attention to detail

For any modern company, personnel assessment is an important aspect of management management, a serious step towards improving the enterprise and optimizing work activities. Reasonable use of techniques and methods can increase the efficiency of the workflow, strengthen the motivational component, increase the competence of personnel, and make work more productive.

staff performance assessment

Personnel assessment is a technological aspect of the personnel service. For the successful implementation of measures it is necessary to have skills and knowledge. Trust the personnel assessment should only professionals in this matter who have undergone special training. When formulating assessments, it is important to take into account the specifics of the corporate culture and the specifics of the requirements in different positions.

In fact, during the employee’s assessment, a comparison is made between the real person and the ideal, the image of which is created, taking into account the requirements of the position, the presentation of the leadership, the conditions established by the labor market. As part of the analysis, human resource managers receive information about the characteristics of the psychology of workers, the level of performance of their work, and can find ways to increase this indicator. In total, this allows us to enhance the competitiveness of the company, rationally allocate resources, improve the quality of customer service and increase the profitability of the enterprise. A regular assessment of personnel is a method of adjusting personnel policy, a source of information for managerial decisions and a way to promote an enterprise on the market.


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