Laser cutting of plastic. The most accurate technology for cutting plexiglass, plastic, plywood

Methods of processing materials are regularly improved, each year offering an improvement in a particular indicator or a fundamental change in technology. In this sense, laser cutting methods can be attributed to the most promising and progressive. This group of cutting technologies has many advantages, but also has some limitations. So, while working with solid-state materials, mechanical means can compete with such methods, the laser cutting of plastic, cardboard, plexiglass and plywood sheets has practically no analogues according to the quality criteria of the products obtained.

laser cutting plastic

Benefits of Laser Processing

Laser cutting is difficult to handle with stone or metal, while maintaining a high level of accuracy. However, easily deformable materials allow you to maximize the benefits of this method. For example, laser cutting of acrylic can be carried out with a minimum tolerance of the cut and increased detail in its direction. The accuracy itself can be at an index of 25 microns, which cannot be achieved using traditional means of mechanical cutting. Another thing is that a lot depends on the material itself. But even hard wood with cardboard or plexiglass optimally lends itself to rapid laser engraving.

In addition to the advantages that are expressed directly in the properties of the resulting product, it is worth emphasizing indirect benefits. The high speed at which laser cutting of plastic is realized allows you to work effectively with large batches of orders. And this is not to mention the minimization of waste from the base material, which also determines the economic benefits of the method.

The essence of technology

The invasion of the structure of the material for the purpose of cutting takes place by supplying a laser beam through special optics. The workflow is also accompanied by the support of special mixtures - air and gas. For example, streams of compressed air perform two tasks - they clean the same optical lenses and, in some cases, save the site from overheating. Gases in the form of nitrogen and oxygen are involved in the activation of the cutting process and at the same time do not allow ignition.

acrylic laser cutting

In some ways, combined laser cutting of plastic also allows you to achieve the above advantages by using a minimum of resources. Compared to abrasive or plasma processing, lasers not only use less consumables, but technically they are not as demanding. True, this does not apply to technological support, since the level of hardware and software filling in the equipment used is often an order of magnitude higher.

Technical support

To perform laser cutting, special machines are used. Typical equipment of this kind includes a work platform, moving workpiece control mechanisms, an operator panel, communication hoses and security systems. In terms of power, laser cutting equipment may require from 3 to 10 kW on average, which is a good indicator compared to other machines operating in serial production formats.

laser cutting equipment

Cutting is carried out using active optics with lenses, the function of which is complemented by a nozzle supplying auxiliary mixtures. An important feature of this type of laser equipment is the possibility of highly accurate correction of the positional cutting organ, the deviations in which can reach no more than 3 microns in advanced installations.

Additional machine option

Models of machines with numerical programmable control (CNC) demonstrate the greatest success in the use of laser cutting. Designers manage to organically connect the function of optical elements with software systems. Modern packages of optional equipment for machines allow automatic processing, video surveillance of the work area, compensate for possible distortions without manual intervention and effectively develop template cutting formats using special programs.

laser cutting and engraving

At the same time, there is laser cutting, the CNC of which allows you to make adjustments to the workflow based on the influence of external factors. That is, the machine is equipped with a set of sensors that monitor the characteristics of the air, sending the corresponding signals with correction commands to the optical head or nozzle. These are the most advanced and complex developments that are used mainly by large companies.

Where is laser cutting plastic used?

The range of technology applications is quite wide. On the one hand, high-precision cutting of plastics, wood, plexiglass and other pliable materials is successfully used in construction for the creation of finishing coatings with small patterns and patterns.

But the main area still relates to the production of advertising and souvenir products. Small-format laser cutting and engraving, in particular, allows you to get neat and small-sized key rings, nameplates and various accessories with almost jewelry on the surfaces.

They use technology in the textile industry. In this niche, factories are mastering this method in order to perform complex stampings, lace and contours on fabrics, leather and other materials.

CNC laser cutting


It is rare that new technologies in all respects turn out to be better in comparison with traditional methods of solving certain problems. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to cope with solid metal with the same efficiency. But for those who need laser cutting of acrylic, plastic and wooden materials, the disadvantages are almost imperceptible. Of course, devices with programmable control can deliver certain troubles during operation, but the active inclusion of automatic systems also simplifies the ergonomic nuances of the production process. Along with this, the structural basis is being improved, which allows today to get rid of special mechanisms for fixing workpieces.


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