Anastasia Zagodina: biography and the universe of the poetess

Anastasia Zagodina, a contemporary poetess, who is not mentioned on Wikipedia, is not written in journalistic literature and several lines are not mentioned in the compulsory student education program. She is a woman who managed to conquer talented and masterful poets with her poems. But still we have something to tell about her: in her blogs and on the authors website she talks about her hard life, which she tries to fill with the colors of thoughts, twisting them into poetry. From the original source, interesting events from the life of a woman were found out, about which she had been silent for so long and kept secret ...

Anastasia Zagodina: biography of personal life

Olga Zhuravleva was born in Moscow in 1973, where she graduated from high school with an in-depth study of the Russian language and literature. There she met A. Venediktov, who taught history lessons, and S. Buntman, in the role of the main director of the theater studio at the school. From school, they no longer part: they attend circles together, go to play performances and do rhythmic gymnastics. Because of the harmfulness, Olga refused to join the Komsomol, and it was not to her liking - she was always drawn to knowledge and study, although she was an exemplary pioneer.

Olga Zhuravleva at the anniversary of the radio station

Despite her close friendship with men, she never talked about anything personal. Girlfriends and colleagues sometimes congratulated Olga on family concerns, citing the too small amount of time that she began to spend in the walls of the radio station. However, Anastasia Zagodina was not offended, but only smiled. Well, what could be more important and entertaining?

Without answering anything, she simply kept her relationship secret outside working hours. However, on her page on social networks, she indicated the status of a married woman. In her blog, she wrote that she loves to walk a lot, drink coffee alone and go to the movies. During the walk, thoughts are born, and then, over a cup of aromatic drink, thoughts are transferred to paper, and a poem is born. That’s how Anastasia Zagodina composed poems under the names “Thunderstorm”, “The Phantom World”, “Summer Is Passing” and many other works. She tried to give all her freedom to poetry, which occupied a large place in her soul.

The pseudonym of her soul is Anastasia Zagodina. Biography of the person "in the world"

Who is this woman? Anastasia Zagodina is known to many citizens of the Russian Federation, they listen to her on the radio and read her works. Her real name is Olga Zhuravleva. And not because she hides her information, personal life, just her image outside the walls of the radio station remains real, but she addresses the audience on behalf of her second "I". Olga has an army of fans - not all poets and art lovers. There are categories of people distant from the beautiful who are not averse to enjoying the monologue and reasoning about being against the background of her voice.

Journalist & quot; Echo of Moscow & quot;

An interesting woman, comprehensive, loves literature and art, appreciates free time, probably because she does not have it. Olga herself writes extraordinary stories, situations from life in her blog and tries to share her impressions with others.

Creativity of being

She is not always engaged in the machinations of work, she likes to sit in a corner, talk with her “friend-leaflet” about the main thing. Not for the sake of broadcasting, but for myself it was published in many online publications, LITO collections, and now it has its own blog where it communicates with readers. Anastasia Zagodina shared her poems there - "What we spend our life on". It was this work that touched the souls of more than half of Russia's population.

Olga Zhuravleva with colleagues

Anastasia Zagodina herself declares: “I don’t think of myself as a poet, but I publish poetry in the almanacs, I release my own albums and collections. I ask friends to call themselves the old way, Nastya. Only“ in the world “I am Olya.” In a recent publication, she quoted lines from her new poem:

"It's just a heartbeat,

Tears of the night are an unsurpassed wake.

Do not consider me a poet.

Well, what a poet I am there. "

Probably, you can reach the fans only through poetry, which is what Nastya does all the time.

"Echo of Moscow" - the echoes of backstage life

Not behind the curtains, but behind the receiver - at the frequency of the wave her voice soared, hiding in the lines written and voiced by the presenter at the time of the program's release. She herself also appeared on the air, but loves to be given the position of editor-journalist. She came to work in Echo in the early 90s and has not changed her position since then. Closer to zero years, she became the administrator of the radio station. Everything depended on her:

  • ether distribution conditions;
  • program release dates;
  • scheduling and time;
  • administrative part of programs;
  • conducting household and journalistic activities at the same time.
Olga Zhuravleva celebrates 40 years

She never worked for the viewer, on the contrary, the result and fruit of her work were warm relations with her colleagues. Of course, Olga had her weaknesses - singing, poetry, cinema and reading books. Being a humanist to the core, I tried to weave part of my interests into routine hours of work, and something worked. She always took with her a dictionary, an encyclopedia, and good friends. In her opinion, these are the most “living” books, each with its own story.


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