The benefits and harms of blueberries. Blueberries for sight. Folk recipes

They say that blueberries, a bluish little berry, are extremely beneficial for our body. Is it so? What vitamins and minerals does it contain? What is the best way to consume? What are the benefits and harms of blueberries? And how is it treated? About this next article.

general information

Blueberries grow in shrubs that are found in the European part of Russia, the Urals, Siberia, Karelia and the Far East. It is found in wetlands, on peatlands, rocks and coniferous forests. Blueberries are the bluish berries of a dark blue color.

the benefits and harms of blueberries

The plant is not afraid of the harsh climate, on the contrary, in such conditions, its berries become even larger and more useful. Ripe fruits are consumed fresh, dried for the winter, prepare juices and other drinks, jam, jam and so on.

Blueberries have the widest distribution among residents of the North - they often drink tea from it for colds, coughs and headaches.

In the old days, blueberries were used as a talisman at home and put under the threshold so that malicious people could not enter.


The berry consists of eighty-four percent of water, twelve and a half of carbohydrates, and three and a half percent of minerals, proteins, fats and fiber. And there are more than enough vitamins and minerals in it!

Blueberries have tannins, pectins, a large amount of vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and C, as well as potassium, niacin, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. In addition, the berry contains trace elements such as copper, iron, manganese, selenium, zinc and others. It perfectly retains all its properties in frozen form.

blueberry leaves

Such a rich composition, of course, indicates the great value of the berry. The benefits and harms of blueberries, their fruits and leaves, and their use in cooking and medicine are discussed below.

Eating tips

  1. If in the summer there are fresh berries, the body will receive the maximum amount of nutrients from blueberries.
  2. When dried, most vitamins are also stored.
  3. The leaves of the plant are best collected during the flowering period.
  4. Fruits are harvested in the morning or evening. You need to try not to pour them from one container to another, since their skin is very delicate and can be injured because of this.
  5. In terms of usefulness, the properties of blueberries are most pronounced fresh, in the second - juice from it, in the third - grated blueberries half with sugar.
  6. The market should pay attention to the color - so that it is uniform and has a bluish coating, as well as size - the larger, the better, and the dryness of the berries.

blueberries healing properties

Useful properties in medicine

Due to its composition, namely, vitamin C, tannin and flavonoids, blueberries for vision are an indispensable tool in the fight against a decrease in its severity. Regular use of this berry has beneficial effects on the vessels of the eye retina, renews it and nourishes. In small capillaries, blood flow returns to normal, fatigue and tension in the eyes are relieved. This leads to increased vision. However, there is no reliable data that this berry is able to restore it completely with serious ailments.

In folk medicine, blueberries are used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for diseases such as diarrhea, upset gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the internal organs, rheumatism, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Useful is fresh blueberries, and all kinds of infusions that help with ulcers, burns and other ailments of the skin.

blueberries for vision

If you want to lose weight, women go on a diet and inevitably reduce their diet in a significant way. This leads to such unpleasant consequences as hair loss, rashes on the skin, brittle nails and more. You can avoid all these troubles if you add blueberries to the diet within a reasonable amount during the diet.

Not only blueberries can benefit the body in folk medicine. Its leaves and shoots have tonic, astringent and antibacterial properties.

Blueberry leaves

Sweet and sour dark berries are a recognized source of all the above vitamins. But blueberry leaves, which are usually added to tea, are worthy of attention. They not only give the drink a unique taste, but also have many beneficial properties.

Firstly, it is a good anti-inflammatory agent. With the signs of a cold, it is worth adding leaves to tea, and the person will feel relief.

Secondly, it is a mild diuretic. Therefore, hypertensive patients and those who want to lose weight can use leaflets as part of the herbal collection, but not abuse it.

Just like berries, blueberry leaves are used to improve the condition of blood vessels in case of eye disease.

fresh blueberries

These leaves are included in the herbal compositions of fortifying and cardiotonic collections. Therefore, for fitness enthusiasts, and especially for beginners, it is recommended to drink them.

In combination with other herbs and preparations, the leaves can be used in the treatment of cystitis and urethritis.

In general, the decoction will help in the digestion process, and sometimes even with food poisoning.

Tea with leaves can serve as a means of preventing scurvy, vitamin deficiency and lowering immunity.

With skin diseases, a slurry of leaves is applied to the affected area - in the place of abscesses, boils, acne and so on, and warm baths will help the skin of the body as a whole.

With acne, you can prepare an alcohol tincture of leaves and vodka (which is kept for two weeks in a dark place), then wipe it with your face.

A decoction of leaves is able to lower blood pressure, if it is elevated, reduce glucose (in the initial stages even prevents the development of diabetes).

In addition, it helps with stomatitis, burns, ulcers and weeping eczema, relieves pain with gout.

In Bulgaria, alcoholic tinctures from the leaves even treat stomach diseases.


Despite all the indisputable advantages, not all people are shown the use of this berry. There are benefits and harms of blueberries. For example, if a person suffers from urolithiasis, he should not eat it.

In addition, cases of an allergic reaction are known. Therefore, do not abuse it and eat in large quantities, especially since the latter can even lead to constipation.

Blueberries are also contraindicated in those who have pancreatic diseases.

As for the leaves, they themselves can not cause harm. But poor-quality purchased raw materials and the use of leaves without knowledge of technology can do much harm.

When losing weight, you can not use several diuretics at the same time, even if all of them are of plant origin. This can cause chronic fatigue, low blood pressure, and water-salt imbalance.

If an allergic reaction begins, then blueberries should not be consumed. Reviews of the harm caused by the use of berries or leaves are very few, but, nevertheless, such cases are known.


It is stored in the same way as other fruits. Storage in the refrigerator is acceptable, but not for long. The sooner blueberries are eaten, the better.


blueberries reviews

Of the berries are often boiled jelly, stewed fruit, make fruit drinks and preserves. They are added to pies, casseroles and cakes.

Blueberry extracts are often part of biologically active additives - dietary supplements. It is worth emphasizing that, despite the widespread advertising of these drugs, much is not true. For example, as a result of advertising, people have the impression that blueberries are almost an irreplaceable medicine for vision. However, this is not at all true. The berry relieves fatigue and strengthens blood vessels, but does not cure serious eye diseases.

Nevertheless, in folk medicine it is often used as not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic agent that helps with various ailments.

Blueberries: healing properties

properties of blueberries

Here are some simple recipes for all sorts of ailments.

From indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, the following tincture is suitable:

  • two teaspoons of crushed berries are taken;
  • pour in one glass of boiling water;
  • left in a warm place for several hours.

The prepared product should be taken in half a glass four times a day before meals. This tincture will also help with angina, pneumonia and tuberculosis. It is enough for children to drink from one teaspoon to a quarter cup at a time.

For skin diseases, you can prepare the following remedy:

  • the berry is boiled and cooled to room temperature;
  • blueberries are applied to problem areas with lotions and compresses.

The healing properties of blueberries also apply to those who have problems with the genitourinary system. The above recipes are also suitable for them.

With wounds, a decoction of leaves will help, for which:

  • the leaves are crushed;
  • their teaspoon is poured in a glass of boiling water;
  • insists half an hour;
  • strained.

The prepared solution processes the wounds until they disappear.

Despite the fact that there is a benefit and harm to blueberries, it certainly has more positive value for health. A negative result from its use can only be for allergy sufferers, people with urolithiasis and those who have eaten too much berry. For most people, blueberries are an excellent source of many beneficial vitamins and minerals.


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