Florist's resume: template, sample, drafting rules and recommendations with examples

Today in Russia, such a profession as a florist is gaining more and more popularity. This is not surprising, because it combines beauty, romance and profitability. At the same time, flower shops, which require staff, are actively opening in many cities. That is why it is important for each employee in this field to be able to write a florist resume correctly.

Why is it important to be able to write a resume?

Workdays of the florist

As a rule, a florist is not just a seller of flowers, but a person with the appropriate education, who has certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, an employee with such baggage always seeks to settle in a more prestigious place. However, for salons and workshops of a high level, not only professional qualities are important, but also intellectual abilities.

A resume is a business card of an employee. It is for him that the employer will make the first impression. Therefore, among thousands of talented florists, getting a job interview is more likely to be done by someone who correctly composes a resume.

Similarities and differences in resumes for florists and other professions

Florist workplace

Of course, for absolutely all professions, there are certain recommendations for compiling a resume. The florist’s resume should be made according to the same algorithm as the accountant, except that for the creative profession there is an attachment of examples of work. After all, no matter how much you write about merit and education, this activity requires visual confirmation.

Also, when compiling a resume, it is worth sticking to the official business style of presenting information and not using a lot of adjectives and comparisons. Do not describe your work and go into creative thoughts. Summary - an official letter that does not tolerate deviations.

General resume requirements

As mentioned above, for any profession there are general, universal recommendations for compiling a resume.

So, in the upper left corner of the sheet should be placed a photograph. It should be remembered that the photo should be restrained, the face is well visible. But too official image for such a creative profession is also not suitable. Choose your portrait on which the head is slightly inclined or turned quite a bit to the side. The look and expression should be natural and relaxed.

The next item is the heading. Here it is necessary to write the word "Summary" and the name of the person to whom it belongs. The next line is your date of birth and contacts. You should not indicate incorrect data, because if you are hired, the employer will easily verify the accuracy of the information.

Next, education should be indicated. If the basic education is not related to floristry, it should still be indicated, as well as years of study. It is necessary to talk about places and schools in which the study of floristry took place, preferably with an indication of the year.

After the above, it is worth talking about work experience. Here you can write about shops and studios in which you managed to work and also indicate the start and end dates of the employment contract.

The next item is the florist's responsibilities for the resume. Here you need to describe everything that was and may be part of your responsibilities: arranging bouquets, communicating with customers, arranging holidays, changing water, cutting flowers, and so on. In many cases, this item is not included in the resume, however, the florist is a relatively new profession, and just in case, this information is better to indicate.

Further, you can talk about your achievements: victories in the championships, participation in contests and so on. The last two paragraphs should disclose information about additional skills and personal qualities.

Florist's table

“Dangerous” moments when writing a resume

The first thing to be careful of is excessive emotionality. Praising your own work and talent should also not be. When filling out the paragraph “obligations of the seller-florist” for the resume, you should not overload yourself with many functions, adequately evaluate your strength.

If you decide to attach photos of your work, then print them in the best quality if the resume will be presented in print. Also carefully sort your work. You can consult with friends or family to select the most worthy of them.

Before you start filling out, read a few other options and take some resume florist as a sample.

Drawing up a florist resume

Resume Tips

When you start filling out your personal qualities, avoid the commonplace “easy to learn,” “easy to find a common language.” You must write what distinguishes you, then your resume will be different from dozens of others. But it’s also not worth praising yourself here.

Also do not write minor merit. Everything that is written in the resume should be only true and relate exclusively to work. As additional skills, only those that may come in handy should be indicated. For example, the possession of programs related to sales or design, the ability to draw.

Before sending, show an example of a florist’s resume to your loved ones, and then your option, and listen to criticism. Try compiling multiple documents and choose the best one.

What a resume should look like

So, here is a sample resume of a florist at work. Consider only the text:

1. Summary of Ivanova Maria Ivanovna.

2. Date of birth: 1.01.1990, Moscow.

3. Education:

  • She graduated from the Faculty of Design at Moscow State University in 2015 with a degree in Interior Designer.
  • November 2015 - graduated from the basic course of floristry at the school of florists and designers in Moscow.
  • January 2016 She completed a continuing education course in the direction of florist-decorator.
  • 2016 –2018 Graduated from the school of professional florists in Moscow.

4. Work experience:

  • From May 2017 to December 2017 she was a senior florist in the White Lily chain of stores.
  • From January 2018 to June 2018, he was a teacher at the fairies floristry studio.

5. Responsibilities. My duties as a florist include arranging flowers on a display case, receiving goods, daily water changes and cuts. Also, the preparation of bouquets for shop windows and on order, wedding floristry and the creation of compositions. Exit registration of events according to pre-agreed conditions.

6. Achievements:

  • Audience Award at the international championship on floristry in Moscow.
  • 1st place in the open competition of florists and decorators "New Year's decor" 2017.
  • Champion Cup at the international championship among professional florists in France.

7. Personal qualities. I consider my strengths to be an extraordinary, individual approach to the preparation of any bouquet, as well as the ability to quickly understand the taste and desire of the buyer. I regularly strive for advanced training, I study new techniques and color combinations.

Waiting for a response to resume

This is just a sample florist’s resume for a job. Your text may be something like this, or very different. The main thing is that it does not occupy more than two sheets. You should be prepared for the fact that the employer can provide his florist resume form.

How best to send resumes

Almost all success lies in the way the document is composed. However, the way the resume is sent also affects the image of the applicant.

If this is your first time sending it by e-mail, then indicate in the message subject what exactly you are sending, for example, “resume of the applicant for the position of senior florist”. Next, attach the file and in the text of the message itself you can indicate that you are waiting for an answer about receiving a resume to make sure that the letter has arrived.

If no response is received within a few days, you can repeat the message, indicating that it is being resent. At the end of the letter, you should indicate your name and signature "Sincerely."

Interview Queue

What's next?

After the resume is delivered, and you received an answer that the employer will consider it, you can expect an invitation to an interview. Sometimes it takes some time, so don't panic.

Once the interview date has been set, start preparing for it. The summary must be printed in several copies. This is not a mandatory moment, however, if the employer and other team members (for example, senior florist) do not have information about you at hand, the presented printed resume will play a good role.

You should also carefully re-read the text and on its basis make a short speech about yourself, which may come in handy. Everything is simple here. You need to take the “dry” information from the text and supplement it with a couple of details and adjectives. Your speech should sound convincing and confident.

Here you can specify those moments that did not begin to be described in the florist’s resume itself in all details. For example, you can tell in more detail about the responsibilities that you are ready to fulfill or the conditions that the employer must fulfill. Be confident and friendly. All interviews should take place on a light and positive note.

The florist work process


Writing a resume for a florist seller is a complex and responsible business. It is very important not to miss anything, and at the same time not to write too much.

All text should be clear, understandable. Confidence should be read in it, but at the same time it should not turn into narcissism. Despite the beauty and lightness, the work of the florist is very difficult and difficult. The summary should reflect an awareness of this fact and the seriousness of your approach.


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