What is Hollywood? Hollywood's most famous stars: actors and actresses

Today there is no such person on earth, probably, who would not know what Hollywood is. Everyone will tell in every possible detail about the colossal film factory, where the largest number of films in the world have been shot and are currently being shot. However, there are hardly any people, even those who live there, who know what Hollywood is in full.

what is hollywood


The place where the brightest Hollywood stars live, where you can meet Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt or Kevin Costner right on the street , has existed for a very long time, since the time of the first conquerors - Spaniards, persecutors of Aboriginal people. After the liberation of the territories from the Indians, there were two ranches, greenhouses and fields with various crops: even pineapples and bananas were grown, as well as grain and maize. What is nineteenth century Hollywood? This is agriculture.

In 1886, both ranches acquired one owner and the name that exists to this day. Residential houses appeared on the united ranch, where housing was rented or sold, so streets and boulevards gradually formed. On the main street, of course, the houses were more prestigious, tall and spacious. The ranchers turned out to be patrons of the arts, created and maintained libraries, schools, and temples. Hollywood flourished by the beginning of the twentieth century.

Twentieth Century

One drawback of the city is the lack of drinking water, only because of this it was not destined to live apart, Hollywood depended very much on Los Angeles. The first western - a film about cowboys - was filmed here in 1911, as the old taverns on the picturesque streets of the city preserved the spirit of the old Wild West. That's when the world first heard what Hollywood is. The climate and a certain bohemian general atmosphere in relations between residents greatly contributed to the birth of a cinematic capital here.

Not a decade has passed since the first film was released, as the city was filled to the brim with restaurants and banks, clubs and theaters. The film industry began its rapid development. Housing was quickly divided into respectable, where Hollywood stars lived (directing and acting), and ancillary - for service workers. The central part of the city was lined up and rebuilt; this area was no longer residential. Buildings passed under the auspices of cinematic commerce.

Hollywood stars

Celebrity Reviews

So, according to Charlie Chaplin, which even the most famous Hollywood actors, men of the most striking talents and the most exceptional appearance, can not compare with, this factory makes a movie only after it makes money. People from all over the world dreamed of at least walking along these pavements, where their idols stepped, and each girl at heart was sure that she would definitely become a star. Hollywood actresses dictated fashion to the whole world, not only how to dress, but also how to watch, sigh, play with eyes - these were truly elegant bitches, according to Ilya Ilf, who visited Hollywood.

The famous Soviet writer apologized for the word "bitch", but in the same apology added ten more words for which it was necessary to apologize. Hollywood actors did not lag behind actresses in fashion legislation, all the boys wanted to become just as courageous and rich, to dress smartly and certainly make money. In the estimates of the film town, Bertold Brecht was in agreement with the previous ones, saying that he made money from bread by selling lies in Hollywood.

Hollywood actors

Bohemian suburbs

By the beginning of the twentieth century, the gold rush had already ended, the money had practically dried up, and the whole of California had become practically a backwater in relation to industrial centers. Cinema again raised this state to a height, perhaps even greater. Hollywood films are easy to shoot and profitable, since you don’t have to travel far - this does not even depend on the subject, because the nature in California is the most diverse from a geographical point of view. Everything is close: the sea, mountains, beautiful canyons, dense forests, scorching desert.

Here, on this small patch of territory, you can take landscapes of any continent of the earth, even corresponding maps exist - which particular area best corresponds to a particular corner of the planet. In addition, the film, lighting equipment and their quality in the early years of the development of cinematography left much to be desired. Filmed only in sunlight. There are no problems with the sun in California, in these places the number of sunny days is one of the most significant in the world. Money flowed into the city, and with them appeared in large numbers both women and men in Hollywood (for their fees). Elite mansions for the stars lined up swiftly, and the city ascended in its glory.

hollywood actresses

Tracing paper, carbon paper, template, stencil

Attentive moviegoers have long noticed that for many decades in a row on one good Hollywood movie instantly, like mushrooms after a warm rain, dozens and hundreds of clone films on the same theme appear on the screens with the same special effects. This is facilitated by the rules that all American directors are forced to observe, even the most eminent.

1. Profit. Cinema is shot purely for her, and not because I want art and a reverent approach to it.

2. People like it. Sometimes a film is an outright squalor, where there is even no intelligible plot, but it is spectacular - a lot of explosions, blood, sex, humor and so on. For such qualities, people usually ask for supplements.

About humor

Films that are too gloomy are for the amateur, of whom there are not many (see the first paragraph). The association insists on the jokes in the film, even if they are low-grade and out of place: for half an hour the duration of each picture, the director is simply obliged to insert at least a few pieces, and he is indignant behind the scenes.

But the creator of the film will not provide for humor - he will not receive rental. That is why the viewer easily determines the genre affiliation: there are ridiculous falls in the picture, dropped pants or loudly released gases - this means it's a comedy. If all this is missing, then drama.

Hollywood movies

Sequels and Prequels

The continuation of the film is the misfortune of Hollywood cinema. If you suddenly managed to make a cash register picture, you can predict one hundred percent that it will follow. Very rarely, the second and subsequent parts of the same film (like books) are obtained in the quality of the previous one. It’s just again the first point - to fill pockets on the viewer's interest.

There are exceptions: the sequels "Back to the Future", "The Godfather". And here is an example of failure: "Home Alone." And many more. There are films that do not fit into the plot in one series, so the material is divided into several. There are quite a few wonderful works: “Harry Potter”, “The Lord of the Rings” - where subsequent episodes may even be better than the first. The prequel is the background. Recently, they have become very popular because they are profitable. There are incidents when good directors shoot a sequel to the same picture first, and after a while a prequel, as happened with the famous Star Wars.

Films, remakes and spin-offs

The last term refers to a branch. For example, in the canon the secondary heroes of the main film in the spin-off become the main ones. A very profitable genre, and therefore popular. Remake - a new version of the old picture. It is also often used, but the viewer usually likes the first option. The old story with new (and often not the best) performers is usually annoying, like yesterday’s warmed-up food.

Everything can be filmed in Hollywood, from the comic book to the phone book. Apparently , Hollywood directors do not like to read ordinary art books. Read the scriptwriters. And that is not a fact. The main thing is again the first point, for which it is necessary to properly please the target audience. "Extra" storylines are removed, jokes are inserted. The same "Harry Potter" is a great example. In the book - a fairy tale, in Hollywood - a typical action movie with jokes. There are positive examples in the horror genre: Stephen King is usually filmed correctly.

men of hollywood

Walk of Fame

In Hollywood, in order to celebrate the new star, there is the Walk of Fame. In 1958, eight brand new stars were laid at once, while without an individual ceremony. In 1960, the Alley took an innovative course, and along with the stars of Ronald Coleman, Olivia Borden, Preston Foster, Louis Fazenda, Edward Sedgwick, Bert Lancaster, Ernest Torrens, others appeared. The first to join were the names Stanley Cramer and Joan Woodwart.

Stars on the Alley have their own categories. All five different stars earned Gene Autry. Four people were noted in four categories. Three stars have women - Gail Storm, Dinah Shore, Marie Wilson, Jane Frohman and Joe Stafford, the remaining twenty-five are male actors. Charlie Chaplin is the only genius who is not present on the Walk of Fame, although he was nominated twice: leftist convictions and communist views failed. Two presidents of the United States also have their stars here - Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.

Hollywood's most famous actors

Hollywood women

Hollywood actresses for the most part shine with an extraordinary appearance, bright femininity, and each has some kind of mystery. The actress with whom Hollywood began is Elizabeth Taylor, the first queen of cinema. Having made the sophisticated style of a bygone era eternal: Greta Garbo, Catherine Deneuve, Audrey Hepburn, Vivien Leigh - were not similar to their predecessors, and none of the followers can ever compare with them.

And now, watching films with actress Nicole Kidman, many spectators are amazed at how such a huge soul and such an indescribable talent were rooted in this amazing doll shell. Well, the symbol of all and all the femininity of the world is Marilyn Monroe, a phenomenon that will always bewitch and amaze. And also - Demi Moore, Kim Bessinger, Julia Roberts ... Do not list all the names of icons before which growing girls will pray for centuries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10074/

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