Waste passport: what is it and why is it needed

The problem of waste is one of the leading environmental problems worldwide. Every year their number only increases. As the population and well-being of people grow, so does the pressure on their environment. Including due to the accumulation of various ballast materials, often harmful to nature and society. They are very reluctant to solve this problem, especially in Russia. And this despite the fact that waste is a serious threat to the environment and human health. Waste passport allows you to increase control, assess the extent of their impact on the environment and determine the optimal ways of processing them.

Household waste

Why is the waste problem especially relevant for Russia?

About 50 million tons of municipal solid waste and a huge amount of industrial by-products are generated annually in Russia. Almost all of this amount goes to burial. The possibilities for receiving more and more lots of solid waste and other wastes have already exhausted themselves in many ways. Often places for burial of such materials do not comply with established sanitary standards.

How ironic is the fact that the higher the standard of living of Russians, the more waste is stored annually at various landfills and unorganized landfills. On average, every Russian produces about half a ton of solid waste per year.

While in Europe up to 60% of solid waste is recycled, in Russia this figure is an order of magnitude lower. This means that without taking radical measures, the environmental situation in the country will only worsen.

Categories and classes of waste

All waste is divided into household and industrial. A small part of them forms an additional type of waste - military waste.

The composition of the waste can be solid, liquid and gaseous. Solid waste is the most common.

who makes the waste passport

According to the level of danger to the environment and humans, they are divided into classes:

  • 1st class - especially hazardous waste;
  • 2nd class - very hazardous waste;
  • 3rd class - medium hazard level waste;
  • 4th class - low hazard waste;
  • 5th grade - non-hazardous or with a slight level of danger.

The main part of municipal waste is municipal solid waste.

Household waste: hazard classes

Why do I need a waste passport?

Various papers are required for legal waste management. Waste passport is an important document. It is necessary for the proper handling of them. Based on the information contained in it, the optimal and least harmful method of disposal is selected. By law, a waste passport must be present without fail.

Waste passport

This document includes data on the composition and degree of hazard of the waste. They also indicate their belonging to a certain type. The only exception is waste of hazard class 5. For them, certification is not required.

In addition to the above, a passport for waste of hazard class 1-4 is necessary for the following tasks:

  • Organization of places where the waste will be stored and where it will be stored. It is understood that the shelf life will be at least 11 months. Otherwise, the issuance of a storage license is not provided.
  • Transportation of waste to landfills or recycling.
  • In order to develop optimal guidelines for dealing with and working with waste.
  • To transfer the rights to use waste to other production organizations. This is necessary to minimize potential risks to worker health and the environment.

All information contained in the passport must be absolutely reliable. Do not underestimate the hazard class or provide incorrect or inaccurate information about the composition. Otherwise, it may result in a fire or release of toxic substances into the environment, and workers will be at risk.

Which waste is covered by the passport, and who makes the waste passport

Not all wastes fall under Decree No. 712 on the certification of wastes. Some of them are regulated by other legislative acts, or are not regulated at all. For example, if a hazard class 1-4 is for waste, a passport is required. However, it does not apply to materials and substances such as:

  • waste of hazard class 5;
  • radioactive and biological substances;
  • materials emitting ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases, with the exception of those that are obsolete;
  • medical facility waste;
  • various emissions and discharges.

For the most hazardous waste, a special certification procedure is provided, consisting of several points.

Rosprirodnadzor waste passport

Filling out the waste passport is done by those entrepreneurs or legal organizations whose functioning leads to the appearance of hazardous waste.

Do I need to draw up documents for waste of the fifth hazard class?

Waste management of hazard class 5 does not require serious legal preparation and registration of a passport. However, some documentation is necessary in this case. Such waste should be certified by the following papers:

  • Documented information on the assignment of waste to hazard class 5. Such a certificate should be available to everyone who produces and / or stores household or industrial waste. It should include such characteristics as the state of aggregation, component composition, FKKO code, physical condition.
  • The documents should contain information on the conditions for the appearance of these wastes at the enterprise or other organization.

Timing and liability for waste management

If the waste is included in the FCCW list, the validity of the passport is not limited. Three calendar days are allotted for the compilation of a hazardous waste passport. Then he enters the Rosprirodnadzor. 30 working days are allotted for approval of the waste passport in Rosprirodnadzor.

Waste separation

The cost of compiling this document when ordering the appropriate service from third-party specialists is at least 6500 rubles.

As a measure of liability for improper waste management and the absence of a passport, a fine is applied: 10-30 thousand rubles for individuals and 100-250 thousand rubles for organizations. In the latter case, it is possible to suspend their activities for up to 3 months.


Thus, the waste passport is a mandatory legal document designed to increase control in the field of waste management. It is compiled for almost all hazard classes, except the lowest. For this, various studies are carried out, including laboratory ones. The absence of a waste passport from a responsible organization entails the payment of fines with the possible suspension of entrepreneurial activity. In the passport it is inadmissible to indicate false and "taken from the ceiling" information. Some types of waste are not subject to the mandatory certification.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1008/

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