What is decoction of Bolotov? Alternative Herbal Treatment

The famous psychotherapist and folk healer Boris Bolotov for several years helps people deal with ailments in not quite traditional ways. This outstanding person is a true inventor. He conducted many studies, carefully studied human anatomy and read a lot of useful medical literature.

decorate of bolotov

Based on this, Bolotov made amazing conclusions about which he wrote in his books. The psychic is sure that all diseases can be cured by available natural ingredients - herbs and dairy products. That is worth only one Bolotov decoction made from medicinal plants. Absolutely all of his work is interesting and supported by scientific facts. After reading his works, everyone will be able to successfully overcome ailments and restore lost health.

Alternative treatment according to Bolotov

According to the academician, man is an integral part of living nature, without which a normal existence is impossible. Nature gives us its fruits for healing, longevity and complete harmony. Therapy by its unique methods for some people is the only chance for complete healing. Bolotov enzymatic agents help people overcome terrible diseases, such as cancer, glaucoma, diseases of the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems. The therapist talks about how to cleanse your body with medicinal plants without harm to health, and also to strengthen a weakened immune system by drinking Bolotov's decoction. The drink has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The recipe for a healing decoction

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Based on the huge number of reviews, we can say with confidence that the drink not only has a pleasant taste, but also really helps to cope with colds. It is also recommended to use it for prophylaxis during the influenza epidemic season. The components for the prescription are available to anyone, you can purchase them at the pharmacy or pick them up in the forest yourself.

For its preparation, the following components are required: initial medical letter (scrofula), dried chamomile flowers, sage herb, liter of water. Plants have choleretic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, analgesic and anti-asthmatic effects. In addition, they lower blood pressure, regulate digestion and improve blood circulation.

To prepare the drug, you need to boil water, add two small spoons of the initial letter and one dessert spoon of sage and chamomile. The infusion should stand for about an hour. In the period of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, take a glass - three times a day. Bolotov’s decoct is very useful, it strengthens defenses, restores the body and fights against germs. You can drink it all year round.

Tea Bolotova

Bolotov treatment

To dissolve salts in our body, it is necessary to use harmless teas from medicinal plants that have an alkaline effect. The academician proved that the course application (month) of a drink from sunflower rhizomes helps to remove harmful salts.

- Harvest the roots in the fall, cut off the hairs from them, then rinse, dry and brew a healing cleansing tea.

- For these purposes use fireweed and clover. Herbs are boiled with boiling water, filtered and two dessert spoons of apple cider vinegar are added to the drink. Such a tool is recommended for use in atherosclerosis and insomnia.

- Another effective tea recipe is based on dried rosehips. To do this, take a teaspoon of fruit, chopped in a blender or coffee grinder, filled with boiling water, infused for half an hour. In tea, you need to add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Fermented Kvass or Lactic Serum

bolotov method

We have already written about the Bolotov decoct, and now it is the turn of no less useful and tasty kvass with the addition of medicinal herbs that help with chronic pathologies. According to the academician, they even treat polyps. It’s easy to cook. It will take three liters of whey, a glass of dry (you can fresh) celandine, a spoonful of sour cream and a glass of granulated sugar.

The chopped grass must be placed in a gauze bag, put a clean pebble there, which will serve as a load. Lower the prepared material to the bottom of a three-liter jar with milk whey, sour cream and sugar, cover with several layers of gauze on top and put in a dark place for 3 weeks. Check for mold every two days and be sure to remove it.

If a precipitate appears, then the drink should be poured into a clean container and add new serum. After about 14 days, the kvass will begin to foam, this indicates proper preparation. You can drink it daily, preferably in 20 minutes. before eating. Allowed to give to young children.

And finally ...

The Bolotov method is recognized by many doctors and is popular among people. Practice has proved that all of his folk recipes improve the functional activity of the liver, cleanse the skin, relieve inflammatory processes, increase hormonal activity and have a beneficial effect on the senses.

The traditional healer Bolotov completely abandoned the traditional method of treatment. Reviews of his followers admired. Many are happy with recipes and respect his theories. The traditional healer of all calls for a healthy and proper lifestyle, where there is no alcohol, antibiotics and harmful products.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10080/

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