Management of organizational culture: features, problems and methods

In the modern world there are a lot of institutions and communities that have their own goals and objectives, which have a certain significance and place in society. Such companies have and protect their own values ​​and moral standards. It was the growth of such firms that provoked the emergence of the concept of organizational culture. The company creates its own image, the base of which contains the peculiar properties of manufactured products and services, the principles of action and high moral principles of employees, prestige in the business community, etc. This can be called a concept of generally accepted views and ideas in the company that motivate employees to set up the process, to building relationships and to achieving work results that distinguish this company from all others.


What it is?

Organizational culture is the newest field of knowledge entering into a series of managerial sciences. She stood out in a relatively new field of knowledge - organizational behavior, which explores common combinations, foundations, laws and patterns in the company.

The main objective of organizational behavior is to help a person most effectively realize his own direct responsibilities in the company and get the most benefit and satisfaction from the work done.

To accomplish this mission, it is necessary, among other things, to create value norms of an individual, company, relationship, etc. We are talking about norms, laws, or standards in organizational behavior. Each action must be evaluated according to more modern standards. This is a fairly significant area of ​​interest for study by both scientists and practitioners. The relevance of the study and use of such universally recognized standards, laws and stereotypes is undeniable. In turn, a culture is formed and formed from organizational behavior, which is its component.

Organizational culture


It should be noted that organizational behavior has its own level of organizational culture. And all this, without exception, forms a single whole. Speaking about this topic, we should talk about the object of study, that is, the level of organizational culture, it is also worth mentioning the subject of study, namely its significance in the company. The main objective of this work will be the study of organizational culture, the establishment of significance, the disclosure of the advantages and difficulties of managing it.

Organizational culture consists primarily of personal independence. That is, a person should be aware of the level of responsibility, independence and ability to formulate initiatives in the company. Organizational culture always consists of a certain structure. In other words, there is a connection between companies and persons, functioning laws, direct management and control. Another equally important element is the focus or level of development and the capabilities of the company. Speaking of organizational culture, one cannot but say about the role of uniting or integrating work with the goal of quickly achieving results that develop a firm or company, bringing it closer to a specific goal. Organizational culture is impossible without managerial support, when people in power of the company, managers, endowed with great authority, help subordinates, provide them with their support in solving any issues related to work tasks. This function is similar to another, no less important in organizational culture, namely, the degree of support provided by superiors to their own subordinates.

Business in Culture

The properties

Organizational culture will not function unless there is an incentive in the company, an incentive for staff for their work. The director and his assistants must be able to manage various incidents.

These properties contain the base and foundation of any company with an organizational culture. Based on the above factors, you can describe the work of any company.

The purposeful formation of organizational culture can allow not only productive use of the human resources of the company in order to implement its strategy, but also increase the degree of manageability of the company, increase the unity of the team.


The formation of the company's culture is associated with an external environment for the company: the business sphere as a whole, examples of state culture. The adoption of a specific option by the company can be similar to the particularity of the sphere in which it operates, with the speed of scientific, technical and other changes, with the hallmarks of the market, customers, etc. It has been established that the presence of culture is typical for firms in the spheres of "significant technological processes" content of innovative ”values ​​and faith“ in change ”. But this side is able to manifest itself in different ways, based on the norms and rules of the company, its national characteristics and other distinctive signs and features.

What is needed for good organization?

Organizational culture as a separate organism manages the company inside, regulates the relations taking place in the company, helps to achieve a certain goal, but there is such a thing as “management of organizational culture”. With the improvement of the management sphere, more and more new methods appear that allow you to control the processes taking place inside the company.

What is needed for this?

First, let's talk about organizational culture management mechanisms. First, you must always analyze her condition in the company. For this, it is necessary to regularly collect the necessary data, qualitative and quantitative characteristics through a survey or questionnaire. Next, you should process this information, making certain conclusions about the work of organizational culture. Equally important is the collection of documents, which will also give the manager or manager of the company a clear understanding of the state of the company. I would like to clarify that it is necessary to control official documents of the company, because thanks to this, a person receives objective information about all the problems of managing organizational culture.

Speaking about the difficulties encountered in managing a company, the following features should be highlighted. Firstly, the efficient work of the company and its employees depends on well-coordinated functioning. If the management of the organizational culture of the enterprise is not established, there will be no formation of a positive socio-psychological climate among employees. Secondly, for effective management it is necessary to create a base and tools for regulating the internal state of the company. This will allow predicting various events associated with work, will reduce the degree of any risks in order to avoid a decline in production or performance in the company.

Business strategy

Speaking about the process of managing organizational culture, it should be noted the role of creating an effective system of employee motivation, which will improve the implementation of the company's strategy. Stimulating employees always leads to increased efficiency in solving various problems and building new goals and ideas for the development of the company. Equally important is the quality selection of personnel that will correspond to the given culture of the organization. The presence of the necessary criteria is necessary to support the socio-psychological climate within the team, only this will ensure quality work in the future. But in order for the business of the enterprise to evolve, it is necessary to constantly train new employees, as well as to train new employees, supplying them with the necessary knowledge regarding the internal work of the organization.

Compliance is the key to success

The organizational culture management system includes one very important rule - "Without preserving the traditions of the past, you cannot build the future." This suggests that you need to respect the values ​​that exist in the organization, the traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. Otherwise, a decline in the working capacity of the team is possible, since the moral state in most cases affects the productivity of production. The procedures established by the company must be followed by all team members.

Organizational activity is the key to success

What's next?

Next, talk about the role of organizational culture management. Imagine that each employee of the company has its own life values ​​and guidelines that do not coincide with the interests of the team. No man finds a common language with another. The company reigns in chaos, performance at zero, there are no common rituals, traditions that would help to unite the team. This reduces performance almost to the limit.

Thus, it is easy to answer the question that organizational culture plays a dominant role in the work of an enterprise, since it is the main component of effective work in a team of people. It is a unifying point among different, but forced to work in one place people. The management of the formation of organizational culture takes place over time, based on the interests, norms and values ​​of the whole team. It is she who binds the workers, gives them satisfaction from their activities, helps to achieve their goals in a more effective way.

So what are the methods of managing organizational culture used by directors and managers to achieve the development of the enterprise? The most important thing is the reaction to events. The faster and more efficient the head of the company will respond to a critical situation, the better subordinates and managers will be able to resolve it in a favorable way for the company. Also an important criterion is the hiring and dismissal of personnel, since it is impossible for a person to work at the enterprise whose working capacity leaves much to be desired. An experienced manager will surely deal with the situation by stimulating the employee or depriving him of his workplace. It all depends on the person’s performance, and sometimes on the difficulties that arose in his life, which also needs to be dealt with by the head of the company.

The next management method is role modeling in the team. This means that each subordinate must perform strictly his work, he must be aware of his authority, duties and unacceptable actions regarding his position. This will support the necessary work plan in order to achieve the ultimate goal, which will bring worthy results. We must not forget that the head of the company is the face of the company, one might say, the standard, role model for employees. With his behavior, he should set an example of a worthy worker. Otherwise, if the director’s image does not correspond to his status, the work of the company may not be of such high quality, but in all cases there are some exceptions.

One of the offices of business centers

A journey that takes time

This is not to say that organizational culture in managing a company is easy. Indeed, as it was said earlier, the climate inside the enterprise is not formed immediately and consists of the views and values ​​of all employees of the company, therefore managers, that is, managers, should strongly support the traditions and laws that have developed over time, but nonetheless the team proceed from the benefits for the company. It is worth considering what is at the heart of organizational culture. The answer is obvious, matching the needs of the individual and the needs of the company. If the requests coincide, then the productivity of labor increases, the personality of the employee is not constrained, as it would be if his values ​​and the values ​​of the company diverged.


For a deeper familiarization with the topic, it is worth thinking about the organizational culture management structure. As already mentioned above, in order to manage a company internally, you need to focus on methods, principles, functions. None of the above points can be ignored, since the coordinated work of the entire “organism” depends on the totality of coordinated actions.

It's time to talk about what kind of functions the management of organizational culture performs. The first thing that should be noted is, of course, the regulatory function. It is thanks to the organizational culture that there is control over the entire work of the team, over the relationships between employees, over the fulfillment of their tasks. Of course, this is a stimulating function. Indeed, it is organizational culture that implies the principles of motivation and stimulation of personnel to increase the efficiency of the company.

The next, but no less important function is the integrating one. Without a union of workers according to their goals and interests, high-quality teamwork is impossible. One person can not do anything without the help of another, well, or his performance will be at a minimum position.

The next function is adaptive. Organizational culture helps the employee to adapt in the team, in the company, which allows a person to fully reveal their potential in work, thereby increasing the productivity of the entire team.

And of course, a communication function. Man is primarily a social being. That is why he needs culture, society, communication, interaction with other people. Throughout his life, a person sets goals for himself and formulates ways to achieve them. This is what distinguishes him from the animal. Organizational culture helps a person to get in touch with other people, come to common goals, set new goals and achieve the highest result together.


Organizational culture plays a large, one might say, dominant role in personnel management. All firms that succeed or lead in their business are well-regulated. It was also the organizational culture that created giant companies from the new firms that conquered the market. The image of the company, its style, rules and norms, traditions and rituals, relationships in the team and much more depend on it. That is why this topic is relevant at all times, and it needs to be studied not only by managers and managers, but also by all employees of companies. Managing the development of organizational culture is an important aspect in this difficult matter.


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