Management Development in Russia

The development of management in Russia is today one of the priority tasks of managers of various types of business. Not all entrepreneurs manage to competently manage material and human resources. Unfortunately, most small businesses do not pay enough attention to the basics of entrepreneurship and the economy.

Today, there are two important management problems in Russia.

Firstly, the real state of the domestic economy is very different from the conditions in which the western principles of management passed their origin, but which the Russian economy is oriented towards. The essence of this problem lies in a selectable tool provided for its solution. In other words, domestic economists do not take into account the fact that when using the experience of Western European countries, a result is obtained that is largely different from what was expected.

Secondly, the development of management in Russia is fraught with such a problem as inconsistency with the proper level of competence of modern enterprise managers. This fact may lead to incorrect management decisions. Until recently, the category of managers was formed from specialists who showed themselves to be professionals in previous positions. And, reaching each new level, they continued to move up the administrative ladder to the highest managerial posts.

The problem of management is that, having taken a managerial position, the manager remains a narrow specialist without elementary skills in managing personnel and the enterprise. That is why, before making certain decisions, the manager needs to get a minimum set of knowledge based on the study of minimum practice with adaptation to the Russian economy.

One of the typical mistakes that managers make is to completely exclude themselves from activities that are aimed at creating a management system. Basically, managers believe that, having hired a manager, the task was fully completed. And therefore, building effective management becomes the concern of only one specialist with complete indifference on the part of all staff. With this approach to the organization of management, achieving certain successes is quite difficult.

To all of the above, we can add that the development of management in Russia is accompanied by such problems as employment management, banking management, crisis management and the use of information technologies in management. The most important thing in achieving the effectiveness of this field of activity is to correctly prioritize the solution of the problems described above.

For a better understanding of the essence of management, it is necessary to consider the stages of development of management in Russia.

This industry has been developing since ancient times. The intensification of managerial views on management dates back to the 16th century, which is characterized by the elimination of federal fragmentation and the unification of all markets into a single whole.

A significant contribution to the history of management was made by Catherine II in the 18th century. To improve the management system, Russia was divided into 50 provinces, headed by governors. In addition, each of the provinces was still divided into several counties (on average 10-15).

The development of management in Russia continued under Alexander I. In the 19th century, the establishment of ministries took place, and then reforms such as peasant, zemstvo and city reforms were carried out.

At the beginning of the 20th century, P. Stolypin proposed reforms in the sphere of zemstvo self-government, which involved the use of various election systems and the liquidation of the class hierarchy in public administration.

It is in this direction that the further development of management in Russia continued, the effectiveness of which to this day depends on public administration.


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