What is violence? Violent violence: definition, causes and factors

In ancient times, violence was considered the most effective method of influence, forcing to accept the superiority of one person over another. What is violence? Why in modern society has this effect not become obsolete? Psychology helps to get detailed answers to questions.

What is violence?

Violence: the meaning and interpretation of the word

The concept itself includes not only a certain physical, but also a psychological, moral impact of a negative nature. Violence is the conscious behavior of the individual, aimed at:

  • gaining power and control over another person;
  • affirmation of one’s own status and position in a society (family, team).

A person can use any form of negative impact to achieve their goals and implement their plans.


The most common forms of violence are:

  1. Physical It manifests itself in the form of injuries and injuries, often causing death. Used by some individuals to uphold their own interests or to coerce themselves into action.
  2. Sexual. It has many varieties. The main focus of sexual violence is coercion.
  3. Mental (moral, emotional). It consists in constant verbal threats, insults, leading the victim into a depressed, anxious state and provoking her to act against her own moral principles and foundations.
  4. Political. Coercion of the people to take power, authoritarianism. The escalation of political violence can turn into genocide.
  5. Homemade. Domestic violence is one of the common forms of negative impact of one individual on another. Most often, women and children, the weaker members of society, become victims .
  6. Violence against children. It can manifest itself in other forms (physical, emotional, sexual).
  7. Information (television). Violent violence broadcast on TV and online communities. This includes films of various subjects, and news programs in which incorrect, false information is presented.
  8. Armed violence. Exposure to the individual through the threat of any kind of weapon.

Brutal violence

Impact on modern society

With the advent of technological progress, the primitive instincts of man have not gone anywhere - the conflict, aggressiveness of some individuals has increased significantly. According to studies, this is due to the influence of information received from the Internet and TV. Violent violence and sex, openly demonstrated in various programs, provoke people to take such behavior for granted, for granted. Killing, beating a woman or a child, forcing a person to perform any action - all this becomes normal and acceptable for members of society.

What is violence? This is a manifestation of disrespect for moral principles, the needs of other people, the formation of one’s own interests above all else. Violence has a negative effect on people of all ages, it impedes the normal development of society, constantly throwing it back.

Violent acts, whether assault or hatred, towards a child contribute to the formation of a weak personality that is not able to defend its interests and protect itself. There is also the possibility that such a child, when he becomes an adult, will take violence for granted and in the future will begin to use the same model of behavior as the aggressor who tortured him in childhood.

Political violence, manifested in the form of an authoritarian regime, tyranny, causes indignation on the part of the people, which can provoke wars and revolutions.

Physical abuse is found in almost all areas of life. Most prone to its manifestation are adolescents with an unstable emotional state, as well as people suffering from mental illness.

Violence meaning and interpretation of the word

Causes and factors contributing to the development of violence

There are no basic prerequisites for violent actions today, however, there are certain psychological and social factors that influence a person and make him a potential aggressor.

These include:

  • Features of education (if the parents were sadists, then the likelihood of aggressive behavior of the child increases at times).
  • Human environment (social circle has a strong influence on personality formation).
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction.
  • Genetic predisposition to mental illness.
  • Inborn desire to occupy leadership positions, incorrect, perverted understanding of leadership.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence psychology

This form of negative impact combines several types of violence: physical, emotional, sexual, and child abuse. This impact is the systematic harm done by one of the partners or relatives to another member of the family. According to statistics, the most vulnerable members of society - children, women and older people - suffer more from domestic violence .

Is it possible to deal with domestic violence

How to prevent domestic violence? Psychology speaks of the cyclical nature of domestic violence. That is, if a negative situation occurred once, then soon it will happen again. Aggressive behavior is preceded by tension in the relationship, then there is an outbreak of anger and assault, and after that - an apology from the perpetrator of the conflict. Then the relationship is restored, there comes a short harmony. After a while, everything repeats.

What is domestic violence?

Psychologists advise women not to prevent domestic violence, but to avoid individuals who are prone to such actions. You can identify a potential aggressor, guided by the following behavioral characteristics:

  • man cruelly treats animals;
  • does not accept any criticism;
  • when meeting a man, he humiliates the women he met earlier;
  • in the early stages of a relationship, he tries to completely limit the woman’s social circle.

The use of violence in the form of assault is punishable by law, and there is no need to seek excuses for the spouse. If the manifestation of aggression is not stopped in time, then in the future, the threat to life for a woman and joint children will increase significantly.

Causes of Domestic Violence

Often the manifestation of the negative impact is associated with the nature of the partners, however, there are other factors that destabilize a harmonious union. What is domestic violence? This is primarily the disrespect of one of the partners in relation to his second half (more often - his wife), manifested in the form of humiliating insults and deeds. The extreme stage of violence is assault.

Factors that provoke the development of domestic violence include:

  • The presence of aggressive behavior of the parents of one of the partners in his childhood. In this situation, he will copy the behavioral model and reproduce it in his family.
  • The use of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs exacerbate a person’s mental state.
  • Low level of culture, lack of concepts about morality.
  • Low self-esteem of one of the partners.

This is just a small list of the causes of aggressive family behavior. In fact, there are a lot of them: watching TV and communicating with people for whom violence is the norm (various sects, communities) can influence people's behavior.

How to Avoid Violence in Parenting

Use of violence

What is child abuse? This is not only a physical effect, but also an emotional one, which makes him feel unnecessary and unloved. How to deal with it? It is necessary to pay more attention to the child, without neglecting the joint pastime. Psychologists do not recommend the use of punishments against children in the form of assault, insults, since all this can result in the future in an unbalanced, closed personality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10091/

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